Wednesday, May 26, 2010

One Break From The Series......

....Sorry for jumping around on you. I had the opportunity to do beta-testing for a teleclass on collage, and it was just too good to pass up! I spent a day gathering supplies, rearranging the table and trying to have everything I would need (or could possibly think of!) close at hand, because once it started, there would be no time for scrounging about.
I am part of the "Creative Women of FaceBook" which is a project of Sarah Bush. She also started an *R & D* group on Wiggio to get ideas and discuss realtime issues for artists. Anyway, I had only once before been on a teleconference call, and to say that I was LESS than impressed is a gross understatement. It was BEDLAM. That was sort of what I was expecting.
Wrong-O!!! Things went incredibly smoothly.
I worked completely outside of my comfort zone in both amount of time and colors, and working with creative prompts from someone else---which, for anyone as anal as I am, is a bit like handing my LIFE over.......
Below is the product of a fast paced, fun hour and a half:

Please click on the photo as there is much detail and color that shows up only when it is larger. This is a fair size file, so you should be able to get *up close and personal*! LOL!!!
Our prompts were as follows:

1. Color---anything to remove the glaring white plain substrate
2. Drip---I was dripping before the prompt, so I used to hair dryer to blow drips in different directions
3. Layer---I used the round stamps and a few pieces of painted paper toweling for this
4. Repitition---we were given a number to use, 5, and would repeat an image five times; I had not really worked consciously with repitition before but found it fun with the butterfly punch and stamp
5. Connect---using lines/color/paper to connect elements; Sharpies were great for this!
6. Erase---or cover; any way to void an area of the underlying design. I chose the paper and hand stamp, since it was so neutral, plus gave a little central visual punch
7. Stamp---well, I *had* already stamped, but I had grabbed some beautiful stamps that came on a package from Bunny in Canada, so I took the prompt *literally* and included some of these. I was amazed at how it grounded the hand image!
8. Text---again, I had used that "A 1" stamp, so I looked at the paper the hand was on, and yes there was text there, there was text on the postage stamps, but I pulled this little "love" stamp I had not used before and put it on.

I would do one of these again in a heartbeat! Sarah is a good teacher, gently guiding any level of artist over the stumbling blocks or artistic blocks we all encounter. I highly recommend her.

Now, I will be back to the remainder of the New Orleans piece and hopefully can get it up on here by Friday. The humidity is up again and there is some heavy gelling to be done, which means I may be dragging the hard bonnet hairdryer out like I did for the medical piece.
I am really pumped to finish it for y'all, and then move further into a large sewing project that will earn me some Art Money! ;-)
And that is always good!
Now go be creative....make something wonderful!



Anonymous said...

Its beautifull!!! its full of color an life and happiness, the tecniques are so cool and the repetition so works!! great job.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Thanks Lori!

It was just such a great departure from my normal work---it was like taking a mini-vacation right in my studio! LOL!!! (and free too!)


marianne said...

i thought i had the wrong blog for a minute! :) it's fun and sounds like it was a great experience. can't wait to see how you do with the corpse, oh anal one....

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

LOL!!! LOL!!!
Yep...doesn't look like me AT ALL! (but it *could* at some time, be me.....)
I think you know me too well marianne, but you still come and comment! :D
Thank you! HAHAHAHAHA!!!


yoborobo said...

Good morning, Miss Productive. It is a beautiful collage, so happy and vibrant. I see little peeks of you, especially in the hand. :) xoxo!

Tristan Robin said...

that sounds like such fun ... what a terrific exercise to loosen up and try new things without obsessing about the final result!

... your piece is really terrific - love the colors and the "connection" technique with the sharpie!

hope you do a little more of this!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Pam,

Miss Productive has morphed back into Miss Barely Moving! LOL!!
Yeah, the hand was probably the most *me* in the whole collage---and that's okay! (I really really like it.....)


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Tristan,

I just might. It is a nice thing to refresh with in between the things I obsess over....hahaha!!!
You know I have to have my *OCD* time, and then I can have *fun time*!!! :D


Janet Ghio said...

