Saturday, May 1, 2010

ATC Day (which stands for a number of things....)

***First, before I forget, new WELCOMES aboard this crazy blog!'s fun here!!!***

I would love to say yesterday was a day of many accomplishments and LOTS of ATCs. Somewhere half way through the day, I began thinking about the initials of artist trading cards and decided maybe in my case, it stands for other things......
Wait.....I'm getting ahead of myself.

I have occasionally had people ask how I get inspired to do a piece, simple or complex, of art. Generally they are treated to the *deer-in-the-headlights* stare, followed by the dropped jaw and stammering. Sometimes drooling accompanies the afore mentioned. Not always.
This gives a good idea how my mind works....or doesn't as you may decide.
I had wanted to start searching my piles for images for the two other medical related pieces that will go on the square canvas that have the texture. While I was looking for the box with that ephemera, I noticed I had not answered a letter, so I sat and made stationery for that. (the letter turned into about a three hour project)
I walked it to the mail box and, as we were having extremely strong winds, I noticed a perfectly formed red Japanese Maple leaf on the ground, which I-- of course-- had to pick up. It was supple and fresh, but I wanted to use it NOW.  (you're right; this has nothing to do with the two medical pieces...)
Continuing.......I slapped it between a folded sheet of waxed paper, and covered that with paper toweling and ironed until it was dry, flat and very delicate. Most of the color is retained doing this. Well, then I looked at the size and I thought....hmmmmm....ATC size.
So off to the computer to print some backgrounds from my file of Oriental freebies I have saved FOR EVER. I printed a page out, sprayed both sides of the paper well with workable fixative then set to adhering one piece to a precut ATC card.

I decided that having the leaf hanging over the edge would look better and gently broke off the excess pieces. I also had covered the background print with a glitter paint, which barely shows in the photo. It needed oomph. Then I decided I wanted the Geisha cut out around the print, and I would make a seperate back for the card. (I're supposed to sign them's ME and I want that back covered! And I want it firm so it won't bend easily.)
So there I am, with half the card and cutting the Geisha and the camera decides it has ingested all of it's battery.
I had this idea of a detailed photo post, but you get two and we were doing good with that.
Now back to the ATC abbreviation. (notice how I never got back to those medical scraps to sort???) I kept thinking the way I work is much like Billy from the Family Circus (for those of us OLD and DECREPIT ENOUGH to remember that delightful cartoon) when his mother would say "Billy, go straight to the store...." and he wandered everywhere humanly possible.
My *ATC* stands for:

Artist: Totally Clueless

When I get batteries, the finished card will be posted, unless I find something else to wander off to do. And that is a good possibility. Or I may forget to buy them when I am in town, and come home with chocolate instead.
But all in all, yesterday was a relaxing sort of day and fun, and I got to stay in the studio so maybe I wasn't supposed to find those medical scraps after all. I mean, I would have had to really concentrate.....and lately, my brain keeps saying it wants a break!
I think I'll just take a short walk with Billy......and be straight back!  LOL!!!



Anonymous said... 1

Hi Ya'.....Am making a quick resurfacing as we are about to scoot out the door to do some damage to cash & credit cards!! LOL!! I will take pics if I remember...... DD says she is going to "treat" me to something for Mother's Day!! Hummmm.....Maybe some "stuff" at B&N.
Went to radiation place yesterday. All ready to start Monday for the 16 treatments. Will keep you posted!!
Have a great day & keep your head down....I see the weather isn't too great there while we will be in the 80's!! Woo Hoo!!

Ces Adorio said... 2

Good morning Anne. How are you? I just wanted to say hello. Now what are you doing? Hmn. You are like the hyper child always on to something!

Ces Adorio said... 3

Oh I forgot

Here's a kiss.


Ack! Comment moderation. What has gotten into you?

Robbie said... 4

Love the 'Artist Totally Clueless'! That made my day! But it doesn't fit you! Hope you get those batteries or better yet, just get the chocolate! We'd all understand!

Jan said... 5

Why are there no comments yet? I always love seeing your artistic process. No matter how rambling. Rambling is good, I may not be a good artist but surely I am a good rambler.

