Monday, April 6, 2009


(Photo By Anne M Huskey-Lockard, copyright 2009, all rights reserved.)
As long as I am dealing with different types of collage I do, I thought I would post one of my favorites. It is a very small piece, 4"x5" and is put together with beeswax. There is no paint in this piece; the color is built up through layers of wax, paper and sheer nonwoven fabric. The pink and cream floral is the same as is used in some of the box canvas pieces.
I had put this together from remnants from a trip to New Orleans, thus the scrap of House of Blues tissue paper and the little label. On the streets of the Quarter, if you're brave enough to pick things up, you may find an interesting bottle cap. (usually though, all alcohol is put into plastic *Go-Cups*, which do little harm in spur of the moment disagreements....) I had some quality printed tissue left from tags I had made for work that was in a small folk art gallery there, so that went in, a lovely bleached leaf skeleton, along with a silver plated sacred heart milagro, and of course pattern tissue, due to the amount I sew---or used to sew for myself.
This is a warm, friendly little piece and taught me a lot about texture, as the wax cools quickly, and the canvas soon builds up a nice surface, though you have to tilt it to the side to really appreciate it. That textural aspect is put in the box canvas pieces through the use of gesso.
Hot beeswax is not for everyone. While it smells pleasant, it does SMELL after a while and really should be worked with in a well ventilated area with a fire extinguisher close at hand. Things can flash quickly if you lose your train of thought.
I sealed this with a floor varnish and it has held up quite well, considering it hangs right by the sidelight of my front door.
There is a part of me that would like to try a larger piece in this technique but still......I hesitate.
Small can say so much, and sometimes much more.
So what have you created of late??? Your turn!
P.S. If you look at the three-quarter shot in the second "Hand of Glory " post, you will see the texture that is approximately like what the beeswax leaves. This project was what gave me the idea for using the gesso as a texturing tool, to gently build a similar base to work on. Of course, with the wax, the texture is really the LAST thing and with the gesso it is the FIRST thing. Each yields interesting results and are both are worth trying to see what works for YOU.


Leslie said... 1

Okay, so it's not just me that picks up interesting bits from the road. I held up traffic at the library cuz I saw a few interesting bits in the road and thought that I needed them. I like this piece a lot too. Very kewl.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 2

I pick up anything that is rusted, aged, get the idea. One of my friends actually suggested that I start carrying latex exam gloves in the car with all the *bugs* out there, and she was probably right.
Somehow, there is just something so FUN about finding a disposed bit and using it in elevates the common to a different level.
Yes, I too am a trash-picker!

Rebecca Anne said... 3

I adore this little piece. I've tried working with hot beeswax myself and know it is not easy!!! But I do love the effects and texture it can give to a mixed media piece.
Well done,

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 4

Thanks Rebecca--cruise the site, there is more of my serious work further in.

Stitchwhiz said... 5

This piece speaks to me! Thanks for sharing your process. I admire small format work so much. Well done and I do hope you are on the mend from your fall.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 6

Thanks! I am better---better enough that I think I should just be able to get up and GO. But then I am reminded that I can go at a snails pace and nothing more.
Nonoe the less, I did get to the wet studio for a few minutes yesterday and that was grand!
And yes, I like the small format work too!

bernadette ostrozovich said... 7 this one soooo much! i love the way the color and imagery transitions are so meltingly soft. you are my hero! i want you to teach me about beeswax. love

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 8

I should do a beeswax class, except I am not sure WHERE I could do it. (smell, fire regs, etc)
Well, there is my studio of course!!! I'd love to show you anytime! We should plan to do it sometime this summer!

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