Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Running Late

I must admit this is one of THOSE mornings. I am running behind. I thought my appointment with the surgeon was this afternoon.......oh no. It's this morning, so only a quick peck at the keys to report in that yesterday ended up being a *nothing-done* day. My fiber piece was going smoothly until I had a bright idea and then whammo. Everything came to a screeching halt. I had to take a bit of time to put some elastic into the waist of a vintage dress I'm wearing today (yes, fashion before work!) so that was a case of switching out everything on the machine. Then I did some work on the floor on my knees and couldn't hardly get back up.
It was at that point that my better judgement, which I try to keep buried quite deeply, said "Anne, give it up. Go shower, go read, go talk to the birds but get OUT of the studio.'
And I listened, which probably means we're in for some tremendous change in the weather!!! LOL!!!
So sorry my dear gentle readers; this is a post of no content, other than those of you who can sympathize with *nothing-done* days.
And yes, I spent way too much time lusting over liturgical fabrics that neither I, nor any of the churches I do work for, can afford. There's still this one trim though........ ;-)
I hope you all have a gentle, relaxing productive day, and that your creativity switch is in the *on* position!


Leslie said... 1

Ah, lusting after fabrics, sigh. Hope the rest of the day goes well for you.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 2

After the appt, everything will be FINE...... ;)
I thought of you with some of the fabrics---oh to have the opportunity to sew something for a church out of some of those brocades!!!! YUM!!!!!

teri said... 3

hope all goes well at the dr apt

nothing days are part of life too

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 4

Yeah, but they sure annoy me, especially when I am trying to catch up on sooooooo much! Plus I think the thing that really irked me was I could *see* the project in my head just fine and then when I went to execute it it did not work---so having to rethink the whole shebang. You know how that goes......

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Talk to me Dahling!
I'm waiting, breathless...... ;-D