Saturday, October 3, 2009

Opening My Studio For A Virtual Tour--Come On In!!!


Art is my life. It has seen me through very difficult times; through illness, sadness, disappointment and loss. It is what makes me, ME. It brings me peace and joy. I have always been an artist and have never thought of myself as anything else. I love sharing my knowledge and seeing others light up when they see what they are capable of!
I believe in an artist having a functional area that does not require excessive expense, thus, the remodel of a single room into my little piece of heaven. It is never night nor day; it is always *art-time*. It has offered solace through surgery recovery and will again. It is an escape from the outside world and I open it to friends who need the same.

Come take a look through a small and very affordable studio, made from a single room basement. Most of my items are repurposed, saving money for supplies and other art essentials!

This is the main work area, with a piece in process. Yes, it used to be a sewing table, and the brush holder to the left was a flower pot.....I did splurge for an *on sale* shelf to hold my finished box canvas mixed media pieces. I could live with that! A piece of foam insulation is covered with white wrapping paper--tidbits from friends pinned in, notes, reminders, ideas, rulers, etc.

Old candle glasses and an antique celery goblet serve other purposes. I always cover with plastic....I like to sling paint and medium aggressively! I also like supplies very handy......

Storage is close at hand---I don't want to waste time looking for items. Light is essential also, hence a few lamps I found in other household to the wet studio, never to return!

To my immediate right is more storage; this was a do it yourself shoe holder, which holds all my mediums. A drawing board atop antique quilt frames makes a great table and old salvaged microwave plates are excellent glass palettes! Easily cleaned!
Paints are sorted by type and color, in chromatic order. Another bin of drawers with more supplies, but less often used. Plastic pencil boxes serve to hold odd, loose or fragile items and all are labeled with contents.

My great grandmothers dining table, painted and stamped, with odd chairs; for company or lunch or classes that usually turn into laugh-fests!

Storage close ups---I use washable rags over paper towels most of the time. It helps keep costs down. The high tech cardboard box for fluid acrylics....the old measuring pitcher for texture brushes.... ;-)

A cardboard grocery display is great for sorting and storing small items and extras of paints. The cost? Nothing. Plastic tubs from dollar stores, recycled fruit jars and coffee containers.

An extra seat and my *splurge* sets of drawers, anticipating growth of supplies! Purchased at half price, I couldn't lose. (I also could not say NO...)

Directly behind where I sit, on the opposite wall, metal shelving, probably the largest purchase, covered with inexpensive curtains. Everything is sorted and in reasonable order on the shelves. These are finished items or things not used often but labeled and put in canned good flats from the grocery.

And finally, overflow storage behind the very small bathroom. Neat, in view, easy to access.

Thanks for taking the tour! Don't be afraid to try redoing a small space for your art; your time and talent are well worth it! It does not require a grand studio for you to make art that is grand.
I bid you,



Quilt Rat said... 1

LOVE IT! some of those photos could have been taken in my containers,jelly jars, I hate to get rid of anything that is still useful. I too, have a curtained nook that contains lots of things stored out of sight. Using microwave plates is a great tip....and ya I tend to get a little messy with paints and inks. Do you use your clean up rags in your art when they have become interestingly filled with paints?
Thanks for inviting us into your wonderful studio.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 2

Don't you love reusing things? it's just like this little present to yourself!
I use the rags for both wiping out brushes during the ainting process, wiping the palettes of small paint messes and also scrubbing in colors or cleaning them off the canvas pieces, so they do become quite filled and vibrant. The toweling is usually used for BIG MESSES which happen..... :)
Sometimes the color left in the rags is as interesting as the combos on the paintings! I keep looking at them thinking they have another purpose and future in fiber art when I can bear to part with them.......


yoborobo said... 3

Hi Anne! My internet is working for a minute! YAY! (Honestly, I can feel my eye twitching from all these techie problems!). I LOVE your studio. It is far tidier and more organized than mine. I use all sorts of recycled things as well. I have lots of tins full of buttons, sequins, beads, tiny flowers, you name it. I used soup cans to hold my brushes and pencils. :)

