Friday, April 10, 2009

Art Brings Joy!---Or filling in the back in a most timely manner

(All photos copyright Anne M Huskey-Lockard, 2009, All rights reserved.)
Everything in it's place.......! :)
As I was bemoaning yesterday, I thought filling the niche on the back of the canvas was going to be quick and easy and found myself completely frustrated when it did not just happen. Every one of you who is a creative knows the feeling; the idea is firmly in your minds eye but it is NOT leaving, no matter how much you pull or pry or beg. I would like to think it was because I had been out of the studio for a while, but I truly believe I had extra presure due to the fact that this was one of the three blog giveaways, and of course, they go to friends. So each will have to fit the person, so they will be happy with the work, and thus, the brain said, "I really have had ENOUGH of YOU for a while." And luckily it was a short while.
So I walked away and let it sit. And I found that after a nap, dinner and some real sleep, I went to the studio very very early and found the precise pieces and places for them. Which worked out wonderful as the recipient of the work, Val, was coming over yesterday. She was a little stunned and pleasantly surprised, thinking it was only going to be the front of the work that she would see.
Val and her new prize!
But the back met with her approval to, and when she got to take it home yesterday too, well, that reminds me of why I keep plugging along with this work I do! (although I do question my sanity occasionally....okay, more like frequently!)

Val and the back of the box canvas, filled with pieces I hoped she would find important and meaningful.

There is a particular joy in producing art specifically for someone. You have no hesitation about putting things into it that might be part of a collection you normally would save. You know the very right item must be used (in this case, it was the broken shell, which took a lot of internal coaxing to part with). It had to be there; Wabi-Sabi. Long slender seeds from a Tulip Poplar, coated with iridescent paint. A two-tone, perfectly polished and not perfectly shaped stone. Two sterling silver leaf charms I have hoarded for a long time.
When art goes to a stranger, it should be the best work you can possibly do.
When art goes to a friend, it must be imbued with something even more.
That's one down on my obligation list from the blog give away. Hopefully the two other recipients-to-be will be patient with me and know that I really want whatever I make to be their art when it is complete.
I don't do generics.
These are parts of my soul.
Go let your soul fly free and create today!

P.S. Smile with that art work! This canvas, just for the record, was 4" x 4". Big art! Small package!


Tristan Robin said... 1

I really liked the front of this piece - but the back is even more evocative! So many little intriguing details...and I love that blue colour you've used in the background!

Patient? Please. Have you received yours yet? LOL

Val May said... 2

Anne,I like how this turned out, opposites sides of me for opposite sides of your labor of love. Hints at things hidden; unseen.
The colors of it and the colors of me lend themselves to each other; calming blues and firy orange/red. Earthy and peaceful interior, sometimes flaring....
Complex layers; stong supports in the piece( nailed metal corners) and in me...
Thank you again, YOU REPRESENTED ME EXCEPTIONALLY WELL!!!! As well as putting a whole lot of yourself in it as well....
Love you!!

Val May said... 3

Tristan's first again, dang it!!
I got a phone call in the middle of posting!!!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 4

Well, lets face it, NONE OF US can beat Tristan!!!!! (especially in the production of art....ay yi yi......)
Glad you like the photo lay out Val---that was what I wanted; just parts so that the focus was limited.
And Tristan, with me with medical mush-head at the moment, I had forgotten I was getting something from YOU!!!!! So see, you were almost off the hook there. But I'm making myself a post-it note to staple to my head, and then I won't forget. ;)
These really are cool things to make; I love this Duality (c) series. It makes me think in different ways that have to connect to each other.
Plus, basically, someone gets two pieces of art. Just turn it around!

XXXOOO to you both!

bernadette ostrozovich said... 5

anne, i liked the front of this piece but i love love love the back even more. i agree with tristan, evocative is the perfect word. it's a magical little world that one longs to enter. brava!

Leslie said... 6

I beat Tristan yesterday! Anyway, I love the way this piece turned out and I CANNOT wait to see mine.

I am also glad to see that your aren't being slowed down by the hip thing.

BTW: Finished the circus banners?

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 7

Hey all--thanks for the comments and support! I eventually want to make enough of these to shop as a series to a gallery...of course I have to FIND one that would want them!
I am slowed down more than it looks---but I keep plugging ahead. Studio time is a fraction of what it was, so much work to catch up on plus other issues that have to be dealt with in a rather immediate manner which are absolute nonsense but could cause long term problems. So.....who knows what tomorrows post will be??? Me holding an Easter Egg????HA!
I just keep plugging away....... ;)
Art is therapy!

Jan said... 8

This is gorgeous, what a fabulous, personal piece of art. Val is very fortunate.

I'm last, as usual. But I'm clear over here on the left coast.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 9

You're not last in MY book!!! Way up there girl!
And hey, Tristan is just a speed-demon on posting.....I think he and I must get up at the same ungodly hour. ;) I'm working toward sleeping in again, till at least 6:00 a.m.

My Vagabond Heart said... 10

Anne...You sure can pack a lot of art into a small canvas!!! Good to see Val and her prize.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 11

Vicki, I can pack a lot of.....oh...never mind! It's Easter Weekend and I'm trying to be good!!!
It was fun---I love doing these!

Val May said... 12

Hi Vicki, I miss seeing you...maybe we can get together at Anne's soon? What do you say Anne?
And glad to hear John will be doing a demo at the Co-Op.
I've got this little Buddha Beauty positioned near me so I can gaze at it in moments of hesitation to reflect upon and appreciate.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 13

Good she reads my mind!!!! I was just thinking this morning---pre coffee even!---on one of the days Gary teaches, that maybe the three of us could get together out here and paint or collage or just make a mess in general and have FUN!
Will e-mail you both and we can set something up. Just a fun Art-Girl day!
How about it???? :)
And I promise I'll try and behave........

Val May said... 14

Yes maam, I am always up for a day of ART and FUN and it would be great to reconnect with Vicki. I need to visit her blog and tell her directly how much I like her photos, etc...
Today is my birthday, YAY!!!, number 58, and I'm having an exciting trip out of town with my MAN! Anne will get the lowdown later...
Right now---back to Anne--she is one of the busiest people I know,on the computer and on the phone, networking. I think it took the accident to tell her to slow down, but there's not much she'll let hold her down for long...and she runs into opportunity when she's not even looking :>) You never can tell when it'll land in your be alert !!!
Beautiful photos, as always, Anne.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 15

The birds and I are singing "Happy Birthday to YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU, Happy Birthday to YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!"
Maybe that's enough...... :) .....we want it to be HAPPY, and I think it will!
Vicki's blog is in the sidebar---my 365 project, I think. Or something close to that. Trying to do too many things at once! HA!

Lutra said... 16

I love the way it come out...
I think your creative juices are working just fine!
I LOVE the fact that you did both sides...
ying and yang....
percectly balanced...
And Tristin got here first....
He has two speeds, all out, and dead stop....
You should see him quilt! It's amazing!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 17

No doubt! He's just a superman! We should just reserve a spot for him, so he's always *Numero Uno*...... ;)
Thanks for the comments--I have the best time filling the backs of these, even when they cause me problems. I really should do an on-line class because I think people could find their own style with it and have fun too.....
Well, I'll think....but I don't move at Tristan-Speed! LOL!!!! I'm much more like a snail in cold weather.

artmixter said... 18

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 19

Thanks Marion! That means a lot!!!

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