Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

(copyright Charlene Crowder, 2010, all rights reserved)

Blessings for the day
to everyone who mothers
and cares
for family, for friends,
for creatures and
for the earth.

The exquisite photo is one from my talented cousin.
Make your day even more special by visiting her website;
just click here!



Anonymous said... 1

I truly think we "Mother" the world!!
Happy Mother's Day!!

yoborobo said... 2

Thank you, Anne! Love this picture. I am putting my feet up and letting the minions do the work this weekend. ;) xoxo! Pam

Georgina said... 3

Thanks the pic!! Hopefully it will be a quiet one. Years ago my family would make a huge deal out of it, church, lunch at the country club...blah, blah, blah. But now that I'm at "that age" I take that "less is more" attitude.

Have a quiet one too. HOpe the weather will improve for y'all. It's going to howl here for the next week. Don't mind the howling, it's the exchange of real estate I hate!!

Love ya lots,

Bunny said... 4

Anne what wonderful photography she does amazing work. Hope your day will be fantastic. Hugs Bunny

Silke Powers said... 5

Oh, so perfectly said! Here's to the mother in all of us... Much love, Silke

Leslie said... 6

Thanks, Miz Anne. Lovely.

yoborobo said... 7

Anne - go visit Marie's post from today. :) xox

kj said... 8

How apt that you included everyone who mothers and nutures. I have clients who cannot honor their mothers because of difficult childhoods etc and they lovingly learn to mother themselves.

Happy day Anne. Tsup and mwah!

Unknown said... 9

Beautiful and thank you. I'm off to check out her site,

Vicki~TheMiddleSister said... 10

Beautiful! I'm enjoying a weekend myself! Happy Mother's Day to you all.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 11

Happy Mothers Day all!!!

I am taking a break here due to joint issues.....I am hoping to be back on here tomorrow with art, but it might be Tuesday. Have had the feet up most of the weekend and it seems like that might be the case again today.
Knitting in hand, hot tea, quiet.....ah yes, that IS happy!!!
Much love to all!!!


marianne said... 12

looks like a sally holmes- i have a climber that i just love! nice photo & happy m- day!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 13

My cousin takes the most beautiful photos; she does the art show circuit in Virginia area during the summer months with her prints. She does really gorgeous work!
Wish I had soil for roses.....


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