Wednesday, April 28, 2010

She's Lost It; She's Posting White Blobs!

Okay, they really DO look like mere white blobs. Have you ever tried to photograph white gesso that has texture??? The whole point of this post was to give a bit of BG on how I build layers with gesso and how it can be a great tool.
Instead I have white blobs.......okay, just pretend.
The reason I get interesting texture on collage on canvas is two-fold, but the primary reason is taking time to put several heavy coats of gesso on the canvas. The tags were an afterthough; I was inspired by what Silke had been doing with them over at Metamorphosis and thought I would have a few on hand....just in case....
First, I do two regular coats of gesso with a brush, letting each dry in between. Then I take a good amount of the stuff, pour it on top, get a palette knife and start spreading it around. I do not want it even; I want to go for that fresh plaster look, as it is being troweled on. A good portion of this will happen with the knife, but if you want to manipulate it further....
.....while it is still wet and lumped up in areas, hit is with a hand held hairdryer on high. The top layer will do one of two things; bubble or crackle a bit.
If you're darned lucky.
Then you leave these ALONE and let them dry thoroughly. And that may be a day, or two or more, depending on humidity, the gesso's pigment to water ratio.....lots of variables. Anyway, when they are totally dry, you have a wonderful textured base to begin working on with washes of color and gels and specialty products. The gesso application was what made the last piece work so wonderfully and was worth all the time it took.
Of course, as you build your collage, if you find the gesso has not built to the texture you feel you need, use one of Golden's gel mediums and a palette knife to apply some more. (make sure it dries translucent....a couple do not) I prefer the gesso texture, but needed to use the gel in the last piece on the sides, where it would have taken days to get good gesso build up due to the drying time for each side.
Also, while working on a piece, if there is texture where you do not need it, support the canvas and use a fine grade of sand paper or emery cloth to rub it down. Works like a charm!
Maybe tomorrow I can have something with some color.......I think that would be good! LOL!



yoborobo said... 1

Morning, Anne! I am going to gesso something today - you have inspired me! Maybe one of the kids - hahah. I can't wait to see these with color. xoxox Pam

Anonymous said... 2

You had me worried for a minute there......I thought you had gone minimalistic on me!!
I love the "plaster" look!! I haven't worked with gesso very much.
Can't wait to see more steps.....

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 3

Hey Pam, If you gesso the kids, I want a picture of the process! I bet they don't stand still long enough to dry properly! LOL!
Not sure what is going on may be a few days on the canvas. The labels? I have to think about then too!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 4

Marilyn, if I ever go that minimalist, it's all over....I have too much stuff I need to use up! LOL!!!
I can't wait to see how they turn out as I am clueless at the moment.
I'm going to have to give some thought and do some scrounging through books for these.
Vague idea bubbling....


Robbie said... 5

Can't wait to see how you finish this (these) off! Don't overthink what you'll do on this!! It might get you in trouble!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 6

Hey Robbie!

The chance of me *overthinking* anything this morning is a long shot! LOL!!!
The tags will be for quick work, but I am pretty sure the canvas (well, I did two) will probably end up as side pieces for the medical one, or as a stand alone set.
Thinking is hard without enough coffee...... ;)


marianne said... 7

thanks for sharing anne! i love texture & always like finding new ways to create it. i found some extra heavy gesso by liquitex which hold its shape nicely- nearly like molding paste. i'll have to try some background texture on the next pieces instead of building it all up on top. have a great day!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 8

Hey Marianne,

I'd not heard of that particular gesso---now I'll have to keep MY eyes open for it!
I think you would very much enjoy this type of ground with the work you do! :)


Silke Powers said... 9

Dear Anne, as you know, I looooooove texure! But I've never applied texture with gesso - don't know why, never thought of it. So, I'm going to do just that today! You are an inspiration to me!! And thanks for mentioning my tags... You are so sweet!! Love, Silke

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 10

I forgot to mention....if you put out a small bowl of gesso and let it reduce a little (i.e. the water evaporates) you can get more texture with it.
As I mentioned, it is a fickle thing....sometimes I don't know exactly what I will get, but that's half the fun!!!


Unknown said... 11

I'm thinking these are going to be turned into something very special. Can't wait to see the outcome. Please, don't keep us in suspense for long.

Have a fun day.
Heading out to see what damage the frost did here last night...icks.

