Friday, February 15, 2013

Life On Hiatus.....

Sweetheart roses from my very best Sweetheart, Gary, for Valentine's Day. Love you!
.....again. Back in the chemo routine, which seems to consume most of my time, and what isn't spoken for with that is taken up with the necessities of everyday, PLUS, occasionally, some studio time. (which I sorely miss, btw)
Have to apologize for the long lapse in posts, and honestly, posting from here forward will be more erratic than my *normal* erratic~~yep, figure that one out, lol!
Still in all, tho I did not want to have to sit in that chemo chair again, and knowing I would anyway, LIFE IS GOOD.
Every day is a moment to find something beautiful to focus on and sometimes take notes for later creativity. It's not what you're going through; it's how you choose to manage it. I am bulldozing forward. I know of no other way to function.
So occasionally I will pop in and update~~cannot promise how often as I am quite jealous with my time and if I have something most enjoyable as a possibility, or fighting with my old nemesis Blogger.....ummmmm.....I think you know which activity will be chosen.  ;-)
I do miss, as I've mentioned before, visiting blogs and commenting and heck, even posting here. But I have to make concessions.
It's okay, and it's all good.
Blogging is fun; Life is vital.
I wish both for all my readers.



Janet Ghio said...

Beautiful roses Anne! I wish you didn't have to sit in that chemo chair again-but you have a great positive attitude and that counts for so much. What I like about blogs is that you can actually leave a real message-not like FB where it's so easy to just hit the "like" button because it is so easy. But when you have lots to look at, sometimes I really like the like button. Thinking of you, my friend.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Janet,

Well, I knew it was coming, so I just find things to keep busy with and for the most part, it's fine. (the day after shot is NOT, but you do the work!)
As much as I dislike FB, it is handy to just click *Like* to let folks know you're visiting, but not the intimacy of the blogs.....
I'm off to some art today~~pulling pages for a collage BG!


Nancy said...

God bless and strengthen you!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Thanks Nancy!

I feel He has kept me all along this path, and that's why I just keep walking forward.
Cancer can do a lot of things, but it isn't taking my joy of life~~so THERE! :-)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, you must use your time and energy wisely. Wishing you all the best! (And what a GORGEOUS bouquet of roses!)

Anonymous said...

We love it that you pop in when you feel like it and enlighten us with your erratic world - hugs sweetie....xox

brandi said...

~my dear know you are a true blessing to each of us here...a strong spirit who teaches us so very matter what life throws your keep moving...dodging and diving till the path opens up...blessings be with you this day and more...we shall be waiting for those mere glimpses of you...till the next time...i wish you well...much love~

yoborobo said...

Anne - You know you are one of my most favorite people on the planet, right? Sending hugs and love. Get in there and COLLAGE my friend! Paper and scissors and glue, oh my! xoxoxo

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Debra,

I find I have no problem saying no to things that I know will stress me or be too involved.
However, it does free up time for other the occasional trip to the studio!
Just enjoying the ride!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Corrine,

My erratic world is an understatement! Some days, I just go sit and drool. >;-D
I know, you miss my Blogger rants, that's what it is...hahahaha!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hi Brandi,

I have always thought of myself like a shark~~if I don't keep moving, I'll croak.
And I don't plan on that right now because I have things to do. So off I go!
I'm just hoping that everything goes well with the chemo and I still plan on doing a container garden this Spring and starting my own seeds~~chemo just has to fit in AROUND the important things! :-)


Rebeca Trevino said...

i admire your strength and joy of life.
although we have never met, outside of blog-ville, i always enjoy stopping by when i see you have posted something new.

do share your collage, when it is done. would love to see what creative ideas you are working on.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...


You are one of my most favoritist people too! Our universe ROCKS! (enough to send a few meteors....)
Ripping paper and sorting scraps.....ahhhhhh, the smell of matte medium in the morning! HOOO-RAH!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Rebeca,

I love the people we meet in blog-land! And thanks for stopping by to check out my mental wanderings! (and lately, there's been a LOT of wandering! LOL!)
Need to put a note to myself, "Take pics of collage!" I have no short term memory.
Unless it involves coffee or chocolate.


