Monday, May 10, 2010

Welcomes, An "I WON!" Moment, and a Belated Mothers Day Story

(...or, Anne rambles all over the place on this blog post.......LOL!!! that's a better title!)
I had all the best intentions this past weekend of getting a lot of art done and doing an art post this morning (or late last evening.....for posting this morning). You know that line about "The best laid plans of mice and men...."??? Yep. That was the weekend.
First off, big warm WELCOMES!!! to new followers! I am six away from 100 and I suppose I will have to think up a give-away at that point. I'm also getting closer and closer to a 500th post, which I think HAS to be a give-away mark, so maybe the two will coincide and I can get my brain in gear on what would be a good prize, yes?
Speaking of prizes, I managed to win a good one over at Tristan's blog by captioning the picture below with:

"The Schlitz family realized early in life the bonding potential of daily 'Evening Family Beer Time'. It also helped to distract them from Father, who had most untoward desires and fantasies about the family pet parrot, Caligula.
"Father frequently tried to get Caligula drunk and coax him away from his perch, but thankfully, the parrot was the smart one of the bunch."

All I can say kiddies is THAT ONE was right up my alley!!! Especially the parrot.......  ;-)

And now for the reverant, kind, humane part of today's rambling blogpost.
Yesterday DH decided to wash my car for me, which was very nice but it was cold out and I was not of much help. I was standing around being useless when I noticed a robin with a mouth full of food flying about in the magnolia by the drive. I knew there wasn't a nest there, so I watched and watched until it finally felt safe enough to head to the nest.
Take a gander below.......

This is on the second floor of our house, above the family room (which is over the garage). That robin has sat there through wind strong enough to take the power down, rain so bad it made everything white and hail. There are at least two babies, as I could see their thin little beaks backlighted by the sinking sun, but by the time I got the camera, Mama Robin was having no part in showing off her brood. She hunkered down and was keeping them warm and safe from the unseasonably cold breezes we had yesterday.
If that isn't the one who should have received a Mother's Day bouquet (or worms) then I don't know who is!
Here's to a good week, everyone, and hopefully I will get a chance to check back in on the robin family, with camera!



lyptis said... 1

Aw, thats so cute!

Very lovely of ur hubby to wash ur car.
And Congrats on winning the giveaway too, did u get all the twilight books?

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 2

Leave it to me to forget to post what I won;
Yes, I won the Twilight series books! (old age and allergies are getting the better of me.....LOL!!!)
Thanks for reminding me Lyptis!


Vicki~TheMiddleSister said... 3

That wasn't a caption...that was a novel! Love it.

All the critters had a rough weekend keeping the young 'uns warm. ~8-)

Marie S said... 4

LOL!! "I love your quote", said spewing tea again!
I knew you would come up with something good! LOL!
What a great guy your Dh is.
What a sweet sweet robin mom!
Happy Mother's Day to you dear one.
The Bird boys calming down yet?

Anonymous said... 5

Oh Boy!! I already read on Tristan's blog that you won!! WOO HOO!! My DD read these books & loved them.......Love the caption...sort of bizzar cartoon!!
Mama Robin sure looks determined!!

kj said... 6

yes, anne, we both looked up this weekend. sweet.

your caption is hilarious! you are a funny girl, anne! i so enjoy people with deep colors and stories, and i am sure that is you. so nice to know you!

hahaha. please be on the lookout for ways to get in trouble together. i especially want to include pam, ms innocence to the unsuspected.

love, anne

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 7

Hey Vicki,

You know how I love to blabber!!! LOL!!!
I had the firnace on here ALL WEEKEND.....geez!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 8

Hey Marie,

*Da Boyz* were most unhappy when the power went out AGAIN on Friday evening, even my BIG Boy was unhappy with that. They were forced to listen to country music as I finally found the battery operated radio set to the one station that provides good weather coverage. (we are not country music fans...but the birds seemed *okay* with it....)
Ah, you've spewed tea!
The week starts GOOD!!!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 9

Hey MArilyn,

I am amazed that robin has been able to stay on the nest---with the winds we had.....
Going to try and go out sometime today and see if I can get more shots.


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 10

Hey KJ,

Moi??? Trouble???
Oh yes, that's my middle name. Yes, we do need more mischief. Ask Emily what she suggests.....
I am DEEPLY COLORFUL! (usually at the wrong times.....)
Here's to mischief in general! :D


Silke Powers said... 11

Oh, I love that robin story! We put out a big plate of worms for our wren family yesterday - those bird parents work so hard... Love the giveaway win and your caption - priceless!! Have a great Monday. I'm so behind on everything this morning... Love, Silke

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 12

I am so behind Silke, all I see is my rear end when I look down.....
Off to get *naturally blonde* again!


Georgina said... 13

At first I looked at the picture without too much interest....something out of the early 50's. But then after reading your title, I decided to look closer so I enlarged the pic and couldn't stop laughing...even the fish are enjoying their evening beer!!! Looks like dad has had one too many!!!

