Monday, October 5, 2009

Welcomes, a *major award*, and yes---I took Sunday off!

I'm still here; I just needed a break yesterday. Allergies are in full swing and I had killed myself working in the studio on Saturday, and enjoying the Open Studio On Line! What fun! Two new followers to welcome to the madness here---sometimes things calm down and I get to make art; it's just not often enough.
I have to thank Georgina at La Llorona Arts for the Kreativ Blogger Award! Now I have to do two things to totally *earn* this.....I have to come up with 7 things people don't know about me and I also have to pass it on to seven other deserving bloggers.

Let's do the blogs FIRST so they can kill me...ahem....THANK ME for passing to them the honor of displaying the award!

These are all creative people who do diverse things and hopefully don't live close enough to come after me....okay Gayle, you probably do but I know you're busy and Lynn, you love me too much....right??? :-)

Now, seven things y'all don't know about me (or really could care less about; yes, it's okay to pick that option!):

1. I was born in Vicenza Italy in 1959.

2. I used to be utterly TERRIFIED of skeletons. Now I practically have a collection of anything with bones.......and save them for artwork.

3. I dated an Undertaker and am acquainted with how a Jewish corpse is treated due to their religious guidelines, and also how their caskets are made.

4. I love reading medical texts for the fun of it.

5. I am trying hard to relearn the Latin I knew as a child from Mass, though there is a difference between *pure* Latin and *church* Latin---the latter being referred to as the vulgate.

6. I regret not having seriously pursued some sort of art/medical related career when I was young, smart and mobile.

7. I lived in California twice and was stupid enough to return to the Midwest the last time.....OY!!!! That comes back to haunt me frequently.......

Well, save and print that for those night of heinous insomnia, read through a few times and you'll be nodding off to snoozy-poo land in no time flat!
Now I'm off to work, and call for repair on my dishwasher, whose motor decided it needed a vacation. While the dishwasher was full of water. Of course. Grrrrrrr.......
Have a happy and productive Monday and may you see all the little blessings about you that we tend to ignore daily.
Life is good!

P.S. For a neat tutorial on how to reuse plastic cookie trays, go here! See what Robinsunne has done with what we would normally throw away. This rocks and is better than buying the expensive kind of shrinking plastic!


yoborobo said... 1

The computer is letting me on for a minute! Isn't it nice?

Let's see, Anne: bones, skeletons, undertakers, a love of medical texts...hmmm. Sounds like a doc to me! :) Thanks for sharing this. I got this award, too and STILL haven't thought of anything interesting to say about myself. What does that tell you about MY life? haha! Have a great day!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 2

Oh Pam, you could start by telling how you came up with the ideas for your darling skellies, your love of halloween, how long it takes to do what you do, etc......I would love to read those things!
And you know what, I had not connected AT ALL the bones, undertakers, med texts.....I don't have the brain cells for a Dr. but I was thinking (and was bemoaning the other day) about always wanting to be a medical illustrator.
So maybe that would fit me better, eh? Hope they get you ISP fixed! It bites being out there with no connection!


marianne said... 3

thanks anne! i bet my 7 things are more boring than yours! :) appreciate the kind words- so glad to have made your acquaintence!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 4

Hey Marianne,

I had to burn my brain to come up with the things I did. Then after I had it posted, I started thinking of other things but was too lazy to go back and edit! HA!
I love your blue dog pic; story behind it? We ised to go to NOLA and am familiar with the *Blue Dog* paintings there.
Have a good one!


Anonymous said... 5

Hi Ya'!!
I never got beyond where you were born!! How long did you live there??
I am so "into" reading about European history & I long to see it someday!!
Have a Great day!

Linda and Michelle said... 6

Thanks, Anne! I'll get sweater etc. in the mail sometime in the next month....Now to think about 7 things...they'll probably all have to do with teaching! And you're right - stop saying collage and go with mixed media!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 7

Hi Marilyn!

