Saturday, February 27, 2010


(all photos should enlarge, which shows the odd detail better)

I grabbed a few minutes yesterday, in between laundry, studio clean up and hurting from therapy (they are trying to throttle me, yes!) to further play with the new Zumi. Above is one of it's unexplainable features.....what I call *washboard* texture. Nope, nothing to set---it just does it.

Here is almost the same shot, just a very very slight change in angle when shooting. Suddenly, the *washboard* is gone and there is this interesting spotlight effect, and I assure you, there are none in this corner of the studio!
During the clean and purge, I came across a cardboard box that had been high on a shelf, well out of my reach but certainly not out of the grasp and range of the nefarious "Mr. Dust". I decided to get it down, to throw out and what should I find but a perfectly preserved robin's nest, eggs and all.
Well, that certainly was fair game for the Zumi!

The grain in this picture is perfect for effect; I love the old look it gives the nest. And, this was not a small file size blown up; this is pretty much how it came from the camera except for a bit of cropping.
I did several shots and I will admit right here and now....I cannot figure out the macro yet. I guess I shall have to resort to reading the backwards book.......grrrrrrr.......
So I switched back to the regular *lens* and clicked off a few more frames and I get THIS:

Couldn't believe how the eggs and grass are overexposed here, and the grain seems to have laid down, or for the most part, disappeared. It makes me wonder how much is luck or if there is something programmed into the little beast to make it do this odd collection of unplanned exposure tricks.
I will confess that I am a bit like a child when I got my first point and shoot Kodak; I am clicking away at absolutely nothing and having a ball! Yes, I am getting the remainder of the studio put back into working order, but the fun of just clicking off frames and having no idea what I'll get is pretty cool.
A lot are throw away; this is not going to be a reliable source for that once in a lifetime perfect picture, but if you have a creative mind, and love surprises, you'll love one of these little stinkers!
Oh, in case you're wondering, RAWWWWWR is doing just fine; he has accepted his position as Guardian of the Rolodex very well, and looks over my left shoulder to proof as I type.
So if there are typos, I refer you to Mr. RAWWWWWR. I am sure he will deal with you in the appropriate manner.
Now, I'm out of here. This is the last weekend DH has off for a month, and I am hoping we can get some rest and spend some time sharing a few laughs.
Or beers. Or both!
Have a fun and funky weekend! RAWWWWWR says so!  ;-)



yoborobo said...

Hi Anne! I love the pic of the nest that looks like an old book page. I am betting once you read the nefarious user's manual (backwards and upside down while sipping a glass of water), all will become clear. Have fun with the DH - have a beer for me! xox Pam

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Pam,

I'll raise a glass to ya!
And guess what....we got SNOW last night.
I give up.....I'm ready to move. How about you? We need to start a community in a warm clime---Bloggers Circle.....LOL!!!


Anonymous said...

Well dear one, we got snow again too. I am getting used to waking up to a white carpet outside. Chances are it will be gone by 4:00PM, just like yesterday. Glad you are enjoying your new camera. I am still painting greeting cards for all my family occasions. Like your pics above. Have a suds for me and HH we love one occasionally.

Tristan Robin said...

I really have to check out that camera! I'm still not exactly sure what it is LOL - but I love the results. The first bird's nest and eggs photo is just beautiful! And the second shot with the spotlight on the middle milagro is also terrific.

While drinking and festivitating, remember not to fall down and break something else! :D

Bunny said...

Looks like you are having fun with your new toy. Not sure I understand this toy, could you not do the same thing in Photo shop I am not an expert by any means but I do love playing with photos etc.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...


Unfortunately, our snow seems to like to stick around......
I need to waddle out and look for anything of interest to play with the camera.
Off for a bit of shopping first this a.m.!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...



I shall be sitting watching the Olympics---OKAY???? ;)
Yes, you do need to check out the camera bacause I think you would have a ball with one, especially once you get it figured out how to do a pic with some of your mini-theaters, or using the pics for such.
Try and behave....hmmmph! :D


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hi Bunny,

Yes, I am assuming Photoshop could do these things.
I do not know how to use it, don't have time to learn, and the idea of the Zumi is when you shoot a pic, you're really not sure what you're getting, thus some very interesting surprises! (good and bad!)
The day I learn Photoshop, Hell will have frozen over and the Toronto Maple leafs will be hoisting the Stanley Cup....
Nuff said! LOL!!


audrey said...

