Sunday, June 5, 2011

Channeling *Chicken Little*

Once upon a time a foolish girl headed out with her camera on a very hot (97 degrees) afternoon, with bleach on her hair, to snag a few photos of flowers.
But she looked up and saw a passing cloud with the sun and thought, "Gee, how pretty!"

(and actually, it was!)
Then she wandered some more and looked up again and thought, "Gee, that doesn't look as nice, but I'll take a photo anyway...."

(and it wasn't as was a little stormy looking)
So she was smart enough to cut the bleach job short and get it all out before the possibility of loss of power, as the weather had the feel of a storm.
Later, this is what she saw, and should have been in the house, but the bleach had affected her brain, so out she went, camera in hand!

"My, those look like scary fingers reaching across the sky....."
And they did. Only to be followed by;



(and those last three photos? no, she should NOT have been out at all, as the winds had changed and the storm was bringing in a smell that meant business!)
Everything was black as night and just like Chicken Little, she was running around, though taking photos due to lack of sense, and thinking all the while;
"The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"

Happy Sunday from a very foolish girl......



Silke Powers said... 1

Whoah! Chicken Little, I hope you are are alright and the sky didn't fall on your head... We are off in a few minutes, but just wanted to say hi and see ya later!! No more foolish picture taking, you hear?!? Love, Silke

*Ulrike* said... 2

OH, my goodness! Chicken Little could have gone the way of some of my chickens around here if she wasn't careful! Hugs to Chicken Little

studio lolo said... 3

OMG, I'd say the bleach affected you!! I'd have been in the basement quivering with the birds!

Awesome shots though. I'm so glad you didn't lose life and limb channeling Ansel Adams!


Janet Ghio said... 4

Scary black clouds!! It was that hot here yesterday!! but no rain--wich we would get some!

audrey said... 5

YOW! Those are some MEAN looking clouds, and yes, you should have been in the basement!!! You are just like me! I wait until the last minute to go to the basement because I want to SEE stuff and take pictures. We are CRAZY CAMERA ANIMALS!!!!
Glad you are alright, Chicken Little!!!!
Happy Sunday!!!!

Debra She Who Seeks said... 6

You're one of those crazy storm-chasers!

Linda and Michelle said... 7

You silly girl......them's bad-looking clouds, but they are amazing pictures. Amazing what a little bleach can do to one's thought processes......

Robin said... 8

Lovely, brave-hearted photos, my Blonde friend!
I would have been right there with you... who can resist the allure/danger of Nature when she is about to *throw a tantrum*!

These photos are just stunning!!!!!!!!


♥ Robin ♥

p.s. You WERE wise to cut the "blond-ifying" process short.....

Jo Murray said... 9

Great photos Anne, but you must be a 'whiter shade of pale' after that episode.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 10

Hey Silke! take all the FUN out of being a numb-skull! ;-D
Have a great time on your get-away!!!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 11

Hey Ulrike,

I had to make light of it; everything was so low it really was like I could reach up and touch the clouds.
We were spared the brunt...just kinda scared for a bit, but GOOD PICS! LOL!!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 12

Hey Lolo,

Ah-hahahaha!!! The bleach did a number on my head for sure, with the sun!
I'm still thinking it was more like channeling Chicken Little....Ansel Adams would have had a TRIPOD for better quality photos....LOL!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 13

Hey Janet,

We got rain alright~~not what I thought we would, but you could see/smell it to the South. I would bet they got pummeled.
After all the rain earlier--the ground had been hard as a rock...


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 14

Audrey, this was one of those odd times I was sort of mesmerized by the whole thing, and I knew I should be inside...but it was just changing soooo fast...and I kept checking the radar (we were okay) so I thought, why not shoot???
Well, lightening....


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 15

Hey Debra,

You can just stop after *crazy*.
I am crazy.
No matter what I am chasing...LOL!!!


Georgina said... 16

Hey, send that sky to us...we sure could use a bit of falling stuff. Like I mentioned, the only good thing about this drought is that the swamp cooler is working like a champ...25% humidity is the most we've had thus far and it's going to get hotter!!! Oh, how I love the desert! Pffft!!

Loves ya,

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 17

Linda, bleach or no, I would have been out there anyway....what can I say???
I'm a weather geek.


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 18

Robin, yeah, I was having visions of the bleach being on and the POWER going OFF! Along with the pump....LOL!!! ;-)


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 19

Jo, yes, both *I* and the hair are a little on the frazzled and pale side! heehee!
I had myself pushed against the house to try and get shots in focus; the wind picked up and it was impossible to stand normally and shoot....
I need a weather job....