We artists love to recycle, don't we? You artwork is just stunning, and you look lovely in your pic!
Happy weekend - xox Pam

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 4

Hey Pam,

Okay, I give, I cleaned the *piles* out of the way for the photos, then they returned! LOL!
I love recycling things for the studio. I have tons of little stuff too, and some of it is stored in the sewing studio, well, okay---A LOT of the things that lean more toward sewing are upstairs!
Hope you get your ISP problems fixed---what a headache!
Thanks for popping by!


audrey said... 5

Thanks for the tour, Anne. Your studio looks cozy and comfortable. Now we can picture you in your studio making beautiful art. I think it is great that so many people are repurposing things, using them for storage, art, etc. these days. It not only saves us money, but we are not putting all that stuff in our landfills. You are not only talented in the creative world but in the thrifty world, as well. Good for you!!
Have a great Saturday, Anne!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 6

Hi Audrey,

Hey, when I grew up you made do. You didn't go buy all new and throw everything away. I still do buy things occasionally (like the drawers and shelves) but for everything else, I root about until I find something that works. I feel very satisfied when I have reused something! Just look at what is in my art....
Glad you came by today! And yes, usually it's a lot messier.... :)


Ces Adorio said... 7

I AM JELLY-ASS. I do not have any place to call my own - nada - zilch therefore I am all over the place. Right now I confiscated the dining table. I am drawing microbes for Illustration Friday's theme - germs.


Good morning good looking! Have a wonderful weekend!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 8

Hey Ces!

I (being the person I am) am dying to see the microbes!!!
I spent most of my life working on the kitchen or dining room table and have yarn and books all over the family room, papers saved in the kitchen......
It doesn't matter if you have a space---you'll fill any other bare spot available!
And that pic was one of my better's a lot of work to look, well, GOOD. LOL!!!
Have fun with the microbes!!!!


icingmoon said... 9

Good morning Anne, your pics look great. You have a quaint little area that truly reflects your personality. Isn't it amazing how colorful the supplies and acessories make the room when your walls are neutral? I have my thread spools all up on racks and I always have people comment on how colorful my room is, of course turquoise walls help too!! Was wondering where you do your sewing?
Have a great art-day. Kathy L.

PS-what an honor to see Dee & Kay keeping an eye on you.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 10


Glad you stopped by and saw that Dee and Kay supervise me most of the time! ;)
I am happy with the space; it's perfect. I like the way it *works*.
The sewing is all upstairs--above the wet studio--and it is a MESS with the church banners in full swing. I don't think I could get anywhere in here short of on a ladder to take a pic of this WIP!!!


the glitzy gypsy said... 11

Hi Anne-

Can we please learn more about the apron that you have on in your studio picture?? It is awesome!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 12

Hi Brenda--
I don't have an apron in the photos, so maybe it's the jeans I have on or the handbags hanging? If you can tell me which pic I'd be happy to answer!


Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva said... 13

i so loved the tour of your creative space...please come see mine when you have a chance...i am having a seeing you at work...hugs, rebecca

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 14

Hi Rebecca,

Will stop by--am doing replies in between stduio work! LOL! Well, not a lot of work is getting done... :)
thanks for coming by!


Judi B said... 15

Truly lovely and functional as well! Thank you for taking the time to share both your space and yourself. I am truly enjoying the Open Studio Tour. Come visit me and we'll have a virtual cup of tea!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 16

Judi---I'm all for the tea! On my way over...thanks for stopping by!


