Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Halfway Down The Road.....

Me, walking this road, one step at a time....
It seems like ages since I have posted, and I really had planned to be off blog until everything was done. But I've hit the halfway point in my treatments today, and I have to admit that overall, time has flown.
I want to thank the many generous bloggers who have stopped by to wish me well, encourage me and keep the Blog Mistress firmly pointed down the road to getting well. You are all much more than any one blogger deserves, and it is humbling. The blogging community is a strong force of nature, in my opinion!
I'm doing good; I've had to learn to REST and not try and do everything I think I should do, so housework was the first to fall off the list. ;-)  In my down time, I've done a heck of a lot of knitting (no dent made in the yarn stash yet...*sigh*) and I've even shot a few photos, though I don't believe I've uploaded them to the computer....not sure.
I'm signed up for and anxiously awaiting the beginning of Michael DeMeng's new online class; "Crusted, Crumpled and Cracked".

(which, on any given day, could describe ME...LOL!)
Maybe that's why I'm so pumped about it....Or maybe it's the fact that some of the old Anne is shining through and finding you can fight the physical battles and still function and make art, or something close. Or something!
Anyway, when I have finished all the running to and from the hospital, I'll be back to fill everyone in. 
Unless I make something weirdly beautiful, and I might pop in with a photo, but I'm still officially on blog break, okay? :-D
Until then, find something beautiful to contemplate upon....

....every single day. I do. Life is very very good.



Bunny said... 1

Hi! I was sitting in my sewing room stitching and you came to my mind and I had to stop and send you a note. I was so happy to see you had blogged. You are in my prayers and in my heart.
Hugs to you and good health always.

Janine said... 2

It´s great to hear of you.
And great that you feel that life is good.
It must be freeing that you not have to go to the hospital all the time.
You are strong and positive.
You will be back soon.

Anonymous said... 3

After my trotting to the cancer center I was so glad to be over it I could have danced all the way home!! Before you know it you will be done too!!
Just know we are all praying & pulling for you!! You are a winner & you will beat the c-r-a-p out of this!!
Love Ya'.....

marianne said... 4

thanks for the update anne- i've been thinking about you. glad it's progressing, and hoping for the best. thanks for sharing that last photo- it's lovely- look forward to welcoming you back to regular posting.

kj said... 5

i'm here, i'll be back, you are unbelievable.

Nancy said... 6

50% of the way there... good for you!! Enjoy your upcoming course. Lovely photo... looking at sights like that must help with healing. Wishing you all the best!

Magpie's Mumblings said... 7

Prayers are continuing for you Anne! Hang in there and keep giving those C-cell hell!!

brandi said... 8

~what a sweet surprise this have left us with something beautiful here to ponder...knowing you are doing well and on the road to better days ahead...*sigh* blessed you are and will continue to are loved and thought of greatly...thank you for bringing yourself her today...sharing these beautiful photos and words of inspiration...keep creating my friend and always one step in front of the well and much love light and wintery blessings shining brightly upon you and yours~

marilyn said... 9

Soooooo good to see you have a post up. Half way is wonderful and yes life is so very good and I know you can make sunshine on the days there isn't any.

Anonymous said... 10

So glad you are halfway and feeling good. You will enjoy Mr. Demeng and his hilarious arty adventures, that I know. Heart you! xox Corrine

Silke Powers said... 11

Yeah!! Halfway done!!! And you are sounding good!! And of course you'll create something "weirdly beautiful." Love that expression - that's what I want my life to be. Weirdly beautiful... You'll love your class!!! We'll connect soon! Love, Silke

Robin said... 12

You know how to put a smile on my face, dear *FBBBFF* ! And I don't just mean that absolutely thrlling, gorgeous, uplifting photo of La Luna..(although I do adore it)'s because YOU posted! I know this took a lot to do....and I (well, actually, WE, your blogging family) are all so proud! (And grateful - becuause we miss you!) one is going anywhere...we will wait patiently for you to return.

Love and Hugs and Love and Hugs,

♥ Robin ♥

Debra She Who Seeks said... 13

You're in the home stretch now! Sending you hugs and best wishes!

Sunshineshelle said... 14

Halfway! Excellent, you keep on that road to full health... & once you're back... hey you can share more of that unique & magical vision you capture with your camera, and hey one more thing... the housework can wait ;)

Emma said... 15

Half way is good - of course you're still in there, just give yourself time to come back gently x

Cathy Bueti said... 16

Oh Anne, so happy to read this post and "hear" you!! Glad you have reached the halfway mark! And its great to see you still loving art, looking forward to your class and of course snapping a pic or two!!

You are always in my thoughts. Hugs to you!!


Unknown said... 17

Oh how great to find you on your post today. 50% is a great number. I have been thinking and praying daily for you. I know you will be back 100% soon. You are too stubborn to be down too long. Love you sista.