This is really pretty and I like the colors.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Thanks Janet!

I had fun with the brights---like when I used to do a lot of fiber work.
I think this is probably more reflective of that period of color use than anything else.


Anonymous said...

WOW.....COOL!! Just love the colors.....
Way to go!!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Thanks MArilyn....

A shrinking violet, it is not! HA!
Cooking the other piece under the hair's gettin' warm here! ;)


kj said...

wow anne, this piece bleeds and blends love! the colors are so perfect, and i love the stamps and postage. and speaking of love, would you mind coming here so i can give you a huge hug?

collages seems to be popping out from all directions. i think the universe has something in mind.


studio lolo said...

wow, I've never heard of a teleconference class!

I love the collage and the step by step description of how you arrived at the result.

very cool Anne!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey KJ,

Hee hee....I move at the speed of tree sloth---howse about a cyber hug???? (((me)))
It is funny how the piece just evokes different things to different people.
And yes, the universe ALWAYS has something in mind!!!
Usually not what I have planned...but...ya know...that's life.


P.S. Tell Emily *HI!*

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Lolo,

If they are set up right, and have a small group, they work well. (as well as the teacher)
Fair amount of prep before hand, but then you KNOW you will be spending the time working, so it is time set aside with no interruptions. Which was great---and nice to get so much done in such a short period.
If Sarah offers another, you might enjoy trying one.....


GlorV1 said...

What a great exercise. You did great. The colors are amazing. You did great! Have a wonderful rest of the week. Take care. Got to go, I'm borrowing someone's internet connection. I'm down at my mom's and she has no internet. Of course not, why would she? Tee hee

Marie S said...

It just goes to show you that living out of the box is a good exercise. I love the hand in the center with the stamps attached and it looks very much like a religious niche to me, I love that. With a halo of brilliant color all around.
I LOVE the colors you used.
This wonderful Anne. So lively.
Have a great day!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Gloria,

Thanks! I would go through withdrawal without the internet....OMG......what has happened to me??? LOL!!!
I am addicted!
Have a good time with your mother---internet or no!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey MArie,

It was an excellent exercise and is making me look at color differently. I think there are possibilities for a series....not sure how to describe what I am thinking yet.
Of course, then I have another whole series idea.....LOL!!!
I need 48 hour days, I think! ;) I know you do to!


Unknown said...

What a fun class this must have been. I could have guessed you would have been on step ahead at all times. Great bright summer colors.


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hi Kate,

It does have that spastic flowerbed look...which is what my flower space is like! (I am accepting that weeds are flowers too...LOL!)
HAd a ball with it---hard to move back to the subtlties of the NOLA piece, but I am....


Jan said...

This is great Anne! yes, different from your usual work but I do see many touches that are similar. That must have been fun. Thanks for sharing.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Jan! You're peeking at me!!!
Like the pic!
When I think of the color in my fiber pieces, the more I look at this, the more I see that palette reflected.
It was great fun---I think anyone would enjoy giving it a whirl.


Silke Powers said...

Wonderful! I love it!! It's so different and it totall works. I simply must get more stamps! I can tell I'd have fun with them... Love, Silke

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Oh yes Silke, you'd enjoy them a lot. I usually buy unmounted to save money, then mount on the very thick craft foam at places like JoAnns. It works fine, takes less space and saves me money so I can buy more things I *need*....ahem!


Deborah said...

Oh Anne, I love the colors! It just screams HAPPY! I came to rub your extremely blonde hair for luck, see how JAN won over at Tristan's blog!
**hotlinks** teehee Deb

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Deb!

I am thinking it is probably the BLEACH that makes it lucky!!! LOL!!!
The colors in the collage remind me of all the colors in your garden you posted....and that BLUUUUUUUUEEEE POOOOOOOOOllll.....
(not that I lust after a pool...ahem!)


Anna Rosa Designs said...