Rafael's Mum said... 17

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love the way your are so organised and have everything in baskets and boxes! It looks like a very workable and fun space to be!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 18

It's a fun space but trust does NOT stay organzied when I am having to work on half a dozen things at once, or have *lost* something. (that happens frequently!)
thanks for coming by!


virtuallori said... 19

Your space has such wonderful character, and really reflects the art you make. And I, too, "splurged" on those drawers at half price, still thinking it was too much to spend for plastic. :-) Thanks for sharing.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 20

Yes, I had moments on the *this much for plastic???* but they are so darned USEFULL! (and will soon BE full!)
Thanks for coming by!!!


Bunny said... 21

Thanks for the tour of your workshop it is wonderful, best of all it is where you create the wonderful things you create. Have a great day.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 22

Hi Bunny,

Thanks for stopping by my little rabbit hole! I love being down there, but have been stuck up in the sewing studio all day with handwork....pooey!


di from di-did-it said... 23

What a wonderful day to have come across your blog on the open studios tour. I like how you've set up your studio on a budget, repurposing items, using rags instead of paper towels, etc. I also like your artwork. I'll be back to visit again and again. Thanks for sharing your space with us!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 24

Thanks Di, glad you popped by! I really like having what I consider as *green* a studio as possible. I see splurges in it, but some order is necessary. I make a game out of seeing things like those little plastic coffee cream containers and thinking...beads...glitter holder...paint cup.....
So much we can use for free!
Come back again!


Kim D. said... 25

Very nice creative space, thanks for sharing it with us..

Ces Adorio said... 26

It's worth the effort. You are so attractive. I LOVE your pants! As for medical illustrations, Hahaha! me too Anne. remember Frank Netter, M.D.? I wanted to be the female Frank Netter. My notebooks were full of anatomical illustrations. I wonder what happened to them. Probably feed to the termites. Haha!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 27

Hi Kim,

Thanks for stopping by!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 28

Ces---I thought I was the only one who knew who Frank Netter was!!! I have purchased old medical dictionaries with his illustrations in them; last ones I bought off Alibris. OMG....what ART. Not like the new dictionaries (yes, I know a photo is BETTER), the old ones had a feel for the *art* of medicine!
As to the pants---I had been on antidepressants for, oh I don't know how long after my parents died and I out grew ALL my clothes. So I cut a couple of pairs of jeans apart and embroidered and quilted and then put the pieces back together. I need to post them on here some time....
They are my FAT pants...what I wear when I want to go out to eat and EAT. LOL! I used to make them for people. Expensive, but they were always well received.

The Netter Wanna-Bes!!!

Magpie's Mumblings said... 29

Your studio is fantastic! I can see so many creative uses for otherwise throw-away things. I especially love your idea of using the foam insulation covered with paper as a bulletin board. I hope you won't mind if I adopt that idea! Thanks so much for the fun tour.
Mary Anne

Robinsunne said... 30

Hi Anne, I LOVE your g-gm's table. What a great place to gather. Did you want a doorprise from my studio? Send me your address.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 31

Hi Mary Anne,

I was hoping some folks would find affordable ideas to adapt! that's why I'm so blunt about being, well, frugal, or just plain CHEAP!
I have a cork bulletin board. It has fallen off the wall a couple of times and is hard to pin into. The foam insulation is so much better. You could use fabric too; I just happened to have that sheet of paper handy..... ;)
thanks for coming by!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 32

Hi Robinsunne!!
Would LOVE a doorprize from your studio!
Not sure what Great Grandmother would think of the table painted, but it had had a hard life, and this renewed it to have another.
Cozy and fun!
I will e-mail you my addy!


Wendy said... 33

Oh, that looks like a nice place to work! I love to reuse things, too... jars, mugs, tins, vases... they look so nice on the shelf :)

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 34

Hey Wendy,

Me too! That's how I grew up and the best part of rooting through my parents basement was all the little *saved* things that worked for other thing.
I never had kids, but I've always wanted a shelf with babyfood jars, for little stuff...and have them mounted beneath the shelf.
thanks for coming by!


