How long this will last is questionable, as I have tried to do it before and I guess I was just born with ants in my pants---I don't sit still well. But pain makes for bad company in the studio when you're trying to think or create, so maybe, just maaaaaaaaybe, Wonder Woman needs to step out of her satin tights and go for the lounging jammies and bunny slippers. (there's a visual for you.....) And probably be tied down with her golden order to rest.
So I hope everyone else is cooking up wonderful things today and send a few good thoughts my way if you have a moment. Or any types of thoughts, for that matter! :-)
Until I am back up and at 'em........
We all need a day off now and again. Hope yours is rejuvinating!
Well, I've already staggered to the cellar and toned a canvas. Maybe I just need a day off from *real life issues* and some art related issues instead.....ya think??? ;)
!LOL! As soon as I saw this I laughed cause I know EXACTLY how you feel. It's how I feel sometimes--just want to cover my eyes and stay in bed longer than I should...and sometimes I DO! But I know you, you're a BIT of a workaholic and you can't stand NOT doing something for VERY LONG.
Too bad we can't create art WHILE we're in bed...
Love you..
Does sitting on a chair with a paint brush count as resting???? :)
Seriously, the surgeon yanked my leg around so bad, I can hardly get down the stairs. So I'm not doing MUCH and am still in jammies.
I'm TRYING to rest......
Luv Ya!
You need someone to build you scaffold, so you can lie down and paint a fresco on the ceiling!
Hey, I hadn't thought of that!! But I had enough of scaffolding when I redid a victorian still have to crawl UP there! LOL!!!
Didn't whatsername make a lot of her art while lying in bed? And she's famous. You know, that woman with one eyebrow~
Frida? Yes, as a matter of fact she did.
Don't even THINK that Jan.....I'd have slop everywhere and DH would probably be stuck to the headboard with gel medium.
I think I'll just take it easy and waddle to the cellar to build up color occasionally today. That's enough. :)
Good luck with that, I have the same problem. Knitting is good for making you sit still and if it's a no brainer, all the better. Love you and take care of you, PLEASE!
Well I ended up being in the cellar, smearing paint on a box canvas, then sitting at the computer. So I guess for *me*, that was a day off. Didn't accomplish much but got an idea firmly in my head, which makes the lack of other productivity worth it!
Go see my GOOD Doc tomorrow.....
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Talk to me Dahling!
I'm waiting, breathless...... ;-D