Sounds like you had a melo-yellow kind of weekend...not a darn thing wrong with that. As for the birdie, don't get too close. The mocking birds out here are vicious when anyone or anything get's too close to their nests...they dive bomb on the unknowing victims!! Well, you know my history with birds!! LOL

Have a productive day and take care.


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 14

Hey Georgina,

It's that hilarious????
And you know what? I think the birds are just AFTER YOU!!!! ;D
Seriously, the robins here have become more aggressive the past few years---it's an odd behavioural change, and I can't see what accounts for it.
Have a good one!


Deborah said... 15

YIPPEE!!!! I am so glad you won. That was The Best Story ever! What the heck is with that picture though? Even the dog is drinking beer! Love the shot of the robin. I've been meaning to ask, what type of birds are De Boyz? **blows kisses and balmy weather your way** Deb

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 16

*Da Boyz*....Deb, are two spoiled beyond words parakeets. One lime green with a bright yellow head, the other bright turquoise with a soft yellow head.
Two different personalities completely. Joey--the green one, is sweet as can be and good. Johnny--the blue one, is a little wildman-stinker. Always into something or bellowing as loud as he can (and that is LOUD....).
I frequently retreat to the studio when they both get going, or I'd be like one of those people in the picture, drinking excessively!!! LOL!!!
You'll have to ask Tristan about the pic---I am clueless but it was a hoot!

Anne....*naturally* blonde again!

Jan said... 17

Congratulations on your win although I really wanted to win that one. Yours was definitely the best so I can't gripe too much. Your mama robin is very determined, isn't she.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 18

I really liked yours JAn, being the fan of the Twilight Zone that I that show! And the pic definitely is another universe I could see Rod Serling walk into!
I guess I will be doing the *bird watch* for a couple of days/weeks till the babies are out and on their own.....I don't think i can get up there to fashion a little wind baffle or anything else.....too high.


Marie S said... 19

Country Western is not my favorite either, but way better that screeching birds and kids.
What crackle finish do you use?

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 20

Hey Marie,

What I am using *now*, as I think I have tried all on the market around here, is DecoArt's "One Step Crackle". I am assuming it would work on your finished clay pieces. It can be antiqued. I don't know if this is what Pam used on her recent pieces...they were very, very nicely detailed.


Vicki~TheMiddleSister said... 21

It was 85 when I left home, for Ohio, on Friday. Left without a jacket! (Always have a jacket in the vehicle, or should I say I had a jacket in the vehicle, until my DH straightened it out for me.)

Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a jacket, at Wal-Mart, this time of year???? Opted for a long sleeve, denim shirt from the men's dept!

We have several bird's nest around the house, I hope they survive.

teri said... 22

You are a winner .... we all know that!!! Congrats!!!!

Diane Mars said... 23

Hope you had a Wonderful Mothers Day! Stop On Over I'm having a Virtual Baby Shower for my daughter Breezy, games and prizes, would love to see you there! Let's Get This Party Started!! Hugs, Diane

marianne said... 24

yes my sick & twisted friend, i can count on you to make me smile! look forward to the robin baby photos. we have house wrens who brave the outdoor cat & 2 big dogs and nest over the porch light every year. one year i let the dogs out before i realized that it was the day to learn to fly. got dogs back in before serious damage was done.....

Vanessa Brantley Newton said... 25

Hope that you had a wonderful Mother's day! I'm still laughing over here!
Love you Girl

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 26

Hey Vicki,

After the rain that came in last night, I am not sure about the robins. It was coming from the EAst and the garage floor even has water where it blew through the doors.......


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 27

Hey Teri....

I'll wear one of my great big ribbons from some quilt show around my neck today! HA! That will be charming! ;D


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 28

Hi Diane,

Good M-Day, and will try and hop over for a minute today---I have a garage floor cover with water that needs attention first! Good old Indiana weather!!!
Thanks for popping in!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 29

Geez Marianne, I hope I still have babies up thee. The skies opened last night; rained and stormed unbelievably, and coming in from the east, which is unusual. If the sun comes out at any point I'll have to get the camera and see what is up there.....


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 30

Hey Vanessa,

I think I was cut out to write some sickko kids book....really for the parents to read and *get it* and probably warp their little minds in the process!
The words just came waaaaay too easy, ya know???? <:D


Leslie said... 31

Wonderful post today, thanks for sharing your red-breasted visitor with us.

Timaree said... 32

What a great story. The doves settled into our tree and built a see-through nest this year. I hope it will hold the young when they hatch. Last year's nest was much sturdier. Another pair of birds of kind unknown built a nest up under our eave where two parts of roof come together. I thought that was a great place until I saw it flying by on a super wind gust. Poor birds. Maybe the nest would work better if they wouldn't use the polyester stuffing they steal out of our lawn chairs.

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I'm waiting, breathless...... ;-D