Friday, March 22, 2013

Finally~~Finally! The Frida Box Is Done!

Some pieces of art go through long dry spells where it seems they will never be finished, and I must admit, this was one.
I began this box canvas before my CA diagnosis. At the time, dealing with little skellies was no big deal, but when you get hit in the face with your own mortality, things change.
Well, for a bit. As my friend Pam put it, "You lost your Skelly-Love for just a minute?"
Yep, but it's back full force.
I honestly had NO IDEA where I had planned to go with this piece after the LONG break. I just had the Frida figure, a background and a big mental BLANK on what to do.
So, as usual, I sat back and let it talk to me.
What was Frida. What would represent DOTD? What would be good as an imitation of her Blue House?
Layers and layers of texture and paint and stain go into these things, and honestly, I cannot describe the PROCESS, but I can post enough photos to give you an idea of how we got from a plastic Halloween skeleton to finished art, that, I must admit I am absolutely delighted!
So here is a photo essay of the making of this, at least the last part.


Any questions? Ask.
I love sharing!
And I am glad I have a little ART to show off!



Janet Ghio said... 1


Deborah said... 2

Wow. Big WOW! For so many reasons. It makes my heart happy to see you creating again. What you have created pleases my eyes in a most extreme manner. I am not ignoring your email; I am still sitting with it. There's a line; take a number! I am not okay with it.

Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo Cancer.

I love you, Oh Great Fuzzy One.

**blows kisses** Deb

Robin said... 3

This is fabulous!

Robin said... 4

Your brave, beautiful heart speaks so completely through this piece. From the silvery Angel on the roof - to the entwined branches, filled with sunny Frida, herself, holding her bouquet of Lilies inscribed to her beloved Diego...(How ever did you make these lilies.....incredible!) I am so in awe of your passionate creativity...
yes, as our Pameee says, "You lost your Skelly-love for just a minute"...but wowza, dear FBBBFF - it is ROARING back!

Can you tell I like this piece? A-ha-ha!

Love, Love, Love, Love....always.

♥ Robin ♥

GlorV1 said... 5

Excellent work! Love this!

turquoisemoon said... 6

Wonderful!!! I love this....

Jan said... 7

Anne, this is fantastic! So wonderful to know that you have found time to spend in the studio. I love it a lot! what is the size of it? Fabulous!!♥

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 8

Hey Jan,

This is one of my small box canvasses; 4"w x 6"h x 2"d.
It's a lot of detail in a small space.
If I would have thought of it this morning, I would have held the piece in my hand so it would be easier to get a visual grasp of the size. But it WAS morning and I wasn't thinking too much! ;-)


Robbie said... 9

And WE are so glad you have art to show!!! How interesting!!! Sorry...that's all I've "got"...interesting!

Debra She Who Seeks said... 10

A raven-haired skelly and calla lilies -- how appropriate!

Bella Sinclair said... 11

OH! OH! OH! That is fabulous!!! Wow, you blow me away!

studio lolo said... 12

She's baaaaack!!!

Oh my, you know how much I love Frida. This is amazing! I'm not a skelly fan, but one with Frida eyebrows may succumb me ;)

I love the casa azul, and the whole treatment of the piece. You're amazing my dear! This is freakingamazingwow!!!!


brandi said... 13

~perfectly beautiful is this piece...your spirit in bloom...happy spring blessings my dear friend~

Georgina said... 14

Hey girl, don't have a heart I am in all my "plentiful" opinions!! LOL Ok, I loves, loves, loves!! As one "skelly" girl to another, and Pam being the 3rd of the "Skelly Muchachas," this is absolutely f'n fabulous!!! I do love the piece.

Great to see you get back into the saddle again and get those pieces of "arte" moving. Ok, now I need to get my arse in the studio and get some skellies done too. Again, love this piece of work, and oh yea, you're a piece of work too!! LOLOLOL

Loves ya,

Anonymous said... 15

Oh so great to see this must be feeling good. I am so glad!!!!! xox

Jo Murray said... 16

This is so cool. Well done Anne.

Mim said... 17

its wonderful! I can't imagine the work that went into this - amaze me

Laura said... 18

you infused her with life once again Anne...beautiful! Have you done any journaling with this piece? I bet She has a lot to tell you, and you have much to tell her as well.

Timaree said... 19

Glad you got back to the piece and finished it! It turned out great and if it isn't what you were going to do with it when you first started so what! Time doesn't stand still and neither should art so it ecame what you needed it to become now!

yoborobo said... 20

Oh, I am having some giganticFRIDA love looking at this. Anne, it is so wonderful, and I adore the skelly Frida holding the lilies. She looks so thoughtful (HOW DID YOU DO THAT??) and the way she is nestled inside, with her legs hanging over. One part in her old world, one part in the next.
I am swooning from the orange and blue together. Did you paint that crackle on the side (with the red)? I love this piece, Anne. It is so strong, just like you. Big XOXOX!!

di from di-did-it said... 21

So glad you didn't turn your back on this entirely and instead, waited for the right time and for it to speak to you. And speak to you it did! Excellent.

audrey said... 22

WOW! And WOW again!!!! This piece is OUTSTANDING, Anne. I love it. The process, the colors, the subject. It is perfect!!
We all know you have to feel good to be in the right frame of mind to create what is inside of you. You nailed it.
It is a beauty, Anne.
xxoo audrey

kj said... 23

i did not leave a comment already? that cannot be.

i totally love this piece. i think the designer hat on the skellie is hilarious. i see firefly trees. and what a blue. that is a holy soft blue.

this one could be my favorite anne.

oh, and for the purpose of public affirmation:

i love you!!!


april said... 24

It's wonderful, Anne. So interesting! I love how the box is painted and Frida and her lilies and the silver angel on the top of the box and...and ...and...

Anonymous said... 25

Wish I could give it a real life viewing. Sending love and light from New York. See ya on FB ;)

Laura said... 26

Oh Anne, been a while since I've visited you site and so grateful to see you creating, just beauitful.

Jan said... 27

I came back today for a second look and am even more impressed this time. Your ability to create something that looks old and weathered never fails to amaze me. Beautiful.

Laura said... 28

Holding you in my heart as I prepare to sit and meditate this morning. Much love to you dear Anne.

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