Dad was in the Army, thus I was hatched in Italy. We went back to visit when we were stationed in Germany, and that's the Italy I remember. I have wonderful photos though of my christening in a huge Italian church, gorgeous! Another much history. I remember Venice and, oh shoot---the name escapes me but it is a resort right on the blue, blue water of---brain dead, too long ago. Fields of red poppies, good food, lovely buildings.....everything was art. I am sure it inspired me in ways I don't know. Things sink in your brain and you can't access them but they have a bearing on what you do! I might have to dig up pics to post sometime.....


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 8

Hi Linda,

Yes, I finally have come to terms with *collage* as it used to have such a lousy rep!!! LOL!!!
I appreciate the package....whenever!!!


Robinsunne said... 9

Thanks for the P.S.!

Georgina said... 10


I too had a fear of skeletons. When I was around 4 I had a nightmare about them...they were disguised as real people...hahahahaha...dope...and when they came to our house, they unzipped their human skin costumes and wa-la, was all and all out war against the humans, ie. my family and them. I also recall spending the rest of the night with in my parent's bed. But here I am all those years later, loving them, making them, selling them!!!

Anyway, thanks for the 7 little things about you...they're sooo you!! LOL

Anonymous said... 11

Oh, wow! Thank you so much, Anne!..for the award...I am honored..hope i can come up with the requirements.. Might take a day or two!
I'll be out today.
Love all the interesting facts about you!...I will tell where i was born..but will not sound very exciting after!
Thanks for the tut on plastic cookie trays..from Robinsunne..

tallboy said... 12

Well, I for one, am glad you relocated to the midwest. It is the moral obligation of world minded folk to enlighten those who need it! Great to see you yesterday and it sounds like the gals you met with were extremely excited about your ideas! Just think, more "material" to post on your blog!
blessings, always,

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 13

Hey girls---been putting up the Halloween decs and chatting with a friend; it's funny how we overcome fear of odd things. I can't remember the skeleton thing but like you Georgina, as I was putting out my metal DOTD pieces, I smiled and am glad I love them!
Jean---your bracelet was a great hit!!!
Robinsunne, can't wait to try the plastic and figured my readers would enjoy tinkering with it too! Thanks for posting it!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 14

Hey *Tallboy*,

Hmmmmmm...I LIKE that! ;) I'm glad you think I can enlighten ANYONE.....short of using a keg of dynamite and a baseball bat! LOL!
Was good coming up; enjoyed the svc. as always. Are you sick again??? (FB post...) If so, you could tell me the parakeet story since I came clean here with the skeletons....
I think the hanging will be great; gives me something to keep my mind off the new hip. Need to work up a formal sheet of ideas/suggestions.
Take care----In spiritu humilitatis...


P.S. "I WANNA BE A COOKIE!!!!" (priceless.....)

marianne said... 15

anne- the blue dog is my dog, halle. there's no story, really, she just asked to be painted blue (i have done a couple of her so far). she's playful & quite the character, so making her colorful seemed right! this was before i had heard of blue dog.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 16

Well, I love it! It's just soulful and almost like I can hear a little whimper for a treat!
Nice work!


Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said... 17

OMG!!!! Nightline just identified OMG as blashphemy! ( sp) Thank you for remembering me in such a prestigious sacred have become a dear friend and I may be seeing you before you realize it. My husband's mother is 89 on November 8th and we may be able to hug in person...I will bring you healing energy!!! Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 18

Mary Helen....are you serious??? Both about nightline (OMG) and with your mom---are you going to be in Indiana?
(my house is a disaster.....everything has been geared to studio work since I got over the first hip; housework lands somewhere with cleaning out an outhouse pit.....HA!...VERY LOW on the list!)
November 8th I'll still be kicking and uncut!!!


Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said... 19

Yes Ken is one of nine children and grew up in Marion...I could care less about the darn is you who have filled my heart with songs and inspirations. I found some pretty interesting Latin vocabulary cards at Goodwill woohoo!!! Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary helen Fernandez Stewart

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 20

Oooooooo...Latin vocabulary cards! You obviously have better Goodwill stores there! I love going to them and pilfering through things.....almost always find a book for collage!

Anne......duly pea-green with envy!

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