Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Little Inspiration Give Away.......

Well, I can't actually GIVE that to you, but I can give away two books that might be of help!

And WHY, you might ask, are *we* doing this?
Well, I wanted to do a give away at 700 posts and it slipped right by me. Poof. Gone. Into the ether.
Also, anyone who has stuck around while I have been extremely absent from the blog deserves a little perk....and these are little! LOL!

Both books are nearly new---as in, "Anne read them once and that was it"~~I am having to thin down stuff. Covers and spines are in excellent condition, no marks (that I recall....and if you find any money in them, please send it back) or junky sticky stuff. 
That I'm aware of. *wink*
Probably better than some of the stock on book store shelves.

Just leave a comment; I'll keep track of them really good, I promise.
One caveat~~I will ship to the U.S. or Canada. The last time I tried to send a package overseas from our local P.O. it was THREE TRIPS IN and no one knowing how to process joke. I was close to a nuclear meltdown on that one. I guess I live too far in the boondocks for International Mail.....

Both books to the winner; I will choose from the comments left up thru Oct. 3rd and announce on Oct. 4th.
Now get busy and leave me some words, people!


My Grama's Soul said... 1

Glad you are must be feeling a little better. Please throw my hat in the ring for these lovely books.....I could use all the help I can get as far as my art goes....I seem to be in a little bit of a slump. birthday is the 3rd of October....what a fab B day present if I win.



studio lolo said... 2

Robin is here and I was just saying how I miss your posts! Voila!!
I need to have a giveaway too. I must have a look around this mess and see what I can let go of...probably half of it!

I hope you're feeling better my dear!
(Lots of exclamation marks!)

Robin says hello to her dear FBBFF :)


yoborobo said... 3

Hey Anne! Good to see you! I have been busy having lots of fun (not). ;) Paleeeez put my name in the biker helmet. Inspiration is always greatly appreciated here. I hope you're feeling better, my dear! xoxo Pam

Kristin Dudish said... 4

Congratulations on 700 (plus!) posts - what a wonderful accomplishment!

This is such a great (and generous) way to celebrate! I have been meaning to get "Art at the Speed of Life" - it looks like an amazing book! I hadn't heard of "Creative Time and Space" (but it sure looks like an interesting book).

I'm sorry you've been sick - I'm glad you rested and took time to recover... I hope you're feeling much, much better!


kj said... 5

Hello and yes, please count me in.

So glad to hear from you Anne xoxo

Karen S said... 6

Congrats on all the posts -- I've been missing you -- even though I haven's spent much time on my computer -- maybe that's why I miss you...

Well, I'd love the books, but I'm a winner anyway (if I say it, it will be true)! So you can just wrap them up... :D

Anonymous said... 7

Wow, aren't you sweet. We follow your blog cause we love ya baby! I think your po story is too funny. Must live way out back, eh! xox Corrine

elle said... 8

And I've been waiting breathlessly to hear how you are doing! I'm glad you are back up on the stool. I've been thinning my stuff as well but I see I can squeeze two more books on the shelf since some of the less than necessary ones like cook books didn't survive the thinning process. LOL

Emma said... 9

Oh, man & I'd have loved a peek in those books, too! Whoever wins will just have to read them to me. Or, how about you do a project from one of them & talk us thru it! Yeah ;)700, wow!

Jo Murray said... 10

Sounds like you are on a roll again. Love the new music. I'm sad that I don't qualify for the giveaway being in sunny Australia, but good luck to all.

Deborah said... 11

Isn't it just like me to show back up on the day you have a give-away!!! I LOVE books. I love books so much that I have a little book situation. Who to choose to move with me? **head spins and pops off** So happy to see you well enough to be back on the blog. Thank you for your visits and prayers. My friend carries me. **kisskiss** Deb

Robbie said... 12

Honestly, we probably all just need to 'trade' with you books!! We could just keep that up for at least a year or two! Hope you ARE feeling better!!!!

Silke Powers said... 13

What a lovely way to come out of hiding! Yes, please count me in - of course!! :) Love, Silke

Linda and Michelle said... 14

Oh man....first, glad to see you back, and I owe you a very long note to catch up! Art at the Speed of Life - that's exactly where I am now.....and zooming still. Miss you, glad to see you're back posting - I've been sending lots of white light your way to help you through the migraines. Expect a note soon!!!

kj said... 15

hello anne, it's friday night and i'm cooking for company along with doing nothing and liking that. emily says to tell you she is thinking of you giving you 15% because you came up with the green part but time will tell.

kisskiss this weekend. take care


Vanessa Brantley Newton said... 16

Glad to have you back talented mama!! How are you? Hope that you are doing well. I am under a pile of work and working my way through it all. I miss you and miss coming to visit but I will be back to blogging soon. Love you and miss you so much!

Magpie's Mumblings said... 17

I just scared the daylights out of myself - I normally don't have my speakers on and I had forgotten all about your music. Needless to say the sound was turned up to full blast and I darned near went through the ceiling (to say nothing of the cat!!). Neighbours too, most likely. Now that I've recovered somewhat, I have to throw my name in the hat!

Elena said... 18

So now that the week of reading deprivation is over I mosey on by and look what I find! Gifties! So do these books come equipped with that punching glove that socks ya if you don't create? You know like when the cartoons open a book and the glove socks em. That would be good.

Cameron said... 19

You are a generous soul....even though you live in the land that International shipping forgot :D

I love to visit....even when you don't have giveaways....but, since I'm here...please count me in!

Marie S said... 20

I need some inspiration. I get that from you but will settle for these books ;-D
Hope you are felling much better.
Miss you.
Love and hug hugs.
Fall is finally here in so cal.

Jan said... 21

Wow, I can't believe I almost missed out on this give away! Goes to show that I haven't been spending as much time on the internet as I used to. Please put my name in the hat, I'd love to win these books.

Beth said... 22

I like that book Art at the Speed of Life -- I've taken it out of the library more than once. Both books would come in handy here -- they'd help keep me inspired during the long, cold Maine winter. ☺

Unknown said... 23

Hi sista. Here's my words. I'll take me some books. Guess we will all eventually get going again. Things are looking up again.

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said... 24

I have and love both of these books! I am praying you are now on the mend!!! Love and HUGS to you! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

Carol said... 25

Hello Anne, good to hear you're feeling better. I've been ill too and away from the computer so I didn't know you weren't well. Don't do too much, just take it slowly. And somehow you'll have to ignore my comment number 23 - I'm geographically impossible!

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Talk to me Dahling!
I'm waiting, breathless...... ;-D