There he was, *commenting*, being laid back and cool......and eventually asking, "Is it over yet?"
Happy Birthday my Dear!!!! May you have many more; may there be more adventures down the road and remember "Someone could get HURT with that bat!!!!" (wrestling 'in joke'....)
Love to you.....
1957 babies are THE BEST! Happy Bday, big guy!
They totally ROCK! (he doesn't look 54....I on the other hand look and feel twice that old..LOL!)
Happy birthday to your hubby - he sounds a blast - lucky you indeed. Sounds like you have a good time together - most important thing being able to laugh and be silly.
OMG he's younger than my hubs! Heehee! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GARY!!! You're a saint for putting up with the crazy one. Heehee Actually I loved the photos; you look awesome in that skirt and you both look like you've had/have alot of fun. Are those your creations behind you in that gallery shot? Awesomeness.
Happy Birthday ! !
May your both enjoy many, many more together!!
Happy Birthday, Gary!! And may the two of you grow really, really old together!! LOL
Loves ya,
Hey Clare,
He is funny! Since I've had this bronchitis I've told him he's trying to kill me with laughter! LOL!! ;-D
LOL Elena!
He deserves a medal or something for putting up with me..... ;-D
Yeah, those pieces were from a gallery show, oh, I don't know how many years ago. I was thin---nuff said!
Hey Marilyn,
I'm hoping for lots and lots more! :-)
Hey Georgina,
I already feel really really old, so the hubs is going to have to do some catching up!
Happy Happy Birthday, Gary!!!!!!! In spite of their little quirks, what would we do without them? hahahaha
Wishing you both many more years to make wonderful fun memories together!
♥♥ audrey
I love the loving tribute. Happy Birthday Gary oh fan of my heart for Red Green!!! He does look pretty cool in his hat in the last pic. He and my superhero would get along famously with their music connection! xox Corrine
Thanks Audrey!
It's the *quirks* that keep life interesting, right???
Hey Corrine,
You know how it goes "If it's not broke, you're not trying hard enough"! LOL!
Sounds like we have a pair for sure!
Happy Birthday, Gary! I hope you have a wonderful day and get spoiled rotten. I usually try and make my birthday last a week or two, but I'm not sure Anne will go for that. ;) Have fun! Pam
Good work Pam!
Stretch that b-day as long as possible! (I'll let him stretch it through Halloween....sound good?)
happy birthday to your hubby. Please excuse any mistakes as I am typing on the iPad and learning to use. This keyboard is touchy. Again, HB to your hubby and many more. handsome he is.
Hey Gloria,
We have many typos at this end, and I'm using the full blown computer! LOL!
Thanks for the greetings~~sure he'll enjoy!
Happy birthday to Gary.
Nuf' said,......LOL LOL
Hey Jo,
Thanks for the stop by, and yes, we try not to take things too seriously here! ;-)
Happy Birthday to yer man. We share a birthday week so that's gotta be good although I'm a year ahead of him. I'm kind of banana sluggish next to my hubs too. How nice to have a man that's supportive of your artistic spirit.
xoxo Kim
PS~ be sure to stop by for my birthday giveaway this week.
Happy Birthday Gary! Wish Steve and I could come and hang out with you two, not sure who would do the most talking but I'm sure it wouldn't be me! Have a fun day!!
happiest of birthdays Gary!!
You two make a good couple!
I love banana slugs Anne :)
Hey Kim,
I'll be by~~been more than a little behind in my blog visiting....*sigh*
And Happy Birthday to you too!
LOL Jan!
I can't talk....so we might just sit and drink beer! (which would be okay too!)
Wish y'all were closer; it would be fun!
Hey Lolo....
We can have a banana slug race! (I'd lose today!)
Thanks for coming by!
A BIG Happy Birthday from me too... you lucky girl.
Thanks Jo!
I'm sure hubby will have fun reading all the wishes left! :-)
Happy Birthday Gary. So nice of Anne to share some wonderful memories with us. Hope you had a wonderful day.
Happy Birthday, Gary! You two are such a blast. I think you miscounted. Your combined ages must be 54!
Party On Dude...happy birthday!!! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
your music makes my typing more fluent..or easy..what the???
happy birthday gary. wrestling manager and dudette sidekick? definitely transferable skills from that! i have no doubt you two could set a room on fire without matches. you are your own match!
feel better and best anne
Tell Gary Happy Birthday for me!!!!!
Hey All,
Thanks so much for the birthday wishes!
Gary read each one and was so very surprised that there were so many!
You truly made his evening, and mine too!
Have a great day and thanks for sending out the Love!
how wonderful Anne...you love for each other is really grand...Happy birthday to the Husband!!
Thanks Laura.....
I think I'll keep him! ;-)
Sounds like a wonderful guy and it's obvious you adore him. Hope he had a great birthday!!!
We had a great time and Gary really had fun reading the comments!
We decided to celebrate right through Halloween!
Happy October Birthday to your wonderful DH! It's the *best* month for bithdays - should know! A-ha-ha! You make a great couple!!!!
Hugs to both,
♥ Robin ♥
Hey Robin!
October is a good month for birthdays of dear people! ;-)
Happy birthday dear hubby. You two make a great pair. Wish I could know you in the real world. Til then continue to have fun, fun, fun.
Happy Birthday Gary!!!
Sorry I am late;-D
I hope that he had a wonderful birthday! He sure doesn't look it, and I'm not surprised that he can out run the younger ones these days!
Take Care,
Anne Anne Anne. Do you have any idea of how much I love you and how much you mean to me. FC.
♥♥♥ Deb
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I'm waiting, breathless...... ;-D