Georgina said... 6

It's called A.D.D.!! hahahahaha!!! I think many of us suffer from it and have just learned how to cope. Let's face it, when we are in our studio, we are constantly distracted by all those little muses hanging on the walls, draped on the sewing machine, watching you on your old desk or in many of my cases, 2 Chihuahua's who want their mommy's attention...those little eyes just burn right through me.

Yes, I love little Billy and we still get the Family Circle in our newspaper as we do Peanuts & Blondie!! Somethings just don't go out of style.

Have a great one.

Love ya mucho,

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 7

Hey Marilyn,

No, it rocked and rolled last night at around 3:00 a.m. I was up unplugging everything and it is dark out there now.
Trying to hop in here and get a few comments tended to...
Have a fun, safe day!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 8

Hey Ces!

I put the moderation up because I was consistently getting hit with spam from China, hotlinks to--well--unsavory items and got fed up with it.
I'm leaving it this way for a while, and I do apologize but enough was enough.
Thank you for remember a kiss for the *Hyper-Kid*!!! (yes, I am hyper today.....)
Take care....♥♥♥


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 9

Hey Robbie,

I think I am going for the chocolate first.....if I am not mistaken, DH scrounged the last batteries for a remote control upstairs.....hmmmmmmm..... >:D
I might borrow them! Ya think?


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 10

Hey Jan,

We had no internet this morning; it got up just long enough ago for me to get these comments approved and up. Hell-bending electrical storm last night---more predicted for today, so if things get quiet here, it Mother Nature throwing a fit. (not me!)
I'm not sure what I do could officially be called a *process*....Piddling is a lot closer.


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 11

Hey Georgina,

I have often wondered if I have a slight case of A.D.D. And I am not joking on that. I remember always having to have my brain going full bore or off we went to another project. In parochial school, it was not an issue because it was small classes and I got straight A's. Then in public school....good lord....I couldn't focus on anything.
So I would guess there are a few grey cells not functioning properly.
Or maybe it is because I am in between big projects....


Magpie's Mumblings said... 12

Oh Anne, you made me laugh. First over the 'Billy' reference (my absolute favourite comic btw) and then the new meaning for ATC was what really did me in. I can SO identify with the Billy complex because I suffer from it to. Several years ago there was a joke going around about a woman who started out to do one thing and kept seeing something else that needed to be done and ended up doing everything *but* what she set out to do. That's me - every day!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 13

Me too MA, me too!!!
Some days, I seem to have complete focus (today is not one...too distracted with weather, intermittent internet, trying to decide if I should do a grocery run before the weather...)
and then there are the *Billy* days, like today!!!
I'll get the rest of the ATC posted probably tomorrow night when I know the weather will hold up long enough for all the pics, etc.
I don't want to be halfway in post and lose power or get struck by lightening!!! :D


Anna Rosa Designs said... 14

Hi Anne,
Ah, don't beat yourself up, lol
I'm sure most artist work this way-you must go with the creative flow and juices while they're running hot.
Looking forward to seeing your completed ATC

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 15

Hi Anna,

I guess it is sort of frightening when I actually write what I do instead of getting done what I should do! LOL!!!
yep, I think most of us have these days.....frequently!


Silke Powers said... 16

Hey, Anne! I LOVE how your mind works - I think it's much like mine. You know, that mind that likes to flit! Here's to flitting and creating!! Love, Silke

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said... 17

I love that you got to play with these beautiful atc's...they are wonderful. Did you see the Derby???? What a race! Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 18

Hey Silke!

Yes, I told you I can't focus long....sometimes I wonder how I do pieces like the skeletal one, though I have to admit that today, while finishing the ATC (almost) I was thinking of the two side pieces for the skeleton and also another New Orleans piece, but I have to prep the canvas for that.
I'd better write it DOWN!!! :D


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 19

Hey Mary Helen!

