Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Art of DECAY: or Why Co-Op Theme Night Is Fun and Introducing Kathy Lauman's Work!

(Image copyright Kathy Lauman, 2009, all rights reserved)
I wish I could take credit for this piece. It is from our art group that meets monthly, and we pull a one word theme as subject matter for every alternating month. As luck (or lack there of) would have it, the month *my* word---DECAY---was to be shown, I was here at home, newly released from the Horse-Pistol and really pouting.
This was done by a very talented lady, Kathy Lauman, who has a way with both words and collage. She is a natural for altered art and has a tremendous sense of humor with her work. You must click on the photo to read the text---you MUST!
I remember the first meeting Kathy came to, quiet, reserved, shy. I think we asked if she would return and she said yes. One of the first pieces we saw was of the building the Cafe is housed in, and it was hinged to stand, with tiny details in the windows and Kathy talked about what inspired her, and about why she had people, etc. in the work.....should have had an inkling at that time that there was more to come! Then we had Bernadette's mixed media class, Kathy signed up and suddenly we were absolutely blown away at this treasure of art hidden inside her! It was one of the most rewarding experiences I have had; watching her make an absolutely incredible piece and being able to have a storyline to go with it! I mean, it flows. It doesn't seem like work--she takes diverse bits and supplies and there is always something going on with the characters and when it's done, you're whisked right along with the whole drama happening in the work! It's like being Alice and you've fallen down the rabbit hole and emerged in a different world--FUN!
So, since I felt there was probably a little bit of *Anne* in one of those characters depicted---probably Dee, just probably---I had to buy this and bring it home to hang in my studio, right above my worktable.
Now every time I am at a standstill, not able to decide what to do next or just burned out on decisions, I have something wonderful and light hearted to take me away for a short while and make me laugh.
And try and figure out if I am Dee or if I am Kay.......
I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this one, and those of you who know me well do too! ;)
Please leave comments for Kathy here; I know she will be checking the blog and will be anxious to see what everyone has to say!!!
And I demand that you do that! NOW!!!! (whip cracking) LOL!!!!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 1

I'm beating everyone to the punch today and posting on my own blog! Kathy, this piece is truly soooooo much fun and when I saw it the evening of Co-Op I did not have the time to get a good look at it, but saw enough that I knew I had to go back again, when I could enjoy it and study it.
That was why I was hoping it would still be there; the first glance I got said it belonged with me!
you keep pushing forward with your work----it's fantastic!

Val May said... 2

Kathy, Your art work is so funky and quirky :>) I love it and your TWISTED sense of humor; we NEED it. Please keep coming out with these unique creations of yours.

Tristan Robin said... 3

This is a delightful little gem - and so in a style of humor to which I relate! I also love that it tells an entire novel's worth of information with only a few images, words ... and bits and bobs of jewelry (love those touches).

I would enjoy seeing more of her work!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 4

That was what I liked Tristan---the whole story, right there and glitzy too! I wish I could have captured the background colors better; they were luminous!

Linda and Michelle said... 5

Most collage seems to be just scraps thrown together. I obviously have not been looking at the right artists! This piece melds everything - story, images, textures, beads...everything tells a great story! Love it - and looking forward to seeing more of this work!

Leslie said... 6

Neato, where can I see more of it. Thanks for sharing your friend and her art with us.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 7

I need to do some arm twisting with Kathy---and take the camera. I hope she is reading all the comments today.
She could do her own blog on how to make these, I swear!

GailBeth said... 8

This is truly exceptional. I can see that you are coming into your own artistically and appreciate
the influence of your versatile family background,
the well rounded absorbtion of your studies in life and
the metamorphosis of your consistent quest in developing your talents and creativity.
Sisters forever

Jan said... 9
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Jan said... 10

What a great eye she has for detail and a poets mind for simple words to say so much. Thanks for sharing this marvelous work by a talented artist. I love the way the ladies appear to be about to jump off the canvas and get me!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 11

The women are put on with spacers, so they literally are *up* to the viewer---makes it great. Glad the photo caught that detail!

icingmoon said... 12

Thanks so much for all your kind words. Like the tortoise, I'm slow but sure. Great plans & dreams to get things finished, to share as I can. Greatest hurdle is to be disciplined with my time, and not allowing myself to get distracted. Working on the next month's theme, peacock. Seeing those crazy birds everywhere now!

icingmoon said... 13

And by the way, this is my first time writing in anyone's blog, so I guess I should have identified myself as Kathy Lauman. sorry about that.

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Talk to me Dahling!
I'm waiting, breathless...... ;-D