Thursday, February 25, 2010

Zumi and Rawwwwwr Come To Live With Anne......

Before I begin this post, I have been remiss in welcoming new followers, and I beg brain has seemed to take a vacation and leave the rest of me here trying to function. I am delighted you are along for the ride and hope you enjoy the odd and rambling content of this blog! WELCOME!!!
And now to today's serving of brain dribblings......

The other day after I had done my *turtle  on it's back* routine on the living room floor thanks to the errant knee, and was feeling extremely sorry for myself, I broke down and ordered a digital camera I have been debating about for a long time. It is a Zumi, and it is a digital that does lomography. If you don't know what that is, I'll have a few bad photos a bit later in the post. I recommend googling it and seeing what people are doing with the medium, some of which is amazing, a lot of which is just quirky and fun.
I ordered from Photojojo, a company that has a great sense of humor both in their online writing and in their text for billing. I mean, they made me laugh when I opened the box. The contents are above.
I did not know that besides getting the camera and the necessary battery, mini (and I do mean MINI!) SD card and USB adapter, I would be the proud mother of Rawwwwwr, the little dinosaur! He looks fierce but was quite happy to get out of the box and seems to be adapting well to studio life.  He did ask I rephotograph him, as his other side is more colorful with brighter green stripes......he's my little "Desk-Dino" and keeps an eye open for typos!
The one thing I figured out quickly is the learning curve on a lo-fi camera with the book printed and reading from back to front (made in Japan) leads to a little confusion, and it will take some time to get all the glorious lo-fi technique under my belt. The above pics were shot with my FujiFilm  S 5100 digital, DH bought me a small Canon PowerShot which I am learning (it's a carry along camera) and now I have the nonglorious Zumi to learn.
I definitely need Springtime and outdoor color!
This is a bad example of the hazy quality the Zumi offers; it IS intentional, made to duplicate the cheap plastic cameras of the film era. You are not sure what you will get until you upload the pics!
Rawwwwwr, of course, wanted his photo taken with the new camera too, so to be fair, here he is:
I think you can see what we're working with here...... reeeeeeeally LO-FI.
And WHY would I want this? Because with a little practise, I can produce what I would have had to spend a fortune on in real film and developing, or developing and printing myself, and I was not ready to think about trying to set up a darkroom again, though I have all the equipment still.
So the Zumi adventure begins!
Now I need good, colorful photo-fodder.
And a sedative to learn where all the little adjustment buttons are on this very small camera that my big hands seem to completely encompass. A new journey to start amongst all the others in progress.....LOL!!!
Of course, on the up side, if I use my good cameras for blog pics, and they turn out bad, I can just blame it on the Zumi........or Rawwwwwr getting mischievious and readjusting the settings....  ;-)
Have a dino-sized good day--have fun--be creative and above all.....



Silke Powers said...

Oh, that's hysterical! I LOVE a company with a sense of humor and getting a Rawwwwwr in the mail would just make my day!!

Hey, you very early morning woman - thanks for your visit!! Did you see that scary picture? I first didn't recognize myself...

Love those photos you are taking!! Love, Silke

Tristan Robin said...


I want your camera!!!! Love that photo. It really does look "vintage."

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Silke!

Yes, I had to trek over to your friends blog for the photo.....honey, we ALL have those hidden somewhere.
In fact, I have more than my fair share. Enough that I would run crying if they all got posted at once! LOL!!!
Well, must check Rawwwwwr now and see what he needs for a morning snack.......HAHAHAHAHA!!!!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Tristan,

That was exactly why I wanted the thing, though I ahve to admit trying to get the settings in where I wanted them was a PITA. It also shoots video, and of the same quality.
I need to figure out how to upload directly to my photo folder....
I need to figure out A LOT actually! LOL!!!
HAve a good one!


yoborobo said...

Oh, Yay! Another learning curve! Don't you LOVE them? I am about 30 learning curves behind (the technical term for that is my LCB count, not to be confused with my HDL count). I still need to figure out my cell phone, but I've waited so long, I am figuring "Eh, what the heck, I'll wait for the new one." LOL! I love the pics, and I can see where you are going with this art-wise, you clever woman. See if RAWWWWWWWWR likes keet food (and not the keets!). xoxo Pam

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Pam,

I am so far behind on technology that I am in the stone age! Only art related things get my interest. I screwed up my voice mail, and decided not to try and fix it!
I'll try the keet food for RAWWWWWWWWR; I think he's going to be a good boy!! :D


marianne said...

ooh! big fun! i must check it out- another possible phone takes toy camera photos, but not quite so consistently- look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

hey Marianne---me too!!! *grainy* and *scratchy* are understatements!
I think though, it will work better outside; inside light, unless there is a lot of color, seems to not do much.
If you sign up for their newsletter you get a discount to be used THAT DAY, which was what made me decide to buy it. I had checked it out before....


Bunny said...

Sure looks like you will have some fun with this new camera. I will have to google this. Looks interesting. Have fun

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hi Bunny!

Yep, I'm looking at straight FUN with this camera.....I'll need a bag soon to carry my *hardware* in, but it can't be a classic camera bag---something collaged and BRIGHT! :)


audrey said...

Eager to see what fun things you do with this camera, Anne. And to think they sent a pet right along with it. Now THAT is customer service!
♥ audrey

Deborah said...

Oh How Fun!!! And you DID deserve to reward yourself for your little turtle accident, and this is so much longer lasting than a Margarita. Anxiously awaiting more.
**kisskiss** Deb

Linda and Michelle said...

How cool is that!! I love a company with a sense of humor - such a great marketing skill! Have fun!!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Audrey,

Yes, I guess if I dont like the camera, the dino will bite me! LOL!!!
I think it will be fun, once I get my grey matter wrapped around it....


