Monday, April 13, 2009

A few quick Monday words....(and my FAVE fiber piece...well, ONE of them...)

Okay, normally I wouldn't post my very favorite piece of fiber art without a whole lot of fan fare, but dang it, I am in PAIN, and when I pulled this "Cut From The Crypt" it just seemed to fit my mood, emotionally and physically!
This whole week is one thing after another and if I am able to keep up with a blog post each day I will be doing good. Frankly, if I am able to physically keep up with what I have to do, it will be a miracle.....
So when all else fails, dig the skeletons out of the closet! And yes, this is one HECK of a skeleton!
I admit it. Even at my age, I'm still an old school Punk at heart, and having met Jerry Only of the Misfits (plus he's a bass player, so that bumps him up in MY book!) I did this very small quilt--14"x15". It has some of my old used bass strings on it, real leather jacket, studs, spikes, synthetic hair, drawn on tattoo and was hard to figure out and definitely hard to photograph but dang! It was fun to make! It was a pull-out-all-the-stops, reinvent everything, disregard rules and make it rock!
My only regret was that due to the amount of black in the piece, I could not get a decent photograph and had to go in and play with bringing up color. Which is okay, but getting ONE color right meant others went berserk, so I finally said enough, here it is, and left it alone.
There was stenciling and tulle overlays, all sorts of stitching with specialty threads, computer printed fabric, beads, everything to give it that creepy, Halloween night kind of chill up your spine glow---my kind of work!
So that's Monday.
You might be afraid to check here come Tuesday.....MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Come on.....walk among us! ;)
(the grown up Anne will now take over, thankfully)
There's an online quilt festival, and it is HERE (click me!) at Park City Girl's blog. So I had to link this.....had to....just HAD to.
The point of this---and there is a point!---have fun with your work.
Look everywhere for inspiration. Take it, use it, bend the rules. Make your own work and don't worry when it doesn't fit into the marketing-world , precut, little square. Don't bother copying something that's been done, don't do other people's work, do your OWN---go do something edgy.
Life's a whole lot more fun here anyway.
Gosh, I wish I had a good skull and crossbones JPEG to insert here....sigh.....
P.S. This is now in Jerry's collection, I am most proud to say! Yeah! Life rocks!


Tristan Robin said... 1

I remember this when you posted in on the Pirates site...and I'm still in awe of the detail work. It has such amazing precision and craftsmanship. It's even more beautiful than I remembered it.

I'm sorry to hear you're in pain - why don't you take DRUGS?????? Geesh, I took drugs, and only had an earache!

Hope you're feeling better real real soon!!!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 2

Can't take most of the pain meds and things like the over the counter stuff do nothing. Go see my Doc tomorrow so hopefully he won't tell me he's going to make me into a *real* Peg-Leg Pirate! LOL!!!!!
I'm doing okay; the weather is just cold and wet and thus, things get cranky. Including your dear authoress!!!!
And I miss this little quilt....... <:)

Leslie said... 3

I so remember this from the Pirate page as well, it is a wonderful piece.

Get better soonest, what is it with the weather and aching bones. WE HAD SNOW, yesterday, what's up with that?

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 4

I don't know, well, actually I do. It is the difference in the barometric pressure. As it drops, people with arthritis, migraines, etc actually *feel* it.....the weather has been horrible here. Today it is rain and cold and wind---just the type of thing I love to have to be out in.
I'm just whining---I should have put "Big Whine" in the tags so people could be forewarned!!! HA!

Jan said... 5

Nice inspiring post, I should take your advice. I have a picture of this quilt in my studio, always enjoyable to see it again. I hope Jerry told you thanks! He should use it on his next album cover.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 6

Stepping out of the box is the hardest part.
Well, if something doesn't work, so what? Just experiment. I've seen the things you dye and make and you can do what ever you choose if you just set your mind to it. You've got the talent!!!!

bernadette ostrozovich said... 7

hey missie, too cool! my son just played me a misfits cut so i could fully appreciate your piece! i aint no gdsob...rock rock

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 8

Oh yeah! And I know which one he played because when we did Garage-O-Rama, the one band did some 'Fits songs and I got to get up and sing (scream?) with them, and that was it!!!! HA! How cool! Of all the songs...... ;)

Red Pepper Quilts - Rita Hodge said... 9

Love your quilt! It is definitely outside of the square for me, but I totally agree, just have fun with your work, always! Life rocks indeed!

Zonnah said... 10

Wow! you did a great job!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 11

Thanks folks for the coments! Sometimes being an art qulter leaves you in a sort of *nowhere-land*, especially with my work.
But it is so much fun and so satisfying---I always want to share and encourage other people to TRY whatever they like, and Do what they think they can't.
Life's too short not to!

Cindy's Stitching said... 12

What a great and different design.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 13

Thanks Cindy! Lots of years of art and quilting results in very unique designs. Liked your fish quilt!

Quilt Rat said... 14

This is just a super piece! Well done

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 15

Thanks! Love your little pic--what a face!

Unknown said... 16

Love all the details in your work!! Thank you for sharing

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