Sunday, December 4, 2011


My Dear Friends,

This is a hard post to write but here it is.
After much ado and in and out of the hospital, I have been diagnosed with the *Big C* ~~ yes, THAT ONE.
To make this short, I went in Nov. 6th with what appeared to be classic blood clot problems and came out with the other diagnosis. (still had the clots)
This coming week, I start chemo and intend to fight, kick and scream till this heathen disease is out of my body. I am planning on a year to totally recoup.
The bad news is I probably will not be on here much, and I am leaving comments open on this, as I read every one, but can't reply, and I hope you understand.
My stamina level is low, I'm trying to rest as much as possible and prepare for the fight ahead.
I miss all my blog friends desperately, but sometimes real life has to take the front of the stage, as in this case.
I will post as I can, if I can, and hope that we all can be having a good get together on here a bit down the road.
Your friendships mean than world to me, and really help to pull me along on days that are rough. Blog friends are the BEST!!!
In the meantime, I wish for you a moment of beauty in every day~~find it because it is there. Don't pass it up.

Till later, and with love and hugs,



nacherluver said... 1

Oh Anne. So good to see you here. I've been praying and sending loads of healing vibes your way. So glad to read that you are putting your healing as top priority. No need to respond, just soak up the love and get better quick!

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said... 2

How can I help you? I feel so lost...I have a card already addressed for you dear friend. This journey is never an easy one but you have enormous stamina and determination. I am sending you loving hugs and winks for restful sleep...sometimes the only escape from the C...and the medication to fight it. You will remain in my thoughts and prayers. You are so loved! Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

Robin said... 3

It takes a courageous, beautiful woman to write this post......and that's YOU! You will not be fighting this was alone... we are all standing beside you. You are so beloved in the blog world - and out of it too.

Anything you need - please just let me know.

Love, Love, Love....and all my you, Gary and the Feathered Flock,

Your *FBBBFF*,

♥ Robin ♥

kj said... 4

i'm going to leave several comments; maybe even dozens. :^)

first, the obvious: look around anne, because we are all around you. we have your back. will hold up your arms. can nourish your irrepressible wanderlust.

we will protect your heart.

you can count on this, anne. ♥

love always

Debra She Who Seeks said... 5

Fight hard and be victorious, Warrior Woman. Sending all the healing thoughts and prayers to you that I can. Be strong and brave.

Jo Murray said... 6

Your strength and courage will stand you in good stead dear Anne, not to mention the masses of good vibes heading your way... even from Australia. You WILL overcome.

Robbie said... 7

As I stated in my have been heavy on my mind...don't tell me there isn't such a thing as ESP! You will be added to my thoughts and prayers...being the strong person you are, you'll whip 'this' too!! TAKE care and remember we are all here for you in spirit!! We'll each take a little of the bad from you and dispersed between all of'll be home free in not time!!!!

marilyn said... 8

Many hearts and minds will be with you everyday.

carla fox said... 9

All the best to you and your family. If anyone can do it, you can. :)

Lost Aussie said... 10

Take heart, be strong and use the love and friendship which will be showered upon you to help you get well.
You are in my prayers and I know you will beat this! xoxo

Nancy said... 11

Real life indeed... it doesn't get "real-er". Stopped and said a prayer for you after reading the first two lines, and will continue doing so. All the best to you in your treatment and recovery. Keep us posted as best you can.

GlorV1 said... 12

We are all here for you Scythe Woman!! You've been on my thoughts and I have included you in my prayers. Thoughts and prayers will be with you Anne. ::hugs::prayers::

Karen S said... 13

Sending you all the good thoughts I can! I know that your strength and goodness will prevail. You're the best!

Unknown said... 14

When I saw you had posted I said a prayer in thanksgiving you were back, but not with this new. So true life gets interrupted. That is what this is a little bump in the road. Healing thoughts and prayers across the miles right to your gut and you have guts for sure. Go girl.

Anonymous said... 15

Oh Darlin, love you so. I am sending reiki your way and lots of white light and good juju for TOTAL recovery. You go girl and do what you and Gary need to do to get you well. I have been thinking about you so much. I am here if you need to shout, scream, cry, laugh or just feel someone near. Anytime, always. We miss your tenacious laughter and strength. Hoard it and keep it for the fight ahead. No need to tell you to be brave, we all learn that from you. Give the big "C" a kick in the gut with those doc martin's of yours and tell it to get the hell out. xox Corrine

Linda and Michelle said... 16

Every day as I scroll through Google Reader, I look to see if there's anything new at El Milagro. I was overjoyed to see you here today!! I miss you on a daily basis. Know that not a day goes by when I am not sending light - and prayers - your way for strength. You are one incredible woman, and we out here in blogland are rooting for you. I've thought a group of us should arrange to have the real Cap'n Jack come visit there's some dreamin' to be had!!