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Deb,

But the drink would have been splendid, and a temporary pain killer, eh? ;)
Yeah, it was a nice little perk. I should have saved my money but I figure I don't have kids and get it while DH is still working! LOL!!!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Linda,

Yes, their site is funny too; it's obvious it is run by younger people, and refreshing to read.
I need to try some more pics.....


Marie S said...

A sense of humor is wonderful when you are dealing with a company. There is a lesson in there.
Blessings all over you Anne.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Sophia,

It was an impulse buy....I have to admit. I enjoy the *real* cameras and feel a bit guilty for buying the *toy*......
I'll never grow up.... ;)


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hi Marie!

Yes, a sense of humor anywhere today it a perk! Don't find it often either....
Hope you're doing well; take care!


Anonymous said...

What a great gizmo!! ...and you got a mascot to boot!!
Stay Warm & Stay Safe!!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Yeah, me and my Dino!!!
Does this make me Wilma Flinstone??? LOL!!!
Back from therapy and ready to crash.....Zzzzzzzz......


Janet Happy Girl said...

Hey there's body parts hanging around on meat hooks at the top left hand corner of your blog...I'm scared of you....heehee...liken that camera...

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

I am COMPLETELY HARMLESS.....usless you take my chocolate away!!!! LOL!!
Thanks for stopping by Janet!!


My Vagabond Heart said...

I can hear it now..."Zumi did it!"

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

I don't want you to ever grow are too much fun girl. And wait until I tell my grandson that my friend got a baby dinosaur named RAWWWWWWR in the box with her new toy camera! I can't wait to see what you begin to develop with your dino studio pal! Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

I like that phrase; would look good on a T-shirt!!!
Good seing you yesterday, even for a short bit!
And thanks for the box of art goodies!!! :D


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hi Mary Helen,

RAWWWWWWR seems pretty well behaved; he's still guardind my Rolodex and sems very happy there---nothing was stomped or destroyed during the night.
I'm proud of the little guy.....he has manners! ;)


Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

I see you are getting goodies and everything. They have declared a state of emergency here in New Jersey. I'm sitting here at my computer just looking bad LOL!!!! Eating munchies and working on illustrations. I'm so with you. Snow and more snow to come. I wish I could pack some of it up and send it to somebody that really needed it! he he he he he!!! All is well. Hugs to you sweetie. I go make a samich. I know you know what that is. LOL!!!! Love you!!

Deborah said...

Oh Anne, I knew the minute that I saw your hair that you were my twin, separated at birth!!! I think I still have that photo of you from the Fredricks of Hollywood swimsuit issue somewhere! Thank you for the BD wishes. I'll have a Margarita tonight just for you. I'll mail you the straw. **kisskiss** Deb

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

I really need to look for that photo of me......then I can be miserable for at least a MONTH mourning the slim legs, a waist I could find and boobs that weren't even with my bellybutton....
I believe that haircolor should be changed like underwear!!! LOL!!!!
Though I have stuck with blonde for a LONG time....but it has been every other shade made! HA!
HAve a great one!!!


Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

OOh Girl!!! I'm going to ski over to you place right now for those Blueberry Muffins!!!! Oh I'm so hungry just thinking about it! MMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! They smell wonderful!! OH DAM! I just gain 15 pound just thinking about them.
Love you

Elena said...

Oooh looks cool...will need to research this as a possible bday wish list item. It's not till Aug but figured I should start compiling case anyone asks. Ha!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Elena,

It is fun---I'm still learning how to use this tiny *toy*, but it has possibilities!
Yes--BDay lists should be started EARLY...LOL!!!


Susie Jefferson said...

Love it - I'd order from them just on principle. I know someone who has a lomo camera - you're going to have a ton of fun with this. I want one! And as far as the Japanese page order... I'm a terrible flicker-through of instruction books, and usually work from the back, so perhaps they're trying to second-guess us, lol.

Love the dino, love the pix, and loved your comment on my post - thanks!

Have a great weekend - I know there'll be a ton of photos come Monday!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Susie!

I'm still looking for things to shoot! I am hoping to use this primarily outside, when we have something other than dirty snow and MUD. Of course, maybe it could do it's magic even with that.....LOL!
Come to think of it, when I get a new magazine I start at the back and flip to the front...hmmmmm...I'll approach the instructions (such as they are!) with that in mind!
Have a good one!!!


*Ulrike* said...

So they now make a camera that makes photos look like the old vintage cameras? Hmmmm, I wonder if I have any old cameras around! Can't wait to see all the photos!

*Ulrike* said...

So they now make a camera that makes photos look like the old vintage cameras? Hmmmm, I wonder if I have any old cameras around! Can't wait to see all the photos!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

I actually HAVE my mothers old Kodak Brownie, and the means to develop B&W film. It's just the COST of getting the film, and if you don't do the work yourself, you're looking at a minimum of $24 per roll with purchase and developing. I don;'t think that was with prints.
In the long run, this one was I keep telling myself! LOL!!


Anonymous said...

YAY! You got a Zumi! I am still playing around with mine...learning what it likes and what it doesn't like. It definitely likes outdoor photos better, from what I can figure out. And if you shoot from a vehicle on the move...the photos come out slanty...kinda cool effect, found out accidently! :-) I've got myself a RAWWWWRR too, sitting here staring at me ;-) Enjoy the fun!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Oh yeah! It has been a blast....and all your fault too....LOL!!!!
It is the oddest thing to learn, but there is great fun in the process of not having a clue what it's going to DO!!!
Enjoy your RAWWWWWR too; mine is VERY well behaved..... ;)


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