Saturday, November 24, 2012

Morning Thoughts....

I love the quiet morning time, being able to slip into the day slowly.
A beautiful sunrise inspires me and fills me with awe.
We live on an amazing planet, and I am glad
I can view it all with an Artist's Eye.


Mornings are filled with rich black coffee and good reading.
Sometimes the material is deep, sometimes not.
Thomas Merton is a favorite, especially when I want to think.
The above book is wonderful~~when strict Catholic Monk
meets the Asian religions, and finds we all
come from the same cloth.
What a wonderful thought!

Sometimes morning provokes a solitary mood;
being astounded at the beauty of ONE
is enough.
In a world burgeoning with MORE,
the singular sings.
I close my eyes and savor those notes.

And in the studio, my heart is like a child.
It is NOT serious here; there is fun to be found.
Let the rest of the responsibilities go and take a moment
to laugh, to play.
The day is started right.

With camera in hand, I find the still lifes of Mother Nature.
Not planned, not structured.
Left by the touch of the wind and perhaps a stray squirrel.
Arrangements better than I can create.
Earth~~the ultimate artist.

Ultimately, it all leads back to this.
Brushes, pencils, paint.
The tools, life blood, lust of every artist.
The studio a haven.
My thoughts returned to what I love so.
The day will be one of gesso and color,
light and dark,
canvas and paper.
This is a rich life.

I'd like to welcome a new follower, a dear friend from FaceBook, Todd-Michael St.Pierre. T-M is a fantastic author of both children's books and my personal downfall, Louisiana COOKBOOKS!
Please visit his web page HERE and take a look around. You need a cookbook. 
Trust me!
It fills the head with all sorts of GOOD Morning Thoughts!



Debra She Who Seeks said...

I receive daily "Word for the Day" quotations sent by email from and today's happens to be a quotation from Thomas Merton: "Prayer and love are learned in the hour when prayer becomes impossible and the heart has turned to stone." Very true, I think.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Debra,

I, too, agree. I love his quotes, and some of his rants; the progression of change in his own life~~he must have been an amazingly interesting man.


Janet Ghio said...

Love that first photo--beautiful! and I had forgotten all about that little green guy--see he is dressed for the season with that little red hat

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Janet,

I do luck out on the sunrises here....such a clear shot out the front door!
Milo, is a cousin to YELLOW MILO that was here!
But he's just as ornery. Have seriously considered another round of adventures.... :-)


studio lolo said...

I love your posts and photos. They soothe my soul.

I'll check out your friend. I hope you're well, my dear.


Magpie's Mumblings said...

oh oh oh - do you see it??? Do you see the angel in the clouds??? I saw it right away and was blown away. Of course maybe I'm the only one that sees it?

yoborobo said...

Hi Anne! I am right there with you. I need some time with my paints and pencils, and my window that looks out to the woods. Thinking of you! xox

Pam @ Frippery said...

Lovely, peaceful thoughts. Your Advent stole took my breath away! Peace and whimsy to you always, Pam

Cathy Bueti said...

Wow Anne, this is such a beautiful post! I quietly read all of your inspiring words and did not want the post to end. Your images tell quite a story. From the first amazing sunrise to the image of an artists playground. My favorite image is the one with the leaves and fruit!



Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

You have blessed me with your affirmations!! Peace, and onward and upward...we have work to do! You are so loved! Mary Helen

Robin said...

Gorgeous photos and words.... as usual!

Thomas Merton was a favourite of my Mum's...and myself...I own a lot of his books!

You, as so many have commented, are one FABULOUS PERSON!!!!!!!! You are an every sense...including FASHION!



Jan said...

Such beautiful photos, I'm glad you remembered your camera on those days! Your words are very peaceful and calming, go well with the photos. So glad you are able to have some relaxing moments, they are good for us.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Thanks for all the nice words ladies! I was busy over the weekend and naturally, I fall behind on e-mail, blog, etc. Pick whatever...LOL!
I love taking a selection of photos and putting them together, seeing how they work, seeing what folks pick as their favorite, finding words.
The odd mix is pretty much a day in my studio/life~~a little of this and that and a whole lot of *I should get the camera....*
Off to another quick, again???
Thanks for your visits!


Jo Murray said...

A thoughtful and uplifting post Anne. We all have a lot to be thankful for.

Laura said...

beautiful post Anne... I am in love with nature's still life's... sometimes I think photography as sharing nature's mixed media collages :-)

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