Things still need cleaning, and that's my fault. Dang it, I can't blame it on a meteor hitting the house or being invaded by dirt gremlins......I have to take full responsibility for this one. And that's driving me nuts. Plus I have a business letter I have to write today that I don't want to, but with the hip in it's current state, I am going to have to gracefully decline a day of teaching. Phooey.
And, the capper to all this is, I'm going to have to call the computer techs and have someone come out and work on my *new* computer because I am pretty sure something evil has wormed it's way in, and is causing all sorts of problems. Now that one, I can blame on gremlins! (which means my computer time will be limited and also my money will be going out the door on gilded wings)
Bear with me gentle readers; this authoress apologizes for lack of art content, even though there truly is art abounding in El Milagro.......I just have to get these other details taken care of first. And sadly, and with empathy from me, I am sure you have all been there too!
On the up side---I already have an idea for another give-away down the road a bit, and even DH thought doing these was a good idea because it is the intent of putting something strictly GOOD out into a rather topsy-turvy world/climate right now. If you can make someone happy with a piece of your art, DO IT!
So hopefully tomorrow I will be going full bore again,rather than feeling like the cat; I just want to hide in a bag and peek out occasionally!!! And of course come out for num-nums........ ;-)
Have a creative day; don't hide it---let it out!
P.S. Talked with my tech---I may be computerless for a day or two. I am thinking sedatives are in order......AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
Anne, I think I have to tell you, there really ARE dirt gremlins. They were at my house earlier in the week, so maybe they're on tour. Blasted things. :) I hope your computer gets better (lots of rest and virtual liquids). There is nothing more tedious than a business letter that needs writing. If you need any excuses NOT to do it, let me know and I'll send you some. Your DH is on to something - I'm all inspired to do a blog giveaway now! :)
I think the dirt gremlins are not only on tour, but they have a huge crew of roadies, going ahead and setting thing UP for them!!! LOL!!!
Business letter done, sigh.
I am hoping maybe if one person, then another, then another, does a small blog give away, we have the ability to really get some GOOD going out there! It's just so easy, and people have so much fun in an otherwise NOT-FUN time.
As to the computer, still trying to get ahold of my techs and BEG them to come out......and fight the dirt gremlins too..... ;)
Anne, your writing is great, even when you say you're not writing... hey, if when you are writing the "I can't teach" letter, you want to mention that I can teach ... please feel free, although I may not be what they are looking for, I love doing demonstrations and classes.
Send the dirt gremlins my way, Tom will stump 'em dead!!!!!
Hey, send Tom MY way and I'll cook up a big pot of gumbo and have some Abita beer waiting!!!
Will pop you a quick note.....
Anne, its funny you're saying this about the Giveaways...and bringing happiness! I think i know what mine will be....and i may not wait till my 100th post!..i may be at number 63 now! hmmmm, maybe i'll start on making my giveaway today!...yea!
As to the gremlins...i guess they do exist in my apt...but might be harder to get to 31st floor.. hehe
I just choose not to notice! lol
BTW.. i need to find out how to go about installing the blog generator...
Seriously---the world is just in such a state of turmoil, and these things we do are small, but produce happiness. So why not? For everyone who can afford to do it, I say go for it! Spread it around the blogosphere!
Okay, I'm clueless.....what's a blog generator???? :0
HAHA!...Maybe i used the wrong term ,Anne.... i meant the thing that decides the winner! lol!
Random number generator! Go to and they have one you can download--can adjust the size, ect for the sidebar. Easy to do, even get to pick your colors!
Great!..i'll do that...TU!
Even if all you are doing is "thinking art," you are sending positive thoughts out into the universe (The Secret). And remember, you give a lot of us readers inspiration for continuing our own art!
PS - Macs rarely have dirt gremlins or need computer techs......
If it was not for relearning everything, and the fact that I just bought a new computer, I would switch to a Mac, because this is the second time this year I will have had to deal with this stuff, and I have antivirus, firewall, etc etc.
BUT! Most of my programs won't transition, and files, files, files.....what do you do??? (bang head on desk....HARD!)
get the mac with the intel processor and most of your programs will make the transition.
mac, mac, mac...all the way!
Thanks for telling me NOW...... ;)
Thanks for the laughter as always. This too WILL pass...
Love ya and I am still owed some art...
Sorry for your worminess. I believe they thrive in the dirt from the dirt gremlins.
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Talk to me Dahling!
I'm waiting, breathless...... ;-D