Quilt Rat said... 17

Put on your Kick Ass persona and fight!!!! Wondered where you were......sick to see this post, sending you good thoughts and warrior vibes.

Leslie said... 18

Dear, dear Annie! I, literally have been where you are. I know that you will kick the Big C's ass but it wears on you. What can I do to help? I will forgo my trip to AZ in March and come be with you if you need me to help take up the slack.

Dear Fireflies said... 19

I've been too preoccupied with myself, ignoring what's going through other people's life. Somehow all my problems seem so ridiculous after this. You hang in there,'re probably one of the strongest women I've ever known and I know you can beat this with your eyes closed! Love you, hugs, hugs and more hugs! OXX

Janet Ghio said... 20

Anne-my thoughts and prayers are with you!! Big hugs!!

Glenn Stenson said... 21

I am counting on that dance lesson this summer, girl! And I'll gladly shave my head to get it! Big love continues to flow to you from this corner of the universe.

Kristen said... 22

Beautiful and fabulous Punk Pirate,
You know all the power that is beaming right at you and helping you! I'm sending you such love and huge amounts of strength and health.
LOVE LOVE LOVE and HUGS HUGS HUGS! Now, go kick the C's mofo'ing ass!

becky said... 23

Hi Anne,
Dang it all. So sorry to hear of this. Well, yes, glad to hear you are starting chemo & are prepared to fight. It sounds like you have a plan in place for fighting, resting & recovery. Sending every good wish your way!

Teri said... 24

Prayers and hugs to you while you fight this monster. Please stop in once in awhile and tell us how you are doing.

Magpie's Mumblings said... 25

Oh Anne - I don't know what to say that might help you right now. I've been praying for you over the past few weeks because somehow I must have sensed that something wasn't right in your world. Please know that those prayers will continue and that I'm sending all the positive reinforcement to you in my thoughts. Peace be with you while you kick C's ass.
Love and hugs.

Unknown said... 26

I am sorry to hear that the diagnosis is the big C, but having a good attitude and willingness to beat it will be a tremendous help to you.
Add me to the list of your admirers that will be keeping you in my thoughts and sending you all the positive energy and strength I can. Warm, healing, hugs to you.

audrey said... 27

With you all the way, dear friend.
xxxxoooooo ♥ audrey

Anna Rosa Designs said... 28

Ohhh Anne,
I'm terrible sorry to hear such sad, sad news!

I'll be thinking of you and know from your past fighting spirit, you will not go down without a hard fight, kicking and screaming all the way.

Please feel free to yell, scream, and swear my way when necessary. (I recently went through this with a good friend so hope I may help in some way)
I'll be thinking of you and hoping for the Very best outcome.
Know that you have many friends here in blogland and I'm sure face to face as well.
Healing hugs,

Cameron said... 29

Oh no!!! That is awful news and I'm just so mad for you that this is your new reality!!!

Oh, Dear Anne....I do know that if anyone has the faith, tenacity and cleverness to outwit the C word, it is, indeed, you!!! Keep your thoughts light and positive....I'll be sending many more your way!!

Much love to you!

marianne said... 30

oh shit. and you will kick this thing's a$$ and take names, you will. positive thoughts.

Lori ann said... 31

sending love and healing thoughts and all the strenght i can to help you through this. thank you for sharing here anne. bless.

Janine said... 32

Dear Anne,you are such a powerfull and positive women, so full of energie and strength.
It´s all in you. I know you will fight and be victorious.
You are in my prayers.
love and hugs

Cathy Bueti said... 33

Anne, my heart goes out to you in many ways. I am a big C survivor myself so I know the fight that you face and the emotional rollercoaster that goes with it. I will keep you close in my thoughts and prayers and I am always here if you need to talk, vent, scream via email whenever!! Sending you a big hug and wishing you strength for what lies ahead . xoxoxo

Georgina said... 34

Ya know I'm here, my dear pal...will be with you all the way.