Anonymous said... 35

OMG, Anne...Here i am..I did not get to make my rounds this morning!..what a fabulous treat you have given us well as yesterday too! I am impressed!.
Its so nice to see you "in your element"...and looking so fine too...Oooo la' la'..!
I think i am envious of your new drawer cabinets on casters!...what fun!
I had never thought of using the old microwave plates for painting...i'll keep an eye out in my goodwill for one ..or two!
A great post today..thanks so much for letting us visit!
xoxo, gypsy

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 36

Thanks Girl!
I got that one plate for a dollar at Goodwill, and it was a big square one. The other I have I saved from a microwave that went to microwave heaven, after a big stinking poof of smoke!
It was a FUN day! And I'm tired, so going to go finish watching the Toronto Maple Leafs get beaten by Wasthington Caps.....booooooooo.....
And I'll knit. The socks are coming along nicely! Love that bracelet and bag!

thanks again!


beadbabe49 said... 37

Another great studio...too many to visit in one day but I had to see yours today. Wonderful recycling stories and your boxes are beautiful!

Vanessa Brantley Newton said... 38

Hello Anne, thank you so very much for the birthday wish! I really appreciate you taking time to leave to message for me. Thanks so much. Your blog is an artist dream!!!! I just love all those delicious pictures of your studio and you at work! Something so special, warm and intimate about it. YOU are such a talented lady! Awesome!!!

Arija said... 39

Thanks for the tour Anne. It looks like, after 26 years of no personal space, I too will soon have 'a room of one's own'. Its been a long barren season but never too late to start again.
Things don't have to be fancy to be useful. Paint and canvass are the money gobblers.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 40

Hi Beadbabe!

I had to give up on the list last evening---I had looked and looked and ws trying to work too! It's so much fun!
Thanks for the comment on the canvas box pieces; I do enjoy working on those a lot!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 41

Hey Vanessa---hope you has a great big happy day! Love your illustrations; classic---from *my* era!
I always hope people like the blog; it is definitely ME and I've worked hard to make it a little different than that average blog template....and I have to have jazz on weakness!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 42

Hi Arija,

No, it is never too late. I had put away all my art for quite a while due to some life changes and thought I could live without it.
WRONG!!! You'll be right back in the swing of closeout store for good buys on name brand canvas. I picked up four lately for $5 ea. that wold have cost $15-$20 through a regular store. Start scoping out alternative shopping places!
And when you get that room, have fun!!!


Ces Adorio said... 43

I just read your blog header description - you are a riot!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 44

Ces......I'm just Honest!!! It is a MIRACLE anymore (especially with the hip surgery and MORE hip surgery) to get any art on here, and I see your blog and that confirms that what I wrote is true!!!
My mission...make people laugh, and once in a while throw in some art for thought! LOL!!

Anne the Squirrel........

Julie Zaccone Stiller said... 45

Such a great tour Anne, thanks for showing off your inspiring studio. All that re-purposing and re-using is giving me great ideas.

teri said... 46

Wow - your studio is wonderful - thank you for sharing.... and I LOVE all the Oct 2 post of the retrospective... what a great collections.
Tom's play is successfully over and we are both looking forward to getting back to "normal".

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said... 47

I am now 47 to give you a comment so where do I even start...this is great and oh so inviting. I have been buying engraved glass from goodwill for 59 cents to hold my plethora of beautiful beads and buttons. I do have a closet downstairs that I have monopolized for my wet stuff and painting supplies...this is close to the garage where I do my wet activities. You are an inspiration dear friend and when I get closer to some sort of imagined organization I will try to put up some photos. I think I won the messiest studio in my hometown art group. Pray for me...I do not want to end of a hoarder like on A and e TV. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 48

Hi Julie!

Great! That was what I was hoping might pick up for people----there is some of the furniture you need to buy depending on what you DO, but there is a lot of items that are right around that are free or inexpensive, and the studio can still look nice!
Loved the paint on your one wall--all bright and cheery!!! (I have to work with soft colors in the studio---the house, well, that's different!)


