Tuesday, November 16, 2010

30 minutes......

It seems such a small thing---30 minutes---half an hour out of a 24 hour day. That amount of time set aside from my numerous tasks for.....................ME.
I am a creature of habit, and not all my habits are good. Like spending too much time on the computer, or finding the day has disappeared while I have been cloistered in my studio, working on one thing and mentally processing another. Feeling guilty I spent the time on the little three inch butterfly wing canvas and then discovering *IT* was the solution to some of the problems I have had with the wall hanging.
Everything is connected.
And now, the next thing to add to all that is *me*. As I am connected to the outside world via the computer, and connected to my work via the studio, I have been letting my health come in second or third or fourth on the list........
Maybe further down, knowing me.
Thus, if I am to keep my Doctor happy (and my body too---IN THAT ORDER!) I will be spending 30 minutes a day in REAL EXERCISE.
And I am scrambling to try and figure where it is coming from and how I am going to do it.
Less blogging.
Less FaceBook.
I can't do the *less art* because I don't have my fill of that as is.
And the holidays are close and I want to run screaming at the thought of not baking and enjoying everything that goes along with them, of course, I usually just want to run screaming at the thought of the holidays......overblown, over-purchased, the real meanings lost.
And all I want is THIRTY MINUTES. 
(and even as I try to write this post, Blogger is screwing up and sending my blood pressure up.......)
Sometimes, one has to know when to let go..........and do the right thing.
And that is now. I don't know when I will be on here. Bear with me.
Some things just have to come first, and some aggravations have to go to the end of the list.
I am disabling comments today because I know I will not have time to get to them, but y'all know where I am......so have a good one and let me figure out how to cram another 30 minutes into a packed 24 hours.