Loves ya,

Julie Zaccone Stiller said... 35

I absolutely know that you my dear, Queen Punk Anne, **YOU** Will kick Cancer's Ass! Rock on sister, sending you all sorts of white light and hot bass licks :-)

Jan said... 36

What a lot of love, hugs and prayers heading your way! What a loving crowd we are, a big circle around you, sending waves of healing power. Bask in it, absorb them all, let the cumulative energy help heal your body and spirit. We are all here for you any time you want to write, call or share your distress, your joys, your successes.
Big love to you, dear Anne.

kj said... 37

look at all these comments! all infused with love!

i remember when i first starting blogging. i was cautioned to be careful, to withhold my name and address. hah! true blue friendships are borne through these airways. and some people create and deserve a whole army of true blue friends.

it's i, private kj, reporting for duty!

with love
kicking ass along side you, anne

Deena said... 38

Dear Anne, I have been MIA for a looong time then decided to look today at my blog and catch up with blogs and found this post. Sorry for your news but hope is high! My sister is going through Chemo right now for colon cancer and she is really doing well. I send you loving thoughts and healing hands...xoxo Deena

Bella Sinclair said... 39

Aww, Anne. I'm shocked and saddened by the news. You, my friend, have enough moxie and spirit and strength to kick this to the curb. And I know you will. Sending you miles and miles of good thoughts and prayers and hugs.


Marie S said... 40

I love you!!
I am here.
Whenever you need me.
Together strong!

studio lolo said... 41

Damn it, Anne.
I know you'll give it one hell of a fight as will I, standing by your side. I wish there was something more I could do other than send loving prayers. I know they count though, I'm sure of it.

Big hugs and lots of love to you as you fight this battle.

Ces Adorio said... 42

Oh Anne! Anne! Anne!!! I am so very sorry. So sorry. Bella told me last night about this heartbreaking news. You have been in my prayers. Listen, you can lick this. Be positive and keep the faith. I have seen amazing things. Just make yourself strong and keep a positive outlook. I keep on praying. You will be in mine. Take care. Tsup!

Unknown said... 43

You will be in my prayers Anne! I don't know you but I can tell from your posts that you're a fighter...dig in and fight this girlfriend! I'll be thinking of you.

Elena said... 44

My dear chap wearing scythe wielding friend, the big c doesn't have a chance with you. Don't give up the fight. You have so much love, prayers, good mojo heading your way from all over the place. Please if you need me let me know, you're not that far a drive.

tallboy said... 45

Blessings and prayers continue. I'll fill you in later about all that has been happening at The Creek! You were the gateway for all kinds of evil and chaos in the lives of our good folk. But, their prayers, and mine, continue for wholeness and holiness in body, mind, and soul. We have all missed you on your blog...
gratias et pax

*Ulrike* said... 46

Ah my pirate lady in arm, cancer is another step in life to fight, so you will take your mighty sword with positive attitude, the love of all of your blogging friends, and fight to win!
Take Care & big hugs sent your way,

marilyn said... 47

Thinking of you today.

Anonymous said... 48

Oh my darling Anne I wish I could wrap my arms around you right now.
Sending love and light.

Dear Fireflies said... 49

Anne darling, when you have time, please come see this little something I made for you. I know it's not much, but I hope it cheers you up just a little bit. :)


Tammie Lee said... 50

Sending you light day and night,
wishing you dreams come true.

Carol said... 51

Dearest Anne, I'm so sorry to hear your news. I'm now four years out from colon cancer and so far so good, so now I'll put my energies into sending you all my strength. I'll email but I don't expect an answer. You're an inspiration to your readers and I know you will continue to be. Love and hugs, Carol xxx

Unknown said... 52

I was reaching for the phone to call and thought I'd stop by your blog first and saw your post. Although this news is difficult, our collective strength is behind you and your husband as you battle this monster. Scream, yell, get mad and most importantly fight. xoxoxoxo

