I don't remember what year I did this quilt; it took a Governors Award and a Best of Show. Other than that, the details are vague. There is tons of machine quilting in it; it was an amazing work to put together with tiny pieces of fabric being cut and then applied with a fine line of glue, then almost everything secured under a layer of tulle before going under the machine.
I wish I had somewhere to hang this in the house, but it is BIG. One of the last pieces I did this large. I completed this one before I started having back and shoulder problems.
Maybe.....maybe, maybe.....tomorrow, I will have the box canvas posted. It is almost complete for all intents; just needs a final coat of varnish and lots of photos. LOTS.
So hopefully you won't feeling like digging out a cut from the crypt in you creative ventures today----unless, of course, it's one you really want to finish!
Here's to freshness and imagination and starting new projects!
Go for it!
Anne this is beautiful! I love the colors. It is so you, You are so talented. p.s.I put my tag up.
I wish it was a better photo. It is from a scan of a printed pic, pre-digital! The quilt absolutely glows *in person*!
I still love it......but there is no where to hang it so it's rolled in the studio. (sigh!)
This quilt simply knocks my socks off ... I remember when you posted it on the pirates' site (or, I know I've seen it SOMEwhere before). This quilt was the piece I saw when realized you were one effin' awesome artist!
I'm still looking forward to the art of golden endeavors!
Please don't let this go to your head but DAMN, you are such a talented artist!!! Pull that out of storage and hang that up! It is too fabulous to be languishing in the dark. At least pull it out and take some better pictures of it. Loan it to someone who has a good enough space to do it justice or something. (not me) I'm glad you were tired and so posted this, it is simply stunning. Okay, I'm not glad you were tired but I'm glad you posted this. What the heck are you doing pushing heavy rollers around with your not yet mended broken bones??? Don't push the healing and start going backwards Anne.
YESSSSSS! everything jan said and LOUDER!!! this piece belongs in the fort wayne museum OR my house. it is stunning! oh annie, cease and desist! we all know you are cowboy cool and tough as nails but stop pushing the physical stuff, for a little month maybe? and put that energy into your beautiful work! i have to confess that while i love everything you do, your fabric work has always just killed me it's so very fine!
Hey all,
Rolling the yard was easy---pleasant rather. Just riding the JD around and around in the cool evening, enjoying the birds and plants.
PT was HELL today and now I know the meaning of the word HURT. It was in the gym, not the pool, and my body revolted.
Then I went to work on the circus banners and Val and I both were DYING but the one is coming along sooooooo neat we did not leave until we just couldn't take it anymore.
So, you all are RIGHT---I should be doing less.
I am enjoying (for the most part) what I am doing, and that's okay.
And thanks for the nice words on this quilt---it has always been close to my heart; I love it. But it's 4' x 4' more or less, and there is no where to hang it. I look at it once in a while.....it's enough!
Well, if it needs a home, I am owed some art. It's fabumundo!
Slow down, you move too fast. That said, I resigned a position on a board cuz I am just too tired and it was wearing me out just thinking about it... Sigh.. Resistance is futile, feh!
I don't think there is anything left to say about the quilt!
Where are you painting the banners? Sounds like a back breaker!
My John Deere is finally fixed...$700 for a new deck! *raising my right hand* I promise not to mow the wood pile anymore! (Don't ask cuz I ain't telling!)
Resistance may be futile, but I'm more the Capt. Kirk type---I just invent my own rules!!!
Yes, I have, right in front of me, my list of *owed art*.... :) I wouls never forget you, buuuuuut, I'm thinking I'll just keep this one. Hee!Hee!
Yes, I believe a JD should also *mulch* anything......la la la la la!!!!! Don't ask what I've mowed..... (gravel, stumps, rocks....)
We're working on the banners in the building directly behind the cirus building. Concrete floor, which always does me in. Actually, it is set up pretty good, it's just having your head, arms and neck in odd positions for a long time, and then sitting on the concrete floor to get the bottom for detail work. I need to buy a cusion to take in, or se if I have an old one here.
But that would be sensible...
Okay for some reason I pictured you dragging the roller around by hand or pushing it. I forgot that you would have hooked it up to the JD. So I'll forgive you;-)
(in very evil, threatening voice)
You'd better!!!!! LOL!!!!!
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