Friday, September 4, 2009

Bad Bugs.......

Yeah, this pretty well describes my current condition. (and I have no idea where the image came from....something I dug out of the cobwebby corners of the computer) I'm not sure if that IS me, or if that is what is IN me, but either way, it's just not a *Happy Anne* time.
No studio work.
Able to knit a bit, but the socks I thought I would have finished for today aren't.
The socks I though I might have started aren't.
Thankfully had enough leftovers to feed DH and myself, and still a large pan of bread pudding that I could live off of.....though a bit of hard sauce would be sooooooo nice! ;-) Maybe more than a bit.......
I can't even think up anything funny to whine about other than the fact that I am pretty sure a bull elephant sat on my chest and left a calling card behind.....that is precisely how I feel.
I hate being sick!!!!! I am an impatient patient!!!!! I want to be well (okay, as well as is normal for me....) RIGHT NOW.
Geez.....I can't even get a good rant going......someone put me out of my misery........
At any rate, I hope those reading are well and making arty-creative-things and generally enjoying the fine sunny days left, and I'll suck it up and put my big girl panties on and shut up. Have a good one; and take a few minutes of that and pretend you're me making something, okay?



yoborobo said...

Oh, Anne - it doth sucketh to be sick. I will stitch like a crazy person in your honor today. Yesterday I stabbed myself with a needle so many times, I considered running over to the Red Cross and letting them finish the deed.

Be well. SLEEP. Watch awful TV shows. Wallow. Better days, sweetie! xox Pam

Anonymous said...

I could say all those stupid friend things like "Feel Better Soon!" or "???"....
Rest..recoup... & gripe all the way... I do when I am sick!!

audrey said...

Oh, Anne, your description of how you've been feeling is not a pretty picture. Hopefully, it'll be a short bout and then good riddance.
OUT OUT d..n bugs!!!

Anonymous said... complain as loud as you can always seems to help! lol!
just go ahead and do it!
Better days are coming..just hang in there...I'm pretending that bug is a voodoo doll...getting my pins ready!

Tristan Robin said...

I'll suck it up and put my big girl panties on and shut up.

LOL - that reminds me of this...

Hope you're on the mend soon - being sick sucks so bad.

But, bread pudding (mmmmmmmm) can't help but make you feel a little better. Hard sauce is good, but warm caramel on top - MMMMMMMM

Linda and Michelle said...

Hard sauce - I'd send you some, but I need it on this end - I'll rant with you - sick and can't go to school and teach the kiddies- bah humbug.....probably have a sub who doesn't know squat about math and teach it all wrong....I hate taking days off to actually be sick....

Anonymous said...

I've been on doxycycline (sp) all week due to this cold/infection wanna be. I never did really flare up as first sign I have to go on it for preventitive. Hubs was pretty sick with it though. He is just now coming out of it but it has a nasty cough/chest thing going on. Lordy it's a strong one.

You get to feeling better. Don't make me come up there with my son, he loves bread pudding and enjoys cooking. YOu would be well fed, if he doesn't eat it all. :)

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Dear all---okay, this lets you KNOW I'm sick since I am not answering one by one!---am headed for couch with bunny slippers, tea, amoxicylin and bread pudding. And something for fever.
I was a diligent worker when I was at the Dr.'s office with that job, comforting sick people, helping elderly folks understand what they were taking, occasionally having to tell people firmly and calmly to get to ER.
But what a PUSS I am when I am down!!!! GEEZ!
And yes, whining seems to help!!!! LOL!!!! I have dear, understanding followers, or people who have gone through the same crap.
Took DH for a regular check up today and the hospitals up here are making people wear face masks for flu germs.
Guess who wandered by that sign, never seeing a thing???? <:)
Thank heavens for alcohol gel!!!!
And until I'm better....cyber hugs to y'all!


P.S. Tristan, that's a HOOT! Wish I had the bra....... LOL!!!!

Jan said...

You just have to be ornerier than the bug and march it right on outta your system. GET WELL SOON! I'll miss you until you are back.

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

I am a friend of Gayle Pritchard and I am sending you healing white light. Please take time to sleep and rest so you beautiful visions can come to life once again. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

yoborobo said...

Anne - If I was closer, I'd love to come over (with a mask on, of course) and whine with you. Nothing better than a good whine fest, unless it's a wine fest! :) I hope you feel better today - miss you! xo Pam

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hi Mary-Helen,

Thanks for the thoughts---am better, though this is a slooooow one to kick! I checked your blog; will go back when I am coherent enough to really read but will add you to my blog roll (probably tomorrow as I don't trust my thinking facilities yet today! LOL!)


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Jan and Pam---
I wish you were both close so we could whine and boo-hoo and laugh about all this!!! And work in the studio too when I'm back to whatever it is I call normal! LOL!!!
And my mantra:
I am ornerier than the bug, I am ornerier than the bug, I AM ORNERIER THAN THE BUG.....!


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