I can tell you are having a lot of fun with your new TOY!! How exciting to take photos and get special effects that you don't expect. It's magic!! I love the photos of the nest - heck, I love the nest. That would look great nestled in with my plants.
Your milagros are great, Anne! I have a small collection of them - I think they are wonderful.
How nice that you have your own personal proofreader in RAW. You have all the fun!!!! ha ha
Enjoy your weekend with DH!!
♥ audrey

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Yeah my age, I should not be having *quite* this much fun! LOL!!!
Off to Goodwill in a bit to look for treasures that I might just really NEED here. <:)
I am debating what to do with the is a dust bunny, but has so much potential for more pics.
Decisions, decisions!
HAve a good one!


marianne said...

love the camera! it's on my wish list for sure.... right after the 10-24 tokina lens & the new mk-proof stylus.... so much fun to be had! and we need to have as much fun as possible at our age, what are you thinking? have a great weekend!

*Ulrike* said...

Love the nest! Your camera is putting out quite a bit of good photos. I will have to look it up soon. Hope you have fun at Goodwill...sometimes you find things, sometimes you don't! Have a super great weekend with your hubby!!

Georgina said...

I want an Ompaloompa and a Zumi!!!!!

Love ya,

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

hey I'm kind of wishing for a more professional digital too....I think it is as addictive as mixed media and art supplies!
One just is NOT enough! LOL!!!
And I'm for all the fun humanly possible...every day!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hi Ulrike,

Goodwill was like a battlezone!!! I did not think we would get out of there in one piece, let alone sane. HA! But got a couple of books and CDs and a sweater, so I guess it was worth the war.....
I guess. :D


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Now Georgina, you sound like Veruca in Willy Wonka..."But Daddy, I want an Oompaloompa! Get me one NOW!!!"
You can tell what I watch on TV.....


Jan said...

Good thing you didn't take that mystery box down too quickly and end up with rotten robins eggs in your face. some great photos already! Can't wait to see what you come up with once you actually learn how to use this new toy...I mean tool.

My Vagabond Heart said...

I'd never heard of the Zumi until you mentioned. That is way cool! Waddle, if you must, but use a walking stick... ~8-)

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

HAHAHA!!! Jan, *toy* is right! I cannot even think of it as a tool, though I will say the quality of the one nest pic would be great printed for collage.
Oh, that had been up there so long the eggs are dried up. Which is pretty shameful to admit in public......oh well.
I hate cleaning.....


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Vicki, you would seriously have a ball with one of these! It's like being a kid again except you don't have to pay for film. In fact, you really only have a very vague idea what you're shooting!
(which is my normal state anyway....)


Leslie said...


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

A most artistic toy Leslie!
One to take pics of men in kilts....*wink!wink!*


Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

Throttle them back! It looks like you are having so much fun with the Zumi camera. How do you throw away stuff? Does Rawwwwr need a few small friends? Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Yes Sophia....I am!!!
And it is very nice for a change!
Take care dear...


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Oh Mary Helen, I can't throttle them back because I think the work is really starting to help the knee---it is just that my muscles get sore and stay extremely sore and tight, so it is always a hard go of it until I am past a certain point. Pfffft!
How do I throw stuff away? Easy--when I cannot find my sewing machies or the other items I need all the time or can't find my art items, things start to fly. Normally it is a once a year preject, but last year got missed, has been HORRID. I just had to pitch and grit my teeth!!! LOL!!


Linda and Michelle said...

You are having WAY too much fun!!! Good on ya! Just be sure to be good to the body...

Ces Adorio said...

What the heck! Are you playing with my mind? Is this like voodoo camera. HAHAHAHA! How are you Anne? I am on call and just catching up. Tsup!

Ces Adorio said...

Good morning Sweet Anne. I have to get ready and start another hectic day, but I wanted to say good morning first.

Good morning. Enjoy the day. Be careful with the hips, the knees and everything else.

Have fun creating art.


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Yes, I have a voodoo camera. I know how to make gris-gris.
Behave yourself.....LOL!!!
You never know what might show up!!!


Deborah said...

Fantastical!!! I want to come play with you, okay? **kisskiss** Deb

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Deb......COME PLAY!!!! :)
You'd have a ball!


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