I just enjoyed the studio time.
I used to watch races until once when a jockey was thrown from the details here!....I've never been able to watch them again.
A GOOD horse race is a thing of amazing beauty though!
Glad you enjoyed it!!! :)


Deborah said... 20

Anne, I have personal experience with this problem...ADHDXYZ. No cure. Just go with it! It keeps life new and exciting. OOoooooo was it MY letter??? Oh no, that's right, I got the funeral home guy's paper...teehee. I am finished pouting and have acquired a nice stock of leggins. Starting a new fad of armins, just below the elbows. I am stylin! **kisskiss** Deb

Unknown said... 21

wow Anne!! these are fantastic!!! so much fun to just enjoy some studio time!!! wonderful!!!

Timaree said... 22

I am glad to hear there are many of us who can't keep straight just what it was we were doing or planned to do. I remember those cartoons. Thanks for an enjoyable post.

marianne said... 23

hey, you know- those meanders are good for the brain. really. i'd LOVE t have a relaxing sort of day that was play and not gotta finish something... thanks for reminding me what it's like :)

kj said... 24

anne actually artist, why do you think something is wrong with the way your mind works?

it works just like mine!

i followed you every step and it all made perfect sense to me... :)

p.s. i did my first collage ever today. it was wicked fun.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 25

Hey Deb---YES--it was YOUR letter! You didn't get the *undertaker pages*......HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Seriously, I am so thankful that you heard the word benign; and now you have an excuse to SHOP!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 26

Hi Diana,

I still think ATCs were meant to be a faster product than what I do.....I am sure it does not stand for AnalArtist Trading Cards....
but it does look GOOD. :)


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 27

Hi Freebird!

Oh lord yes....sometimes my poor DH just looks at me when I was supposed to have DONE SOMETHING and of course forgot and have no clue what he's talking about!!!
But I would not trade art for thanks.
Been loving your fake journal pages!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 28

Hey Marianne,

Sometimes I feel like a slug for taking days like that; but I think right now, I need them to refill the creative well from so much down time. I have to let *myself* feel okay about it.
That's the tough one!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 29

Well KJ, you and I are in the same boat, and it's either sailing great or sinking fast! HAHAHA!!!
Glad you gave the collage a try and found it enjoyable. There are so many varied ways to do collage---something for everyone at any skill level.
I think that is what makes it fun!
Keep going!


Vicki~TheMiddleSister said... 30

I only have two words to say: rechargable batteries...two sets.

Oops that was 4. I want to see the finished project!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 31

Hey Vicki!

The Fuji does not recommend the rechargable batteries (much to the chagrin of my wallet!). I could use them, but it sort of nullifies any claims on camera repairs. They were sort of *vague* about that part! LOL!
I'll have them up tomorrow---it turned out really neat! :)


P.S. If you're in a big rush---I'm home and DH is working.... :D

Ces Adorio said... 32

Good morning Anne: I am the bearer of not-so-good-news. I posted about our beloved sisterfriend Arija today, she is in the hospital and needs our prayers.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 33

Oh dear Ces....Will put her on my prayer list.
It seems to grow daily, and sometimes I think perhaps that is one of the small missions in my life.
Thank you for letting me know....♥♥♥


Ces Adorio said... 34

You know, you are one cool sisterfriend!!!

Get that server to serve you, baby!

Your music background is perfect for lovemaking. Okay. I'll think of trees...

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 35

Ces, *IF ONLY*!!!
I will not discuss the server due to foul words on a Sunday.....
You're not thinking of're thinking of WOOD!!!! >:)


Vanessa Brantley Newton said... 36

Hey Wild Woman, It was so good to hear from you. I am loving these beautiful cards. love the leaf hanging off the edge just a little. These are wonderful. How was your walk?? Hope you had a wonderful one. I send you hugs,

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 37

Hey Vanessa,

Tomorrow I will have the whole card post up---it turned out great.
For a woman who goes along picking up garbage and stuff on walks....LOL!!!
The crazy lady at the end of the road! :D


Leslie said... 38

OMG, I can SO relate... Go directly to the store, hahaha...

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 39

Leslie, the older I get, the more I feel like Billy evey day, running in circles, and occasionally getting something done.
Occasionally!!! LOL!!


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I'm waiting, breathless...... ;-D