Laura said... 53

Well, you know from all the emails I am praying for you continuously Anne. I believe miracles happen every moment, with patience we see them through the eyes of our hearts. You are one who recognizes such moments, your photo clearly expresses this truth.
May you be blessed with lovingkindness. May you be blessed with compassion. May you be blessed with strength. May you be blessed with healing. May you be blessed with peace. xoxoxoxoxo

brandi said... 54

~oh my dear sweet friend, my heart is breaking, tears are falling maybe for you or maybe with you...i know what a journey this has been trying to find answers and i know this is not the answer you were is always full of the unknowns..the why's...the not takes us down paths we were not wanting to journey but i know deep within your spirit will rise above this and carry angry sad frustrated...allow yourself to feel and then just as everyone else above has said fight this dam thing to the are a beautiful woman filled with strength, love, humor, talent and wit...outsmart mr. him your true powers...take all the time you need for yourself to prepare for what is to come...not one of us will leave or give up on you...what we will do is be here to hold you in our thoughts and prayers...sending forth only our best intentions for you, your health, your well being and your family...thank you for sharing this with us and allowing us to help support you in any and everyway we possible can...i believe in you and i believe when one or more come together...its amazing what can be done...much love light and healing blessings upon you this day and all that will come~

illustration poetry said... 55

My thoughts and prayers are with you Queen Punk Anne and am sending lots of positive thoughts your way.


illustration poetry said... 56

oh and happy birthday!!!

Anonymous said... 57

Dear Anne

I was deeply sad to read this post and I shall keep you dearly in my thoughts and prayers ♥ I had noticed your absence from FB and wondered if you were okay. I came on your blog to wish you a Happy Birthday and found this post.
I am so sorry. You are a woman of great strength and of great spirit.(((HUGS))) WE MISS YOU,TOO.

Laura said... 58

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Anne, happy birthday to you...and many, many, many, many MOOOOOOOOOOOORE!

Bunny said... 59

Oh my dear Anne, I am just reading about your struggle with your health. I know how difficult this must be for you but I know you will fight hard to get your mojo back just know that my prayers are with you during this most difficult time.
God bless hugs Bunny

sjmcdowell said... 60

Dear Anne,

I have admired you from afar and now tonight I have learned from Jan's blog that you are not well. My heart is saddened that you have this journey ahead of you.
As I said above I have admired you from afar and now I am right here admiring you, your courage, and your strength...and when you will sometimes feel low...I am here to carry you when you are weary as we your friends in blogland will.

I will pray for you and will not cease until at some point when you say you are free of this journey and can then resume the journey of your hearts desires once again.

May God Bless you and protect you and give to you his Angels to help you in your healing process.

Love is Eternal,


Emma said... 61

I saw it was your birthday at Jan's too ( a lovely post!)& came by to see you're fighting the fight. I will look for a moment of beauty each day, if you will do the same, even tho I know it will be harder for you. Take strength from all these lovely thoughts your getting &.......
Happy Birthday! xx

Andrew Finnie said... 62

Hello Anne, sending you thoughts and Hugs from Oz !

Julia Christie said... 63

I am not someone you know well but I have visited your lovely blog many times and been inspired...I am very saddened by your news and send you lots of healing thoughts ~ I know we will be doing just as you say in a little while: Helping you celebrate putting this dreadful disease behind you!

Hugs and lots of Sister Love!


My Grama's Soul said... 64

Oh dear Anne....Sending the BIGGEST PRAYERS I CAN FIND your way!!!!!!



rossichka said... 65

Dear Anne, I know you from Amalia's blog. I haven't written up till now, but I can't just come to see what's happening to you and leave without a word... So, hello first!:)Try to think of something beautiful EVERY day - that you have already seen, tasted, smelled, felt or you are dreaming to happen... I believe, too, that beauty has a magical power! With very warm thoughts...

Anonymous said... 66

I am praying so hard for you sweetheart!! I am with you in spirit & God is with you always!!
Love You......

marilyn said... 67

It has been cold and sunny here and I hope you are beaming out your own brand of sunshine today. Of course we miss you and all wish you well very soon.

maddyrose said... 68

Anne, I've seen your comments on some of the blogs I've been following but not until today did I discover who you are and what is happening in your life. From the comments already here in response to your situation it appears there are many people wishing you well and I would like to be another voice in with these dear souls. Keep hope in your heart and think about coming out on the other side of this all strong and healthy. Hugs, Maddy

maddyrose said... 69

Anne, I've seen your comments on some of the blogs I've been following but not until today did I discover who you are and what is happening in your life. From the comments already here in response to your situation it appears there are many people wishing you well and I would like to be another voice in with these dear souls. Keep hope in your heart and think about coming out on the other side of this all strong and healthy. Hugs, Maddy

marianne said... 70

Hi Anne,
You probably don't know me but I came here to give you my warm wishes for a good fight!
So many comments so many friends who are caring for you. I guess one more person to wish you well can add a little to all that positiveness coming your way.
I heard about you when I visited Robin in November. She was devastated. I only knew you from some pictures I saw on FB on my friend's pages and I always thought wow that seems like such a nice strong lady.
Please stay positive and use all your energy fighting this one.
I will keep you in my thoughts and send you energy.
hugs Marianne

