Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What IS THIS????

Did I not, the other day, say Spring must be on the way?

This doesn't look at all like Spring to me.

In fact, it looks more like the return and revenge of Old Man Winter!

This was what I woke to yesterday morning. It was still dark when I opened the garage door for DH and yes, it was snowing and yes, some was on the twigs of the bush honeysuckle and I saw that.......
However, when the sun came up and I saw---once again!---my poor magnolia covered with snow and icicles, I was heartsick. Almost every year it gets frozen, snowed on, wind battered, you name it. In fact, the one year it bloomed completely out (and was GORGEOUS!!!) DH said, "How long have we had that tree because I don't remember seeing it before".
Well he was right because I get this in full bloom about once every seven years.....
So for those of you who live in the South and have those marvelous white Saucer Magnolias, I flat out envy you! Just once would I like to have a few to float in a large bowl of water inside, to put on the table at Easter, to walk in the yard and smell the sweet lemony aroma that only a magnolia can produce.
Let's face it. I live too far North.
I suppose now that I've griped I need to be creative and do something art wise that will be a bit of balm for my soul.
You too! And I hope you don't have SNOW, which---by the way---is a four letter word!
Have a warm, good, artsy, creation filled day!
P.S. I hate to admit that all that snow did provide the opportunity for me to get some beautiful photos from the porch. Yes I was good. I just stayed on the porch and shot what I could.......


Lutra said... 1

Oh, how sad...
I love love love magnolias...
It is supposedly too hot for them here in AZ, but I have seen a few...
My sister has one in her yard I just love it...she complains about the mess...the bees...ahakkkk.....
The pictures are beautiful though....
Great that you are getting into the studio again...
I know the feeling!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 2

I was quite surprised today; the blooms are not destroyed. Browned a bit but hopefully it will stay overcast tonight and they can open a bit. Otherwise, well, lots of brown petal all over the drive to broom off......
Actually made a bit of studio progress today in between household duties and working out. YAY! I just need to paint...I'll be fine.....

Jan said... 3

ohhh, how disappointing! Poor flowers. I hope you get more than some brown petals to sweep.

My Vagabond Heart said... 4

Another freeze warning tonight...I thought this was supposed to be April not March!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 5

Yeah, as Vicki posted---ANOTHER freeze warning. This is crazy--typical Indiana.
But I remember many Easters past we would be wearing winter clothes to church and sloshing through snow......
I don't even want to look at it this morning.

Leslie said... 6

Looks like Colorado last weekend, are you sure you are far north of here?

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 7

Sometimes I feel like I live in the Arctic...especially of late.
Surprisingly, when I looked at the tree this a.m. things were not as bad as I expected. I'll actually get a few blooms, providing we don't have another freeze warning.
Usually by this time of year the A/C is on.....

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I'm waiting, breathless...... ;-D