Monday, May 3, 2010

Oriental ATC.....Steps, Decisions, and Batteries!

I believe I left everyone stranded part way in the process of making my double sided ATC with a less than cooperative camera......
We all learned to get along!  >:-)
Above are the elements I was working with for the back of the card, the Geisha carefully cut out and seeing how she fit on the card blank.

At this point, I slipped some old Japanese print paper over the card back, layed on a piece leftover from a previous collage to bring up the red in the print and sized up visually where I wanted the Geisha, or if it all works. I was liking what I was seeing, so proceeded.

One thing I felt would help to seperate the Geisha from the background was to flip the paper over and add some colored pencil. This is a good way to change the tone of a print without really doing a lot to it that would change the look and flavor. I just worked with some warmer color pencils, then as shown below, I coated the back with Titan Buff, to seperate it a bit more from the text on the page. This is a neutral barrier---you can do it with white or black, or whatever works with the color of the print you are using. (yes, it is fly by the seat of your pants the first few times.......but pretty quickly you learn!)

At this point, I am still fond the text on the background but feel it is too bland colorwise. The aging of the paper is not enough, so I go in with the fluids and a stamp......

.....And I like this much better. More visual interest, more contrast, and I also brought up just a bit of color on the front of the Geisha with the colored pencils. Can't really see it? Good. That's how it should be. I want it to look like it was the original and not my hand.

These are part of the items used; a very small section of the large stamp was inked with the Distress Ink and applied. The Staz-On was used with two of the tiny stamps for the leaf side. Tacky Glue is my fix-all for putting two pieces of paper together.....and of course, letting them dry under several heavy books, to make sure they are flat.

I was still not happy with the seperation between the Geisha's face and the background, so with a very fine brush, I outlined her figure and that seemed to do the trick. A subtle little thing, but really bringing her forward more. I also used a finely sharpened colored pencil to retrace some of the fine lines in the drawing....again, not obvious. It just makes things *look better*.

And here we have the two pieces side by side. One note; the leaf had pulled away from the backing a bit, so I used the knife to lift an edge and put more heavy gel under, smoothing it with my finger. When that was dry, I coated it with a combination of acrylic glazing fluid and acrylic paint, to restoe the burgundy that had lessened some after all the manipulation and ironing.
And below, the final front image.......

And back, after being glued together. One thing I added as an after thought to the back was the small die cut maple leaves.

I felt it tied the two sides together better with that extra black. Then I edged the piece with a colored Sharpie marker and varnished both sides. The leaf side is gloss, so it appears the leaf is floating on water, and the Geisha side is satin, to give a gentle depth to the aged print.
And that's pretty much it for this piece! I still feel like I am forgetting something here....and I probably am, but it is gone for the moment.
I just cannot do things simply........pffft!
Sometimes I wish I could....but......I really do LIKE this!  :-)
Now go get creative! Happy Monday!



Anonymous said... 1

Oh Anne....It is beautiful! I really like how the geisha pops. The thin outline put the final touch on it! The leaf on the other side is perfect!
Beautiful Job!!
Happy Monday!!

Silke Powers said... 2

Oh, oh, oh, I LOVE it!! And thank you for the step-by-step. That is so helpful to me, especially with collage where sometimes I know it isn't quite right, but don't know how to "fix" it. I like your ideas with the pencil on the back of the one piece and the outlining. Where do you get all your supplies? I love those stamps you have... Have a great Monday!! Love, Silke

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 3

Hi Marilyn,

Thanks---I was stuck when I got the Geisha on; I let it sit a bit before I decided what to do. Was hoping the hands would not make that *thin* line a THICK line....especially with the Goldens because I knew it would not come off!
I think I will gesso a bit more today, or maybe a walk and photos if the weather (and knees!) is fit!
Have a good one!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 4

Hi Silke!

Okay, supplies first; a lot of the traditional supplies I own come from LONG AGO when I did more traditional, *serious* art. (I don't know how else to put that....) Currently, all my Golden products come from Dick Blick--they should sponser this blog!--and rubber stamps I generally pick up on sale at Hobby Lobby or JoAnns. We do not have a Michaels close.
I do order online too; I filled out the selection of fluid acrylics by bidding on a lot on eBay, my ephemera comes almost exclusively from Manto Fev (blog link is at the bottom of the page).
I have saved everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING......which is why I was having such a hard time cleaning the studio a while back!
I often hit points where I am not sure where to go with something and let it sit. Then if I can readily identify the problem (like the geisha being too close in hue to the BG) I try the simplest solution first. Outlining is often all something needs---but I have a lot of different ways I do it.
Okay, I've written another post....LOL!!! :D


yoborobo said... 5

Oh, Anne, this is beautiful. As always, I love to hear and see your process. :) It's amazing how much richer the images are now, oh-talented-one. Happy Monday!! xoxo Pam

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 6

LOL Pam!!!

