I have art in the studio that needs photographing and that may be the extent of my day. I know somehow I can upload from the camera to this computer, but prefer to just wait as I want the pix on my little piece of electronic hell........ ;-)
And I just thought---how many of us recognize the image above? And how does that date us??? YIKES!!!!!
Anyway, when I get the metal heathen back and reconnected, I shall return with my usual pithy observations of, ummmmm, everything. So have a good one and I hope that you aren't seeing this test screen too!
Take advantage of time free from the metal heathen and play in the studio!!!!!! That's your silver lining! Enjoy!!!
That's the plan....but I have to gather garbage first.
I love being a woman.....>:(
great to see you this morning, anne! thank goodness for DH computer..files or not! lol!
if you're anything like me...I want my car sitting there..ready to go...even if i don't need it!
Same with our pcs...but, it might be nice to have some studio time, regardless!..but, you still know you're out of commission! lol!
tell your techs..we need our Anne "fix" every morning!...so, they better get the job done!
Don't know what I will do without you.
I'll give you girls their ph# and you can explain the necessity of ME having the VILE MACHINE back soon....... ;)
All I can say is eventhough I've been working out in the studio this a.m. it's sort of like you're naked. Something vital is missing.
I was better off, truly, when I did not have one in the studio, but dang it, so much of the work I do requires the thing.
They are a necessary evil. And really, I do get so much practice swearing because of mine. LOL! Hope you get yours back soon. :)
Every time I think I'm cleaning my language up it's one of two things; drivers that feel the need to pull out in front of me and go 5 MPH or the computer.......
HA HA HA. Anne, you are too funny.
However, I would go mad without my computer. It has been sick (running slow) since last September and I still haven't taken it in because I know they will want to keep it.... ):
I think you're smart on that. USe it till it DIES a glorious slooooooooow death.......ACK!
Still no computer and no pics to post....WAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!
Morning, Anne!...we're hanging in here with you!
As I am posting from my DH computer, I know what you are feeling!
The Geeks have mine...after 4 trips trying to convince them there really is something wrong with the electronic heathen! I purchased 3 different service plans, when I bought it, so hopefully it won't cost me anything...yeah right!
ps...Yes, I remember the off the air signal!
Vicki---I have mine in town where I bought it; hopefully it will come home TODAY. But of course I have the dentist this a.m. and don't want to go, then I just thought I have a big pile in the studio where they need to work, so will have to hot foot it out there to clean that mess.
And I hate this keyboard!!!!! I don't know what it is---it is similar to mine but I keep hitting the wrong keys and then that makes me madder. ACK!
Yeah, there seem to be some very bad bits of nastiness going around computerwise now. I probably should have had mine sent in sooner but wanted it to be *performing* when they saw it. Then it will probably have a bunch of CRAP installed that I will spend a day clearing off--I know they installed a new browser I don't want.
Geez.......just fix it.......
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Talk to me Dahling!
I'm waiting, breathless...... ;-D