First is "Artifacts" where my friend Bernadette makes the most amazing things out of anything and everything. She is quite the artist and if you are looking for some beautiful and unusual work, just click and go!
Second is "Enchanted Revelry" where Tristan posts the most unbelievable vintage photos, artwork and genuinely hilarious stuff!!! Everyone on the blogging planet seems to know Tristan (whom I met through the Fiber Pirates Group) so if you are one of the few left out there who has not visited his site, it needs to be placed high on your priority list!
Third is my friend Vicki and her photo blog; "My 2009 Project 365 " which I love to check to see if her grandson is the subject du jour! He is quite the little man, and has a bit of model in him, or maybe Vicki just coaxes that out! Definitely worth a look! Plus she doesn't photoshop her images; it's just pure talent.
Fourth---and I need to state now, these are not RANKED, this is just my poor brain trying to remember who I read!---is "Leslie's New Works and Thoughts " where I occasionally get my yarn fix and get to be sure that I am NOT alone in the world of socks that take forever to knit. Leslie does other cool things too......check it out.
Fifth is my friend Marion across the pond at "artmixter " where you will find all sorts of fiber related posts, and things artistically that provoke thought. Which is a whole lot more than I do here.....I probably make it as far as provoke. :)
Lately, I was lucky enough to reconnect with two people who I had contact with on occasion and discovered they both have blogs! YAY! That means I can put them here for you to enjoy too!
"Marbled Musings " will have some of the finest marbled fabric you could hope to see, and I asked Linda Moran if I could snag one of her images to post here to show. She does wonderful things from a centuries old technique, but in different
ways and using more modern methods. I have tried marbling and found that in the list of talents I was given----IT AIN'T THERE!!!! This is an art. It looks deceptively simple but it is not. So pop by and see what she does and be impressed! Plus she has a website too, in case some of the fabric needs to go home with you..........
The other lady I came back into contact with is Gayle Pritchard, who blogs at "Uncommon Threads ". Her current post is most poignant; it really hit home for me since it is about loss and creativity. I cannot recommend it highly enough-READ. PLEASE. Gayle also has a website where you can find lovely things and an Etsy store where I made the first purchase! Yay! (Tristan would approve...)
So while this post has rambled everywhere, please keep these blogs in mind for good reading or good looking.
Yes, I know I probably am in trouble for not listing more, but my brain is getting numb and I'm doing good to get this many without a major Anne-or-Blogger meltdown! (usually the first)
See if something these good folks have to share doesn't stoke your creativity today! And make sure to leave a nice comment, as we all like to know we're read....really....we do! :)
Thanks Anne! :) The Ayden pics are a combination of a him being a ham, and my quick shutterfinger!
I was wondering how you got him to hold still long enough, since he's at that *high energy* age! (well, everyone seems high energy to me of late......)
Glad you liked it!
Thanks Anne. This is a great idea, and I will be busy tonight checking out the blogs you listed that are new to me!
Gosh, it was hard because I know how many are good and I was so tired when I put the post together....I know I forgot people that should be there.
Well, there's always a second post later, eh?
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Talk to me Dahling!
I'm waiting, breathless...... ;-D