Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Long Road Home.......

After a lot of correspondence, many levels of frustration and waiting, waiting, waiting, my art is HOME.

(yes, those are Mardi Gras beads on the door's always Mardi Gras here!)
It had been so long since I had seen the work, it was much like being reacquainted with old friends as I unwrapped the pieces.

These are some of my favorites, due to the intricacy of the work and mixed media. I know I had posted them on blog before, but I backed them with a deep canvas and it really popped the pieces to a new level of dimension.
Generally, if you look for the deep canvas on sale, or by the box, you can get good buys and really make things pop, though this photo does not show it.

Does my heart sing???


So now art will be going up in the house, bringing color and light at a time when I can certainly use it most.
I am on the mend, though this has been much slower than I expected, plus I am having to behave which is always an unwelcome chore. Oh for a few days of good mischief.....
Soon enough. ;-)
Thanks for celebrating with me, and my heART thanks you too!



Jan said... 1

I'm so relieved for you that your art is finally home. I wish it had all sold instead but having it in your hands is good too. Why don't you put some prices below the photos in case any of us want to buy them? I know, you don't want this blog to be a sale place. But you might think about setting up another page of your blog for sale items. someday. Anyway, glad to see a post from you, keep down until you are fully well again. You must be well by Halloween so you can be making mischief then!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 2

Hey Jan!

I feel like a 500 lb weight is off me....
I may set up a separate page a bit later with art for sale. I've been considering it for a while, but needed *stock*....LOL!
I think I'll hang it as soon as I am up on both feet, moving good. Already know where one piece is going.
And yes, I *HAVE* to be well by Halloween or I'll be mistaken for a decrepit old fart! ah-hahahaha!!!


yoborobo said... 3

Ooooh, such lovelies! If I were you I would keep them ALL! It's nice to see your work after it's been away for a little while, isn't it? I feel that way when I 'rediscover' something I made and had forgotten about - lol! Ah, zee little cobwebs in my mind, they are forming!!! good to see you - take care! xo Pam

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 4

Hey Pam,

I have those cobwebs too...thought they were peculiar to *me*...LOL!!!
Yup, like a treasure trove.
Happy happy!
Hope to be back full tilt in a week, but I said that before too...pffft!


Janet Ghio said... 5

I'm so glad you got all your art back! Sorry it took such a long time to get it returned!!

audrey said... 6

YAY! The ART made it back home!!! I'm so glad for you as I know it was upsetting you. It sure took a long time, but it's back now for you to enjoy!!
I agree with Jan. It would be wondeful for us if you were to have an area on your blog where we could purchase some of the lovely things you make. I will continue to hope that you do that someday.
Take care and don't rush things, Anne. We all want you well and happy.
xxoo audrey

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 7

Well Janet, it certainly was an interesting trip!
But then that's an artist's life it not? ;-)


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 8

Hey Audrey,

Much like a happy family reunion!
I will give some thought (seriously, and no doubt I'll need reminding...) to a Page I can list art on, or some widget.
Think a page would be easier though.....
And yes, I'm taking my time resting to get back to full speed!


Debra She Who Seeks said... 9

Oh, how tiresome to have to behave! My sympathies.

Magpie's Mumblings said... 10

Oh hooray! I know you have to be SO relieved to have them back home safely. For now put them in a place where you can easily see them from your couch and let their brightness lead you towards wellness.

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said... 11

When my works return home after a traveling is much like a child has returned home and you just enjoy hugging it..."Did i do that?" How does it looks to what works I have been working on today? It is a real passion renewal when the babies come home! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

Elena said... 12

As happy as I am that you FINALLY got your art back, I'm bummed that I couldn't go 'rescue' it. I was already putting on 'mean biker face'. Bwah-ha-ha! Well you already know you have a group of us on the ready when you need 'help'. teehee I'm all for the sale page by the way.

Glenn Stenson said... 13

It's obvious why the shopkeeper wanted to keep them. Big love to you, Anne.

kj said... 14

girl! these paintings have me dancing in the aisles! they are so VIBRANT anne!!! i know they are a true reflection of the inside you and i hope this lingering drag of an illness heads out so you can sing again at the top of your lungs.

i love this part of you, anne. it makes me sing too. you belong in new orleans. this art says so.

love to you

Clare said... 15

Hearting you art - bright vibrant colours that jump out and give the viewer a big hug!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 16

Thanks All!
In between the hacking and wheezing, there are big smiles here and yes, that looking at the work, I did THAT???
Art is such a funny thing; when you've done a grouping, packed it off, not seen it--only remember it in the mind's eye.
Then it's home and it's like you're reacquainting yourself with that inner artist that created it, however long ago it was.
Can't describe it, but yes, if you've had the traveling work thingie, you know what I mean!
And today?


My Grama's Soul said... 17

Hi Anne.....Your art is amazing......and glad it is back home. Nasty colds are such a bother......feel better soon.



Anonymous said... 18

Glad your art is home, time for a sale page on the blog. You behave, moving mountains would be easier, but glsd you are trying. xox Corrine

Jo Murray said... 19

How can these gorgeous pieces not lift you up...they are so bright and happy.

Bella Sinclair said... 20

Oh hooray! All that bright, beautiful color is home again! This should get you back on your feet in a jiffy. Unwrapping all those pieces must have been like receiving a wondrous gift!

Oh, Anne, I did not know you were ill. I'm relieved to hear that you're on the upswing, though. Take it easy!

Robbie said... 21

Glad you are 'back at it'!!! Do take care, Anne!!! i'm way behind in blog reading due to puppy, cold and sick hubby....

Lori ann said... 22

it must feel like christmas there, all these beautiful pieces joining you again. enjoy their gifts and feel better soon.

Vanessa Brantley Newton said... 23

Hey Girly!! these are FABULOUS!!! Oh my goodness look at all this delicious color and the beads! I just adore it all. So festive and has soul too. Great job Anne. Hope that you are feeling better love. I hate it when you are not feeling good. I am under the weather too right now. I am resting though and you should be too. Please take good care of yourself cause I know you don't want to behave, but you must! Love you so much girly!!

Carol said... 24

Just love your homed pieces, so colourful and happy-making. Gorgeous. Take care now, don't overdo it, and it's great to hear you sounding so happy. xxoo

studio lolo said... 25

What a long wait that was! Sorry it didn't work out as it should have. We all know WHY, the stinkers.
They look beautiful all together! I think brightening your home is a great idea.

Keep mending yourself, my friend.


Kristin Wilkinson said... 26

Absolutely wonderful!!!! Eye Candy for sure. Glad Seth's blog had your link or I never would of gotten to feast my eyes.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 27

Hey glad you found me!
I'll be coming by your blog, if not this evening, tomorrow!
Make yourself at home....I've been a bit of a slug lately but hope to be getting my artist shoes back on soon!


Unknown said... 28

Hooray, Anne is up and at em again. Great stuff. I always love to find new links. Keep on trucking gal.

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