Kate - TGB

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 12

Hi Kate,

We had frost for some labs in town...I'm going to just *glance* at the wisteris on the way out.'s supposed to be Spring. Right???


P.S. The brain is stewing on the gessoed pieces! :)

teri said... 13

Morning Anne
I look forward to the next step ... color on the textured gesso!!!!

Georgina said... 14

When I came across your post today, I thought you wrote, "She's lost it; she's posting white boobs!" Yes, I thought you really were losing it!!! Darn bifocals. Your tags are looking pretty good and I love the effects of gesso!! Bought a gallon of it several years ago and I'm just about ready for a new container of it.

Today is Miss Daisy Day and don't know what she has planned...I think she wants to go to that searingly hot St. Jude's chapel to pray for me and my son, Joel. Lost his job, but that's a good thing. Told him to look at this positively since he was very unhappy with his job and was just waiting a few months before he left it.

Back to gesso, I'd like to gesso my daughter's mouth...actually, plaster it!!

Love ya,

Tristan Robin said... 15

good tips - I gesso everything - even if I want something smooth - it gives a great tooth for whatever the next step is going to be.

speaking of smooth - they used to make a wonderful self-leveling gesso. alas, no longer. I loved it.

Janet Ghio said... 16

Hi Anne
Just a gesso suggestion: for demonstration purposes--After each coat of gesso that you put on-put a thin wash of color on top and then we can see what you have done!

Deborah said... 17

FUN! But regarding the color, I like to color OUTSIDE the lines...always have. When I was about 4 I clearly remember showing my artistically gifted older brother my coloring book and he said the strangest thing: You need to color inside the lines. I can still see my wee self walking away looking at my picture thinking INSIDE the lines...what an abstract idea! Another BIG day of chores here.
**kisskiss** Deb

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 18

Hey Teri,

Yep, me too! But I'm gonna be mowing TODAY, which means hopefully tomorrow.....I need to make sure these are dry. I always feel the canvas back to make sure!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 19

Hey Georgina,

Can I pitch in the plaster for you??? And a TROWEL??? >:)
have a good one and sorry there were no white boobs!!!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 20

Hey Tristan,

Does Dick Blick still make that? It seemed I saw it in a recent catalog somewhere.....but you know this brain. Things just go in and out.... LOL!!!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 21

Hey Janet,

That is an EXCELLENT idea!
And had I been *thinking ahead* (ah-hahaha) I would have done it!
Well, the things will be posted with color soon.
And yes, I was too lazy to tinker much in my photo program.....I am a slug! ;)


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 22

Hey Deb,

You can color anywhere you want!!! Isn't it odd how you remember things like that? We do get programmed (or attempts at it) early to follow the rules.
And then there is me....SNARF!

XXOO!! for a date with John.....Deere. :D

Anonymous said... 23

Dear Anne what a great lesson. I am just starting to work on a project and that lesson was just what I needed. I also had to go to the word verification, but I think everyone understands. It happens. You know just life that four letter word l i f e. Blessings

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 24

Hey QMM,

It seems lately, with blogs, etc there are a LOT of four letter words!!! (especially FaceBook.....)
Glad this was of some help to you; if you have specific questions, just ask!


laughingwolf said... 25

color is the missing music ;)

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 26

It will sing soon!!!
Just not today.
Maybe not tomorrow either as I try and catch up on errands and chores!


Magpie's Mumblings said... 27

No, I won't mention that I misread the title and thought it said 'boobs' not 'blobs'. No, I won't. Once I recovered from that, I thoroughly enjoyed the tutorial Anne. Thanks - it's going on my to-do list to try.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 28

Okay M.A----
I'll just put here:


Now returning to the usual level of decorum......SNARF!!! ;)


kj said... 29

anne, would you even believe i got in trouble on kj's blog for not mentioning everyone in my poem? people can be so petty!

emily rabbit

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 30

Dear Emily,

Yes, sometmes people get bent out of shape over odd things. I remember one other on-blog item that got poeple stirred up.....
I'll hop by kj's blog and see what is going on. :)


kj said... 31

you are a real poet.
do you know it?
i liked it to the moon
you should rhyme again soon.


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 32

Dear Emily,

Poetry sort of comes and goes,
I never can quite grasp it;
A flitting muse on silvered wings
Doth not come when I ask it,
But leaves me short and wont for words,
At times I most desire.
That muse is quite the ornery one...
And one I just might fire! ;)


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