Friday, October 2, 2009

A Retrospective Of A Portion Of This Years Art

I have to do this sometimes. I get busy and forget what I have done during the year. Naturally, I assume it was *nothing*........then I start looking through images of items I have completed and posted at different times on the blog, and wonder why I can't remember past whatever the current project is in front of me. Maybe that's how it is supposed to keep me pushing forward.
But I'm also posting this so later on in the year, when I can't get to the wet studio, I can reminisce about the lovely box canvas pieces that I made.
Follow along and just enjoy the images! No text about them......just some nice eye candy!


(all photos copryright Anne M. Huskey-Lockard 2009)


audrey said... 1

WOW! Every single piece is stunning, Anne.

Anonymous said... 2

Your pieces are beautiful!!
See... You were busy & productive!!
Have a Great Day!!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 3

Thanks Audrey!
I was kind of surprised when I got it all posted together---some are gone now and it's nice to view it as a group! I never get to see all my *stuff* in one lump....just bits and pieces I have left.


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 4

Hi Marilyn!

I'm always busy...just usually on thing I don't really WANT to do....LOL!!!!
This was just a fun post for me. Kinda selfish, but I had a good time putting the images up!
Have a good one, there with Fall color and not rain and lightening.....ick.


Linda and Michelle said... 5

Eye candy - yum!!These are all gorgeous, and now that I have been following your process, I can really see past the initial view to the depth and texture. Bravo!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 6

Thanks Linda---that's always what I'm looking for; that second *layer* where the eye wanders and looks deeper. that's what I love the most about putting them together......


Jan said... 7

These are all fantastic, I can look and look and look and always see something new. This isn't all that you have done. You didn't include Mr. Mel piece and I'm sure there are others. Mr. Mel doesn't quite fit into this retrospective, that is probably why you didn't include him. He ended up on the shelf right above my computer where I can see him all the time.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 8

You're right, there were several that I did not include because I didn't want the page to take forever to load.
I guess I wanted to see this group all together---considering it a body of work. I don't look at my work that way and it is a good exercise to do.
I'm glad Mr. Mel the Magnificent is right where you can see and enjoy him every day!!! :)


Anonymous said... 9

Oh, my, Anne!...what a beautiful retrospective! Many of these were created before i came along...I am just loving how you utilize both the front and backs of your canvas..letting the bars be like little shelves to place things...What a delight to look long to discover just what is in there!..I love them all, but the last one really draws me in....almost a tropical feel..and such yummy colors!..i am assuming this was a small canvas? This is mind boggling for one who has mostly painted large 36" x36 " or larger...I will be spending more time looking today!
thank you for is nice to see you work before you like this! xoxo, gypsy

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 10

Yes, you're right---they are all small canvasses. I'm thinking the largest was 8"x8" (or maybe it was 10, but I think it was 8) and the last individual shot is a 4"x6".
They, for the most part are inspried by New Orleans, thus the tropical feel. I would like to do a few more to have but seems of late I have no energy to get things done.
You should really try a small canvas or two, especially the deep ones because there is so much that can be put in a tiny space.
Today with the pearls and beads was a hoot; finally quit because I could not see nor feel the needle and beads! HA! That's when you know you're in trouble!
back at it after a cooking break. Soup for dinner and maybe cornbread....or muffins. Not sure!


yoborobo said... 11

Oh, Anne, these are so gorgeous!!! I hope to have internet (PLEASE) so I can come back and really look at all these pieces. I'm just jumping on here for a minute to say hi, and now the 'guys' are going to try and fix thing. Heaven help us! LOL!!!! Have a great weekend! xox

Leslie said... 12

Amazing collection and I am a grateful owner of one of the pieces. Thanks doesn't begin to express for your talent and generousity.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 13


You have my sympathy with the internet issues....ay yi yi....been there, done that! But thanks for stopping here while you were "on"!!!
It will all be here; just hit the blog logo and you'll find the backposts.


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 14

Hey Leslie,

It couldn't have a better home!
I've often wondered if I could do one of the pieces larger, where it wuld be of a size for a church.
Maybe someday I'll get brave.... ;)
But not tomorrow! LOL!!!


marianne said... 15

these are all great! it's so fun to see everything together-

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 16

Thanks Marianne!



yoborobo said... 17

Anne- I'm on for a minute and came back to look again. Your use of color is just amazing. And there is so much richness and depth to your work. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! xox

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 18

Pam, I wish we were closer! Eventhough we do totally different work, I think we could have fun bouncing ideas....I see the same color palette in your work.....


Georgina said... 19

Damn, still can't get over how awesome your work is. Gave you an award at my blog and it's fragile..get it, remember "A Christmas Story??" Anyway, lady, go forth and claim it.


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 20

OH!!! OH-OH-OH!!!!! You mean "Frah-gee-lee"!!!
I don't need to go buy *glue* do I??? wink!wink!
I shall promptly head to your blog, yes ma'am....!!!!


tallboy said... 21

They are all super--but one has a special place in my heart! It is always a joy to visit your blog. Blessings.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 22

Hmmmmm...wonder which one??? You almost didn't get that; I have to admit that I wnated to keep it when it was done but I can always do another if/when I have time, and I know it is where it is supposed to be!
Thanks for the words on the blog---always nice to hear!



Deborah said... 23

Holy Moly, Anne! Can you say GIFTED!?!?! Love love love the religious pieces. THAT is my image of Christ. SOOOOooooooo happy that I met you through my beloved Ces.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 24

Thanks Deborah! Same here--Ces connects the most interesting people....I wonder if she knows that?
That was a gift for my minister when he was moved to another church; there is a blog post about it, hmmmmmmm, Thursday, May 21.

Sad and fun evening.....Anyway, it sits on his desk at his new church. Yes I had to go check!!!LOL!!!


Crowing Moon said... 25

WOW Every piece is GORGEOUS. I love the butterfly at the top the very best. You are truely talented :)

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 26

Thanks so much....the top two pieces were blog prizes. I can't believe I spent that much time making them.....but the new owners were VERY HAPPY, and that's what counts!
It's all part of a series based on visits to New Orleans....colors, textures, etc.


Carol said... 27

These are stunning Anne, making me feel inspired to get into the studio, except that it's in delicate book making mode at the moment so I'll have to wait. I'll just keep coming back t look to remind myself how gorgeous they are.

Rebeca Trevino said... 28

i enjoyed looking through your work. you have some great pieces here. would love to know their titles and maybe some thoughts on your process, your inspiration, etc.
thanks for posting them, really nice work.

Theresa Plas said... 29

Beautiful Art! Really in love with your palette...

MrCachet said... 30

I'm here via Seth - and I'm amazed! Your icons are wonderful, and most of the rest have an icon feel to them. EYE CANDY INDEED!

Debrina said... 31

I'm also here, like Dave, via Seth. How amazingly talented o=you are and how blissful are your pieces. I love the shrine effect and the iconography that you imbue. Marvellous stuff. Great colours, too!!!

TJ said... 32

Hi Anne, I'm here from Seth's site... Congrats on your submission to the Style File!
I am fascinated...
What a beautiful body of work! Best wishes from germany, tj

Laura said... 33

had a moment to take a peek around and you've got some really strong work as of great theme running through them...wonderful color so rich they look really tasty to the visual palette..

Wyn Vogel said... 34

Wow!! Love this work and to think it is all smaller pieces - i came to you via Jo Murray's Blog and her miniature work - so I say the same to you - fantastic imagery!!

Jo Murray said... 35

Complex, textured, and totally satisfying imagery Anne. Congratulations on beeing featured on Seth Apter's latest 'Still Life' page.

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