Friday, May 7, 2010

Off for.......

.....the rest of the day, possibly part of the weekend. We're under the gun for weather again and I thought I would just post a tranquil sunset that appeared and disappeared with amazing speed the other evening. I ran barefoot in nightclothes to capture just a bit of it......the glow that was present all around was wonderful, but unable to be retained in the photograph. One of *those* moments....then gone.  ;-)
Hope everyone has a good weekend, Happy Mother's Day to all that applies to and I'll be back Monday for sure...hopefully with some new steps in a project I am working through.
Now off to check the Weather Radar and see if I need to duct tape myself to something solid....
And I was the one whining about wanting Spring! LOL!!!



marianne said... 1

beautiful sunset! thanks for sharing. have a great weekend, and i hope the storms are enough to be fun ( i do love some thunder & lightening) but not so much as to be threatening-

yoborobo said... 2

Pretty sunset, Anne! I adore those pink ones. :) Come enter my giveaway before you close shop! Have a good one, my friend! xox Pam

Tristan Robin said... 3

stay safe, friend.

and batten down the hatches!

audrey said... 4

Beautiful shot, Anne. Sometimes that beauty is only there for a few moments and we are fortunate to capture it.
Have a good weekend. I hope the weather is not too bad.
♥ audrey

Unknown said... 5

Yipee... it is here now and headed your way. Just what our garden and lawn needs. Great weekend for crafting away inside.

Lemonade on the deck, grab a glass and come visit me in the garden,

Kate - The Garden Bell

Anonymous said... 6

Stay Safe my Friend....
I am about to launch another trip to the treatment center. I am really getting tired & can't wait until the weekend!!
Love you to pieces!!

Unknown said... 7

Have a great weekend Anne, I hope the weather is the glad to be indoors creating with a glass of wine type and not the hide in your basement in fear type.

Marie S said... 8

Have a great weekend stay dry and keep your ass down!
Love and hugs dear one.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 9

Hey all,

Thanks for the kind words--popping in for a sec.
Marie, I promise I will keep the *Bionic Lightening Rod" beneath ground......LOL!!!
Now back to reading the weather jargon out of Norman OK. to see if I have enough knowledge to figure where the worst threat is going to be. (why can't it just RAIN....)
I just hope DH makes it home safe from Indy!♥♥♥


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 10


If there is anything interesting skyward, I'll be out there taking pics!!!
I need my broom handy for quick take-offs.....LOL!!!

Your Crazy Blog-Mistress

Georgina said... 11

Have a good one, my friend. Mother's Day...for me it's "Mautha's Day!!" LOL

Love ya,

Deborah said... 12

Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeutiful! Great shot, Anne. Your weather is making ME nervous, out here in the desert, drying up. Your De-Lovely letter arrived yesterday and it was simply swoonalicious. I greatly enjoyed it. In fact, I am enjoying it again right now! Be safe!! **kisskiss** Deb

Jan said... 13

Very lovely. With all the trees around here I rarely get to see a sunset unless I walk out to the field. If it is particularly colorful and up into the sky high I will hopefully notice it. Thanks for sharing some of your beauty with us.

*Ulrike* said... 14

What we won't do for a picture!! Hope that the weather won't be too rough in your area. It seems like up north there have been quite a few storms. Here we are suppose to hit 90! So much for spring!!
Stay safe!

kj said... 15

HAHAHA! i KNEW you would pop by for a final look, anne.

before i came here i'm thinking, where is anne?! i must be getting accustomed to your always fab visits and rhyming dancing ways.

have fun, anne!

GlorV1 said... 16

Beautiful sunset. Stay safe and if it applies, Happy Mother's Day. Take care and enjoy your weekend.

Silke Powers said... 17

Stay safe, sweets!! That photo is gorgeous!!! Can't wait for you to come back on Monday... Much love, Silke

Elena said... 18

As rare and beautiful as some ole soul in IN. Hugs dearest Anne.

di from di-did-it said... 19

stunning photo

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