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 20

Hey Georgina,

You did NOT want this one. I don't know how much of the area south of us was without power--a lot when you lose the radio stations. One guy was a reporter out in it and he had done this stuff for I think 20+ years, and you could hear the fear in his voice.
Guess there was a lot of hail, tornado warning, transformers blowing one after the other....then he went off air.
You just need a week of nice slow rain, that does the job without the fireworks....


Anonymous said... 21

Fun story. As long as lightning wasn't too close I can't see as it would matter. But then, it seems as if tornadoes are forming everywhere lately so maybe you should have been inside where it might have been safer. Nice pics though!

yoborobo said... 22

ooooh, shiver, shiver. That last pic is mean-looking! I'm the same way. I like to watch. We both need our heads examined. I hope it is calm and peaceful there now! xox Pam

Jan said... 23

I am certain these clouds are what the word OMINOUS was created for. I'm happy to say that we don't really get clouds like those here so thanks for sharing your ominous photos and now gimme shelter!

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said... 24

I love the beginning...and the dark dark end of the photos...there is a story there waiting to come out. I should be in bed but I am watching Treme on HBO and the Mardi Gras Parades are just so much fun. The Heat would kill me now but I am there in spirit. Remain calm and hopefully this weather front and 97 degrees will calm down soon. The Columbus Arts festival suffered some pretty major winds and several artists lost their inventory. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

Carol said... 25

I can understand your need to be out there taking photos, and they are pretty scary, I must say, but gee, Anne, be careful. Not being a sensible person myself, I can't say be sensible, so I guess you just have to keep on being you. Love the beginnings of the stole - what a talent you are.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 26

Timaree~~I will say right now, I had NO BUSINESS being out in that.
Just found out on FB last evening how destructive the storm was, and I mean, I could feel it was that type of storm but basically we were cut off from news.
I need a BRAIN!!!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 27

Hey Pam!

Shall we tag-team a psychiatrist and see how long it takes for them to submit???
I'm just glad I'm not the only one.......lunacy loves company, and GOOD company at that! ;-)


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 28

You hit the nail on the head Jan. OMINOUS. But dang, you get sucked into watching them and the next thing you know, you're almost blown to kingdom come.
Yeah, Gimme Shelter!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 29

Hey Mary-Helen,

I saw the photos of what happened in Columbus~~that was painful to even look at. I never have understood WHY, with the precise radar we have available, show co-ordinators will NOT call the show early enough for people to pack goods and get to safety.
What a tragedy.
Per the heat? I'm staying in the A/C as much as possible....


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 30

Hey Carol,

Yeah, I just have to be in it I guess (or see what is going on as sometimes we get the warnings too late).
The stole is coming along beautiful~~I'm still waiting for *parts* and then I can breeze ahead and get it finished. My patience, what little I have, is being stretched thin! LOL!!! I want them NOW! ;-D


Marie S said... 31

Knock knock knock, are you ok? Are you in the cellar??
Is you hair still there??
What a way to start my monday. Thank you so much for being the funniest woman I know.
You are the best!
But seriously, are you there?
Are you OK?

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 32

Hey Marie!

Yep, Chicken Little is still here, with *feathers* (rather blonder than before, but still a headfull!) and half a mind left!
I think I am so sick of these blasting storms that I have finally lost it and have to make fun of myself.


Laura said... 33

well chicken-courageous...I think these are fine long as your tailfeathers are still attached, it seems to have been worth the dramatic risk for the sake of art to me!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 34


Laura, the top feathers are still attached; I haven't checked the rear ones yet....I might have slammed them in the door doing a quick *exit-stage-left*..... ;-D
We artists are an odd lot, for sure....


Anonymous said... 35

LOLOLOLOL!!!!!You are lucky Chicken Little didn't get her tail feathers singed off!
That's some ugly sky there. I expect we will be seeing the same later this week, but this chunky ducky won't be out there running around, she will be hiding in the house with the scaredy dogs! xox Corrine

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 36


You're the ducky with the top-knot, right? Because you have a BRAIN to keep warm and think straight, as opposed to some *others* who shall remain, la, la, la, la.....
*rolls eyes and looks coy*
Someday, I'll get it.
But until then, well, you know what you're dealing with here!


Magpie's Mumblings said... 37

Oh my goodness - those clouds obviously mean business! I'd have 'chickened' out LONG before you did, that's for sure. Definitely I'd have been under a table somewhere with my eyes covered and my fingers in my ears chanting 'la, la, la' fer sure!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 38

Hey M.A.~~

Told ya I was nuts! I am sure there are just a *few* storm chaser genes in me. ;-D
Probably replacing braincells I could really use instead...oh well.


Seth said... 39

That is some sky! Cool to see the photos but I glad for you that you went inside before you took more!!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 40

Seth, if I had stayed out much longer, YOU might have had company! (delivered in a wet lump, plopped on your doorstep, remains of camera in hand....)


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