GlorV1 said... 18

It's good to see your post dear one. So glad to also hear that your halfway there. I've prayed for you and and have hoped that things are good to go and you sound good. We will be here Scythe Woman waiting for you. Take care of yourself and get the rest you need.

Janet Ghio said... 19

Oh Anne--you made my day--just seeing this post from you! I am so glad that you can see glimpses of the old anne shining through and that you have hit the halfway mark!!

nacherluver said... 20

So good to see you in this space! Half-way... Yay!!!! Glad to hear you are staying positive, focusing on the beauty in the world and creating! Looking forward to seeing your pics when you are ready to post. Until such time, I will quietly continue to pray for more and more and more healing. Hugs

My Grama's Soul said... 21

Good to hear from you.....sounds like things are going well.



Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said... 22

You are in my thoughts not worry we will all be there when you are full speed. Knitting is very kind meditation. Half way home baby girl. Sending you warm hugs and good wishes for a peaceful recovery. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

Dear Fireflies said... 23

Annie baby!! I've missed you! Good to know that you're still doing creative things even with the treatment and all. Please, please keep popping back in and surprise us. Lots of hugs to you! OXX

mmquilter said... 24

So nice to see you blogged...was looking you up just yesterday to see if I had missed an update....Hang in there and know you are loved...Sending lots of ((((((((HUGS))))))...Glad to read you are able to create in some form by knitting...Take care and be sure and mind your P's and Q's so those c-cells will go byebye

Leslie said... 25

Thinking of you and sending my prayers daily. Love you and please continue to take good care of you!

Bella Sinclair said... 26

Oh, it's SO good to see you again. I've been thinking of you and holding good thoughts. It's good to know that nothing will ever beat down your spunk and humor and creativity. Shine on, sister, shine on.

Big giant hugs and prayers!

yoborobo said... 27

YAY, ANNE!!!!! I sure hope you can see my lime green pompoms with the Day of the Dead skellys on them all the way there! I sure am waving them like crazy. We will talk soon! Take care, and keep on kicking butt! xoxoxoxoxo!!

studio lolo said... 28

it's so good to see a post from you! I think about you every single day even though I've been quiet.

I'm proud of you for staying strong. Halfway there! That's a wonderful thing...and yes, so is life.


Cameron said... 29

Life is good....and seeing Anne peeking through the curtain brings a smile to my face :)

Wishing you well!

Robbie said... 30

You KEEP taking care of yourself!!! We'll all be here when you are ready to be 'back at it'. TAKE CARE!!! Hope you got my cards! Hate to spend money on stamps if you didn't! :)

di from di-did-it said... 31

you aren't crusty and you haven't nor will you crumble, but cracked, well..... tee hee, maybe just a bit and we love ya for it! keep on taking good care of yourself! luv ya!

Laura said... 32

indeed your light shines through every blessed crack (wait, ok, maybe there are some "cracks" that are not for shining through;-)

Carol said... 33

Dear Anne, delighted to see your post here and to know you're halfway through. You have the love and best wishes of all your blogging fiends, that's obvious, and most deservedly so. Hang in there my dear, and enjoy Michael's videos. I've been away and have yet to see them but today may be the day. Carol xxooxx

kj said... 34

i'm back, oh wise one... :^)

have you given any thought to writing a book on how to kick ass when adversity tries to break in? or how to use frozen avocados to anyone's advantage?

you inspire me and i am so glad we are friends. we deserve to be friends, don't you think?

(mile wide grin)

Jan said... 35

Obviously I'm not doing much blogging lately either, this post of yours slipped right past me. Good to hear from you and to know you are staying so upbeat through your trials. That is the best way to fight it, stay strong and positive. And make art! Glad you are taking the DeMeng class, hope it is fun for you. Always thinking of you and sending healing energy and prayers.

Mim said... 36

Good to hear that you are halfway thru - soon it'll be 2/3's and then done! Very happy for you to see these milestones.

Keep relaxing!

Mary Fox of Fox On The Run said... 37

Good Morning Anne...Just thinking about you and hoping all is going better in your life. Yesterday I saw the beautiful scarf/shawl you made Jan...fantastic! You are an amazing woman!

Pam @ Frippery said... 38

Half way is a good place to be. I am wishing for a swift second half on your road to recovery, Pam

Jo Murray said... 39

Oh joy! You're back. I knew you'd overcome and am delighted to see you are in your old frame of mind. I missed you. Congratulations AND I just know the next stage will be sooooo much easier until you are almost perfect again. (Nobody's perfect... but you come close). Love, love, love.

*Ulrike* said... 40

I am so happy to see your post and that you are at the half way point. Think of you often and hope that things will keep going well for you!
Take Care!

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