Monday, October 31, 2011

Ghoulish Greetings........

Something to consider for
Halloween Evening......a little story...

Many years ago, these two silly people decided despite their age,
Halloween was for dressing up and enjoying the evening!

Then later in their lives, they discovered that New Orleans was THE place to be
for Halloween.....stopping by LaFittes Blacksmith Shoppe Tavern......

Or just hanging on the corner of Bourbon Street
until dusk begins to's all good.....
lots of *spirits* in the air there!

You might find a zombie willing to pose before
an evening in the mayhem of the French Quarter's
Streets, rife with costumes, parades and revelry......

.....Or maybe run into this *gentleman* in the courtyard on your way out.......
(it's not Mike Ness, but close!)
Better give him a tip to pass by.......  ;-)

Need a driver to see the sites?
What better than a Devil-Girl in a Flame Mobile????
The cost is minimal.....not money.....something a bit
more personal.....a bit more like, your soul?
Or get ready for a bit of VooDoo with her
doll under the belt, she's ready for business!

The only stop for this macabre taxi is the crypt of Marie LaVeau,
the VooDoo Queen of The Quarter.
Buried in St. Louis #1 Cemetary, go
lay your offering down humbly and mark three X's
made with brick on the tomb;
perhaps your wish will be granted!

And here's a wish from two Fiends.......(oh,what
that couple at the top turned into! what NOLA did to them!).....

...May the Spirits of the Night find you
and keep you company!
Happy Hauntings Kiddies!


Anonymous said... 1

Boooooooooo........Love it!!
Happy Spooky Day To You ! !

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 2

I am so utterly immature....LOL!
We love Halloween!
Have a great one Marilyn!


Janet Ghio said... 3

Love your post!! and great skull stockings!!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 4

I still have those (I think...). They were nice quality tights so I couldn't rip them up easy. LOL!


Karen S said... 5

Happy Halloween to you! stay spooooky...!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 6

Happy Halloween to you to!
And the staying spooky is no's trying to get up and act *normal*.....LOL!!!


Georgina said... 7

You're a hoot, lady!! Love the devil and her taxi...wonderful!! Tonight, we take a drive down the street, across the stateline into NM where we'll have our Zombie meal of beef ribs, Fred Flintstone style, and brisket. It's our once a year ritual since we stopped giving out candy...hardly anymore kids in the 'hood....just us old farts, some older, some, not so!! LOL

It's off to Zumba...ugh! Have a great evening and will be talking soon.

Love ya,

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 8

The Zombie meal sounds pretty good to me! :-)
Yeah, hop in that taxi; it's sure to turn your hair white! hahahaha!
I'm off to a simple relaxing day--horror movies and probably a snooze for good measure.
HAve a great Halloween!


Deborah said... 9

OOOooOOoooOoo! Ain't nuttin' better than a tall, hot blonde!!! Big BIG love to you! **kisskiss** Deb

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 10

Well Deb, I'm thinking a tall, hot Ghoul would be pretty good too! *wink! wink!*
Big big love to you and your sweetie too~~from the Fiends....


Anonymous said... 11

Flame girl, ooh la la. And those skull stockings to die for! Happy Halloween. xox Corrine

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 12

Yep Corrine....just my everyday attire....LOL!!!
Happy Halloween!!!


Robbie said... 13

I just love when you share your 'memory lane' with us!!! Very coolish or is that gohlish??

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 14

Ah, Robbie, good pun!
I would go with the *ghoulish* for this post...ah-hahahaha!!!
Happy Halloween to you and yours!


Quilt Rat said... 15

Too much fun.........Need some of this in my neighbourhood.
LOVE Halloween!!!! Enjoy yourselves.....I KNOW you will!

yoborobo said... 16

You two! hahahaha! Oh my, my. Well, kindred spirits, etc. The wee little men in the white coats cometh, Anne! I will think of you tonight while I watch ZOMBIE movies!! oooooeeeeeaaaaaa! xox

Robin said... 17

Never change! This keeps the two of you young and full of life! Ah, the *Music of the Children of the Night* definitely hear it - me too!!!!! Wonderful photos and text!!!!! Ah-oooooooo.....


Love and Fangs,

♥ Robin-Witch ♥

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 18

Jill, you are a brave soul for sure!
HAve a good one and just drop in here when you need some excitement.... ;-)


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 19

Yeah, Pam.....I'm kinda worried about the guys in the white coats.
I think they are NOT TOO MUCH FUN!!!
HAppy Halloween!!!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 20

Hey Robin,

Mostly I have been subjected to hubby's Halloween Hootenanny; a Rob Zombie mix which is quite fun!
So file your fangs and rat your hair, there's chilling music in the air!


Bella Sinclair said... 21

Hahahaha, you two are TOO MUCH FUN! Happy Halloween! Now go out and make some mischief!

Janine said... 22

Dear Ann,
these dresses are spectacular.
I loove you as a skeletton.
I should try that costume maybe it makes me look slender( hi hi)
Happy Halloween and a gorgeous night to you

Jan said... 23

What a ride those two have been on through the years! Fun times. More to come, what will they morph into next?

Magpie's Mumblings said... 24

Never mind, if the guys in the white coats come, they're only dressed up for Hallowed-ween and not the real thing! At least I hope they're not!

Glenn Stenson said... 25

I'm afraid to knock on those eccentrics' door.

Lori ann said... 26

growing up is so overrated. happy halloween you two. great pics.
:) xox

*Ulrike* said... 27

What a life you must lead! I'll remember to watch my step in New Orleans around you! Hope you are doing well, and now I need to get caught up on a lot of blog reading.
Take Care,

marianne said... 28

happy halloween anne! even if i am a bit late, looks like you, like me, enjoy the holiday enough to be OK with it extending a bit! love all of the costumes!

audrey said... 29

Hi Anne.
What a fun walk through Halloweens past! You look like you enjoyed every minute. It is a fun time of the year. Great photos to remember those fun times.
I have been concentrating on the Day of the Dead this year ~ digesting more information about it and participating in Dia de Bloglandia.
Also, had to get a new computer ~ Windows 7 very different from my Vista. Learning.....
Enjoyed this post a lot!
xxoo audrey

Marie S said... 30

Have a great weekend Anne!!!

Deborah said... 31

We're sorry, Anne is ill and not able to say Poop Deck, so please feel free to leave all the spam fry and hot links you like.

Anne, please get better sooooooooon. **worries**
Deb ♥♥♥

Deborah said... 32

Love love love. Sending you Big Love.
And prayers. ♥♥♥ Deb

audrey said... 33

Praying. ♥ Sending big hugs and good thoughts. ♥ Having daily talks with the Main Man up above. ♥ Being strong for you and with you. ♥ Praying some more. ♥ Lighting candles for you. ♥ Be well. ♥

Caio Fern said... 34

you are always the coolest girl.

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