Lorraine said... 71

sending you lots of positivity for the big fight ahead..sorry to hear about this and sending you huge gentle hugs too

angela recada said... 72

Dear Anne, I've just now read this post and am so, so sorry to hear about your health issues. I wish you all the best in this fight which you have ahead of you. I know you will be strong in this fight, while being gentle with yourself. Sending you infinite hugs and love, my dear.

marilyn said... 73

Hope things are good for you today. Blessings abound all around, reach out and take them. Sure do miss your spunk in the blog world.

~Babs said... 74

Throw my prayers on there too. He hears!
My sister won this battle last summer,
and you will too!

Janine said... 75

Dear Anne,
I hope so much that you are feeling better.
I wish you happy christmas and a happy and healthy new year

Aimee Jeffries said... 76

Sending you strength, courage, health, stamina, guts, glory, happiness, health and so much more. Kick it's ass! :)

Anna Rosa Designs said... 77

Dearest Anne,
Just popped in to wish you & your family a happy, safe, fun filled Festive Season.
Festive hugs,

Caio Fern said... 78

again, i am late for your posts....
it has been one month you posted this.
I wish you all the best and keep the fight. you are wonderful.
God bless you.

Gaby Bee said... 79

I hope so much that you are feeling better. I'am sending lots of positive thoughts your way.
Merry Christmas and a Healthy New Year to you. I hope all your wishes come true for 2012.


Buttercup said... 80

Adding my prayers for health and everything good in the new year.

Mary Ann said... 81

Anne, you are in my prayers. Take a deep breath, focus and knock this thing out of you. And remember art heals. So pray, eat, art, daily. Fondly, Mary Ann

Terri Smith said... 82

Blessings Be With You Sweet Anne. My Prayers Will Be With You Throughout Your Journey.

Pam @ Frippery said... 83

Dear Anne, with so many wishing you a victory in this battle how can you not heal? My prayers and best thoughts go with you each day. Fight hard and win my friend. Thoughts, prayers love and hugs surround you, Pam

Janine said... 84

Dear Anne
I hope 2012 will be a good year for you, a year that brings healing strength and happiness.
You are in my thought
A big hug

marilyn said... 85

Wishing many wonderful things for you in 2012. Hoping to see you back on the page soon.

Sunshineshelle said... 86

Anne... kick arse, get well, take your time, but no excuses, you need to get back safe & healthy to all those other things you love - and all will be waiting & sending prayers & good thoughts until you return in full health - big hugs x

~Babs said... 87

Just dropping by with a hello and a hug.

Deborah said... 88

Spam Fry and Hot links.

brandi said... 89

~hello there my dear friend...just wanted to send you a quick hello and let you know i have been thinking of you...sending many positive vibes your way and letting you know my prayers remain with you and for you...much love light and blessings always shining brightly upon you~

Kokomo Piecemakers Quilt Guild said... 90

Hi Anne

You have so many friends:-) I have been thinking about you for days and as usual kept putting off writing and then thought I would check your blog for once!! You are so strong and have so many people praying for you, I'm sure you will be on your way to recovery. You'll be in my prayers every day. Keep up the good fight and I'll keep in touch much better. I've been working on the Guild Blog and am getting better but I must not have signed out as I can get the KPQG off of here but it's from me:-) and also everyone in the Guild will be pulling for you also. Diane

Sallianne McClelland said... 91

Anne, I just saw you lovely post on Michael's blog. What a lovely message to leave for him. Not only talented (I have just cruzed your site) but a kind and gracious lady too.

Mim said... 92

Anne - if anyone can beat this you can!!! Sending many prayers and well wishes your way - and looking forward to having you back in blog land!!!

Debs said... 93

Kick it's backside into the back of beyond!
Sending you lots of love and best wishes to beat its ugly backside into crusty crumbled and cracked-dom.
mwah dahlinks xx

Snowbrush said... 94

One thing about blogging is that you go through cancer with a lot of people. I wish you all the best, truly I do.

marilyn said... 95

Hope today has been a good one for you. Just wanted to say Hi.

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