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 49

Hi Teri,

Glad things are as back-to-normal as any artists life gets! I am sure Tom was WONDERFUL as felix; after all, I have one of his frames--it's perfect, that says it all!
It really was interesting from a body of work aspect to do the Oct 2 posting. I never think I've accomplished anything. I think I go from one thing to the next too gets to be a blur. But I thought it was a good intro to the studio too.
See ya, well, when I see ya!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 50

Hi Mary Helen--
I'm laughing about the haven't seen the sewing studio, and for good reason!!! <:) So if you end up there, I'll be right behind you! (though I have done a couple of hard purges, and you still cannot tell I got rid of just can WALK easier.....oy) remember the quote that messy desks/workplaces are the sign of a creative mind.....and we are creative!!!
Now off to work on banners and also some sketches for a commission I will be starting next year, after the surgery and after I can WALK again. I hate downtime....


Anke Martin said... 51

Hi Anne! So true what you said on the end of your post......thanks for sharing your cozy creative place! Smiles, Anke ;)

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 52

Hi Anke,

Thanks for stopping by! Art can be made anywhere there is the will and desire to do it! I hope people are encouraged to try the *small spaces*...


Thistle Cove Farm said... 53

It's been great visiting your studio but just as wonderful visiting your blog. I'm in agreement about having space of your own to be creative or, simply, to just be.
It's just as much about the being as it is about the least for me.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 54

Glad you could stop by!!!
Yes, sometimes I just hole up in the wet studio because I'm away from everything; the problems I have worried about go away or resolve themselves, I feel renewed artistically, everything sets itself back into order. Did that this morning finishing one piece and figured out the mental blocks on a commission sketch. Funny how this works!
You are always welcome at El Milagro!


HeartSong Studio said... 55

Sorry for being so late, but I'm on LTD and simply could not visit everyone in one weekend.

What a WONDERFUL space you have! So warm and comfortable. And what a beautiful way to share your great grandmother's dining table!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 56

I still have the list of studios so I can go back for some I am sure I missed; just been a crazy week! Too many and wanting to see all!
Glad others thought Ggrandmas table is in good use; a second life! :)


Seth said... 57

What a great and inspiring space Anne. I can imagine sitting their and feeling instantly creative. Thanks for the tour.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 58

Thanks Seth....I do so love it and will be glad to be back down there full time!!!


Cat Stegall said... 59

Love what you have to say about art and healing!I am a portrait artist turned mixed media..all because of a horrible time of clinical depression and finding a new path ( right in to a little stamp store..15 years ago!) My space is a spare bedroom and it is my sanctuary..I can feel my spirit revive when I walk through its doors!

Anonymous said... 60

I enjoyed the tour of your studio. Great blog!

sandy said... 61

ahh great studio, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the photos. You seem like quite a character to hang with, bet you are a lot of fun...

illustration poetry said... 62

im glad to meet you (via Grandewitch), you are very very nice to me.
Thank you for sharing this, i enjoyed the tour!

wishing you a nice day!!!!

~mita :))

DoodleDesign said... 63

Hello Anne!
What a colorful person you are! I love this tour of your sanctuary.. it's so inspiring!
Btw, I love your pants too :D.

Luthien Thye said... 64

WOW Anne :) thank you for the tour! that is one wonderful studio you have ... no frills, just all thrills! everything is at hand, well organized and an absolutely cozy space filled with things you love :) i wish i HAD the space for a studio. for now mine is just a 2 feet something by 2 feet something workspace overflowing with "things" ... i am green with envy at your space ... sigh ... you need a verdigris human being in your next project?

Mellie said... 65

Hi Anne,

I'm a friend of Luthien(Altered Alchemy). I'd must say that I truly enjoyed the tour of your art studio. Really LOVE those drawers and all the little things that you keep your tools in. My crafting table is a side LACK table that i got from IKEA and i stash my beading supplies under it and behind me. Not much space to maneuver around either. Looking forward to view more pics of your lovely art.

Hugs and regards,

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