Hi Anne,
What a lovely bright piece you've come up with in one and half hours.
Sounds like you had heaps of fun!
Thanks for explaining step by step!
Happy Painting,

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hi Anna,

It really was fun, though I have to admit intense work too. Each prompt was only about 7 minutes of work, so you couldn't dither (which I do so well!).
Now it's hard to finish the New Orleans piece after all that COLOR!!! But I plod on.....


Elena said...

Oh it is beautiful! I love the colors and that hand and the whole thing! I'll need to check out Sarah.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Elena, the nice thing is you're in your own space, so you don't have the feeling of competition or watching what someone else is doing.
If it works, it works. But you still learn a lot during the classes. Definitely check her out!


Clare Wassermann said...

Wow fantastic - a great result - beautiful when enlarged x

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Thanks so much Clare!
Now to finish one thing, so I can start another! :)


Robbie said...

What a great piece!! I have to go back and reread your post but from what I did comprehend was quite interesting. Oops...gotta run and feed Sybil! He/she's waiting for her blood worms!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Robbie!

My kinda fishy! Eats BLOODWORMS! YEAH!!! >:)
Come back and enjoy at your'll be here tomorrow too!


Annie Coe said...

Hi Anne, Annie here by way of Kj, she said I needed to come tell you how much I love your poems to Emily! Now that I am here I see this beautiful art too. This is a wonderful piece Anne, it is great to step out and have adventures in painting.

Crowing Moon said...

LOVE it. It looks fabulous. Clever lady :)

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hi Annie,

Thanks for stopping by! I'm glad KJ sent you and that Emily did not pelt you with peas until you came to visit! LOL!!!
And yes, it was a painting adventure, and I needed it!
And now back to my current *headache-on-the-table* that I hope is DRY today.....
Pop in again!


*Ulrike* said...

You are one creative woman Anne!! That is beautiful, and I definitely love all of those colors!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hew WDC,

*beam* :)
Grazie! grazie!
It was soooo much fun!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hi Ulrike,

The colors remind me of some of the flowrs that grow abundantly in the south---all bright and showy and full of scent!
Of course it has as much order as my poor, forgotten flowerbeds.... ;)


Leslie said...

Way kewl, Anne

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Leslie---

You'd enjoy doing something like this too---just use fabric.
I was wondering about how it wuld work as iron on in a fabric-driven class......


Magpie's Mumblings said...

You did all that in just an hour and a half? Holy S - - - !! I think speechlessness is a word and even if it isn't, I am.

marilyn said...

Colorful, exciting, interesting, loving, going there, been, all essences of you. What a delightful exercise.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey MA...

LOL!!!! YES! I really did!!!
The beauty of having someone giving you prompts and knowing you have to think fast and get something done---and Sarah stresses NOT PERFECT (ahem! remind you of someone???)---make you move. It becomes like a fun dance and there is no right or wrong because you are experimenting with responding to prompts and techinique. AND---best part---you're at HOME so if it looks really, well, AWFUL when you're done, you never have to show it to anyone!
Seriously, this is something anyone could have fun with....


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hi Ima,

And one other thing for the list....pure fun!
I was *in the zone* in about five minutes, as opposed to the normal hours or sometimes in creative drought...days.
I definitly learned a lot!!!


Marie S said...

I love looking at this piece, just came back to view it again. It makes me happy!
Have a great weekend.
How do you do all you do??

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Well Marie, I do the art good and everything else gets done just about half-assed!!! (other than cooking as I enjoy my food TOO much)
LOL!!! :D


Mary-Beth said...

I too am part of Sarah's group and I so wanted to take part but it wasn't possible, this time. Now I see your piece, I really regret missing out! Well done!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hi MAry-Beth,

I think Sarah has another one in the works for June; just keeps tabs on the group e-mails and maybe you can be part of that one!
You'll have fun!!!


Karen S said...

Oh WOW! I love this!!! Those colors just sing to me! I'm leaving the computer now and going to go be creative -- Thanks! (I have a comment for the next post, but I have to leave now....)

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Karen!

Good! Go make something wonderful!!! :D
(and bright too...)


di from di-did-it said...

Wow~ I love the intense colors you've used.... this is gorgeous.

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