Robin said...

MUWAH! Did you feel that hug and kiss? It ALWAYS brightens my day when I see you have posted.. Gary's flowers are such a testament to his love for you.... you two are a wonderful pair!

You know how I feel about that da-ned chemo....BUT...slashing your way through it with a scythe IS the way to go...I only wish I was closer so I could help you wield that scythe!

Love your blog....but sigh....miss your music... (I know you couldn't prevent it's going....but I miss it nonetheless.)

I am glad for's such an easy (usually) way to send a hug!



Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Robin~~

YES!!!I got that BIIIIIG hug and kiss! :-)
I so miss my jazz tracks too.....darn these people having to put the stuff out there FREE and then drop the whole thing. I would have paid for it, geez.
Wish you were closer just so we could get together and laugh over coffee or a glass of wine! (Frankly, I wish I was out there, as long as I could bring my Oncologist!)
And yes, FB is a good fix when one isn't up to a lot of work on Blogger.


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Alex,

I'm just hanging tough~~what I do best! And sharing the love! :-)
Resting....I need to work on that one for sure! hahaha!


Jo Murray said...

Each moment is precious Anne, and you must hold those closest to you near to your heart. Be strong and know that all your blogging friends are thinking of you and are happy to hear from you whenever you are able.

Unknown said...

You will remain in my daily prayers Anne. Hugs!

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

You are vital! We all do what we need to do live a full and authentic life as an artist! have a wonderful yourself to heal...and then rush back to your wonderful studio !!! I am with you in spirit...Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

GlorV1 said...

Beautiful post. Wishing you the best and am amazed at your strength. Love those roses, I can almost smell them. Take care of yourself, that is most important.

kj said...

Look at all these love affairs!

You rock, my friend. I'm holding on to you. You and me and our container gardens.


audrey said...

Hi Anne.
Gary couldn't have chosen a more beautiful bouquet for you. Gorgeous!!
I am sorry you must deal with chemo once again. But, I admire your spirit and gusto so much, knowing you will forge ahead with a vengeance.
I will look forward to future posts when you are feeling up to it.
I will keep you in my prayers.
xxoo audrey

Cameron said...

Bulldoze your way, yes....a clean straight line back to a healthy body....because your mind and heart are radiantly so!

Stitchwhiz said...

You inspire me with your terrific attitude. Like what you say about It's not about what you're going thru, but how you choose to manage your time. So true. Take care. Don't give up. Remember, the Hoosier spring is right around the corner. xoxo
Mary aka Stitchwhiz

Magpie's Mumblings said...

The prayers continue. Hang in there and kick it's ass my friend. If anybody can do it, I know you can. Keep your 'attitude' what you can do and to hell with the rest. Many thoughts are with you (and Gary).

Jan said...

♥♥♥♥♥from Jan

BumbleVee said...

keep bulldozing ahead Anne......



Robbie said...

Take care of yourself and do what you want, when you want!!! We know where you are and that you will fill us in when you want!!! You are in our thoughts more often than you know!! It's just so funny on days that I think...wonder how Anne is doing!!! Now I've had my update and I feel better!!! Keeping you in my prayers!

studio lolo said...

I hate that more chemo has to be endured, but what I do love about you is your grace and fortitude to get through it all, and to still find JOY.

You have always been an inspiration to me, Anne.

So with every bit of strength you have, please continue to KICK CANCER'S ASS!!!!

love you,

xo Lo♥♥

Seth said...

Thinking of you Anne and wishing you the very best with all. I will be here whenever you have a chance to post.

Anonymous said...

You are one of the strongest ladies I know ..... God be with you ! !
Love, Marilyn

Laura said...

Hi there Lady friend,

Haven't chatted in awhile but thinking of you lots.

Sending up good thoughs on this go around.


april said...

Thinking of you too...your writing is such an inspiration; your photos fabulous. Love the beautiful nature ones below. hugs...

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