I don't know about the *oh talented one* part, but it sounds good and starts Monday off right! HAHAHA!
Sometimes I think it is more---Oh Lucky One!!! :D


marianne said... 7

very nice anne, and thanks for the step by step! picking up all sorts oftips for when (if) i can make art again! happy monday!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 8

Hey Marianne,

Yeah, it seems we go through those spells of *no art*, or no art that is OURS. Then all of a sudden, time opens up.
Glad to be of some minor help!! ;)


Bunny said... 9

Sorry I have not been posting lately. Been busy with my friend. Oh this Guisha reminds me of her she loves Guisha's and both of us have fabric with a Guishas all over. Your work is amazing Love it.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 10

Hey Bunny,

You've had your hands more than full! Glad to see you though, and thanks for the comments.
Do take care!!!


Vicki~TheMiddleSister said... 11

You should write a book!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 12

Well Vicki, I have thought about that, but I am not sure I do anything different than what is out there.
On the other hand, that hasn't stopped other people from doing books on trite's just that they have a publisher! :D


Linda and Michelle said... 13

I so enjoy seeing how your process use so many interesting materials, and you do such interesting manipulation!!! This is a very cool piece!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 14

Thanks Linda!! I always wonder how they will turn out when I am *mixing media*!!!
Occasionally I get things that just don't cut it..... ;)


Janet Ghio said... 15

It really is a beautiful ATC. The extra time and attention really pays off!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 16

Thanks Janet!

I like doing simpler ones too, evening work, but it seems when I am in the studio, well, this is what happens!


audrey said... 17

Great tutorial, Anne. It is really nice to see the work of an artist from beginning to end with all the process in between.
I've had several art cards in the works for some time now ~ perhaps the dust that is collecting on them will give them some character. hahahaha
Your techniques are interesting and you seem to have a knack for manipulating things into what you want them to be. A true artist!!
This is a beauty, Anne.
I have worked with leaves in my art and I don't have good luck with them. They crumble or pull away from the paper. I will have to try your method.
Great art card!!!!
♥ audrey

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 18

Hey Audrey,

I call that *creative simmering*. Sometimes you just have to let things wait. And then you go back and have a fresh view of the work and new ideas. I have plenty of *in process* things....they may never get further but usually I have learned something in the process of doing them.
Leaves are tempremental. They need to be fresh, soft and not THICK for the method I used, and truly, I cannot guarantee that leaf will stay on. However, there is enough varnish that it should! LOL!!! I find that the extra heavy gel medium is great for adhering things uncommon.
I hope there is something here to spark ideas for you!!!


P.S. I don't think I manipulate; I think I just adhere it into submission!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!

GlorV1 said... 19

Hi Anne. Happy Monday to you and good week ahead as well. This was a great tutorial. I'm not one that can work small so to speak but this definitely helps me in the process. Thank you very much. It's beautiful. Have a great day. I love your music.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 20

Hi Gloria,

That was what I thought for years about ATCs. I thought they were too small and useless......I am way too opinionated! I also thought my big fingers couldn't work that small....WRONG!
I find them very useful in between big projects...they keep the creativity going and don't require a large time committment.
Unless, of course, you're ME. LOL!!!


Tristan Robin said... 21

really, really stunning ATC.

I have sorta gotten out of the ATC and/or swap thing - but you may have inspired me to get back into it. I have discovered that when an ATC is matted beautifully and framed, it will look like a small treasure of valuable art!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 22

Hey Tristan,

I do these just for me, or for gifts. I can't imagine myself in a swap, unless it was a limited number of people whose work I know.....and I think you understand why with the amount of time I put in them.
So, like...if YOU are interested in doing a *one card*.....let me know.
I know we're both crazy busy.....


Karen S said... 23

Fun tutorial -- I made a bunch of ATCs during the last two months -- they're perfect for those of us with limited attention -- whoops, I meant TIME. I like your idea of coloring on the backside of the paper -- did it really make that big a difference? I can't tell from the photo...sorry. I sometimes use the backside of fabrics (I paid for both sides, didn't I?), I may use your technique of coloring on that side now! Thanks!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 24

Hey Karen,

If you print on thin paper like I do (and I do it so I have flexibility with BG print/color coming through) yes, it will. This was very subtle and the camera just could not catch it. If I had it posted next to an original without the color, it would be more obvious.


Marie S said... 25

Wonderful to see the process.
I love that you get right in to it.
Yes, you could probably do it faster but I don't know if the heart and clarity would be there then.
I tend to think the journey through the process is more valuable the the final piece in most cases.
Thank you for this I enjoy seeing you work.
I would love to spend time with you creating, but since we live so far apart, this is almost as good!
Have a great monday, sweet one!!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 26

Hey MArie,

I wish we all were closer---a big art party...lots of *libation*... :)
See how everyone works in would be so nice.
I guess when I do these, I really consider them a small piece of my art history, so I do take a lot of time with them. It sort of frees up my mind for bigger projects that sometimes take a couple of months to brew.
Thats whats going on now; serious brewing!
And I do love the journey from the first coats of gesso and finding images or choosing paints to the last coat of varnish.....
Have a great day Marie!


Vanessa Brantley Newton said... 27

This is so wonderful. I love this project. You are something else! It's beautiful!!!!!

kj said... 28

whew! i have been here twice and interrupted twice. so i will quickly at least say i love both sides. i love the way the gold looks. i love that you share how you do what you do. and i love your gutsy determination and how you step forward. xoxo


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 29

Thanks Vanessa!

My mother used to tell me I was something else...but usually with a *different* tone in her voice... ;)


Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said... 30

I so love seeing the processes and eliminations and artist heart and eye working together. ATCs give us the chance to explore and move around the compositions without the intellectual trappings we carry with us in our spiritual beings. The gold does seem to make most images appear elegant and sacred homage to the Geisha woman. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 31

Hey KJ,

Thanks! I have been interrupted on EVERYTHING that I have tried to do all day, I know just what you mean!
I think I will go hide in a bubblebath and let the world just run amuck...and the phone too...oy.
LOL!!! (yes, all the crazies are out on Monday!)


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 32

Hey Mary Helen,

"without the intellectual trappings".......That is perfect. They really are little compositional lessons. A lot can be learned in a short amount of time---things picked and tossed--no stress.
It is just FUN. Well, other than when I singed my thumb with the heat gun, but that's just par around here! LOL!!!
Seriously, you summed it up perfectly! :)


Anna Rosa Designs said... 33

Hi Anne,
Oh wow so much work-thank you for sharing your step by step process with me. Your ATC is fabulous!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 34

Thanks Anna!

It looks pretty cool in it's little protective plastic sleeve. (which I hope it does not STICK to...)
Storms moving in....I better get this thing shut down; the sky is VERY dark...


Jan said... 35

You can't just slap something together, can you. This certainly shows all the care you take with your craft, it is positively lovely. I need to make sure my group looks at this post. Thanks for sharing your technique so thoroughly.

John Dyhouse said... 36

wonderful card and great step-by-step. Too often the mechanics are illustrated without the underlying considerations. There are also a couple of useful poits that are worth considering for my own work in the future - thanks for sharing

Magpie's Mumblings said... 37

This atc is 'art' as opposed to a lot of them out there that are just whacked together (I can say that because I'm one of the ones guilty of whacking them together a lot of the time). I will take your tutorial to heart and try to do better. Yes, you've shamed me into it, without even trying!

Anonymous said... 38

Oh Anne you have done it again, inspired me. Thanks for your kind words on my Creative Tuesday. My teacher was not embarrassed with my picture she was proud of me for stepping out. Love your work.

Crowing Moon said... 39

oooh She's beautiful

Leslie said... 40

Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing the process and the final result with us.

Timaree said... 41

Those two little maple leaves really finished it off! Great ATC's here. Thanks for sharing how you did it too.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 42

Hey Jan!
You've known me long enough that slap-together only applies to clean house and cooking dinner!!! LOL!!!
Yes, have your group check it out; maybe it can give a few ideas.
Of course, for me, each seems to employ something a bit different....


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 43

Hi Artyfax!

Thanks for commenting!
I always hope the posts are of use to someone, or get creative juices flowing. Sometimes, all it takes is one little thing to get a whole new look on our work!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 44

Hi M.A.---

LOL!!!! I am channeling Gomer Pyle here; "For shaaaaaame, for shaaaaame!"
And JOKING OF COURSE!!! That was what your comment made me think of.
Now, you know I do quicker ones too.
sometimes one just calls for a bit *more*.


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 45


hey, glad things went well with your teacher! They should be supportive of when we step outside the box.
Glad you found something else here! I've got some big work to get going on...not sure how much posting I will be doing for a bit.


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 46

Hey WDC,

And thanks for taking the time to comment! :)


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 47

Hey Leslie,

I keep thinking I missed something *important* in the's driving me batty...well...battIER!!!
Oh well, it's done and looks good! LOL!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 48

Hi Freebird!

I'm glad you saw the same as me with the leaves---I knew it needed just that tiny bit more punch.
It always amazes me how one tiny element can change a whole composition, yes?


Deborah said... 49


*Ulrike* said... 50

Loved the way it turned out Anne, you are just so creative!!

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