Monday, December 31, 2012

Looking Back.....

....2012 has flown.
Yes, sprouted wings and flew at a speed I cannot fathom. I know, I know, you're just saying it's because I'm getting OLDER, but each year seems to have it's own sense of time and passing, and this truly was different.
I'm not one for resolutions at all; I find them trite and usually what sounds good in frigid January (especially after some bubbly) makes little sense once the new year is rolling around March.
I like to think I greet the beginning of each new year HOPEFUL. Yes, no vows, or words, or resolutions, but I truly find HOPE in my heart at the beginning of the next 365. 
Hope for myself and family, for dear friends, for the planet as a whole.
Hope for a little more kindness, a little less vitriol.
Hope for a LOT more common sense and people getting along.
Hope that we can pull ourselves up by our collective bootstraps and be~~no~~SURPASS what we really could be.
Hope for more hours in the day, more smiles, more lovely moments cradled in our hearts.
Just finishing with a round up of photos from the Blog Albums~~all in all, it was a very good year.



Janet Ghio said...

Beautiful photos and "hope" is the perfect word for the new year--can have so many meanings!! Happy new year!!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Happy New Year Janet!

Yes, I think there is always a lot to hope for, in very good ways, and sometimes it's a feeling of getting to *start over* once that clock passes midnight. (tho I am occasionally!)
Here is to abundant hope!


audrey said...

Hope! It keeps us going, doesn't it? Beautiful words, Anne. May 2013 be all that you want it to be, and more. Happy New Year to you and Gary!!!!
xxoo audrey

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Audrey,

Hope is that eternal spring, always running with fresh cool water, clear, clean, keeping us going.
Hope you have a wonderful 2013, and that we all keep HOPE in our hearts the whole year through!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh yes, more common sense in the world, PLEASE! Have a wonderful New Year's, Anne, and all the best for 2013!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Debra, I never thought I would say that Common Sense seems to have a great SHORTAGE, but right at the moment, well....hmmmmmm.....
Swear I would immigrate to Canada if I could! ;-)


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Dahling!!! Hoping 2013 brings more art from your lovely fingers, more stitching, more photos, always more laughs and loves! xox

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hi Corrine!

Well, I figure I'll need a Blogger-Rant early in 2013, just to keep the laughs going (almost had one NOW as my replies keep getting scrambled....HAR!) And art---yes, I am trying! Little things.
Should have a post on them within a week or so.
I think I need a Face Book intervention; get off the thing and spend time back on the blogs~~I miss the interaction.
Here's to a wonderful 2013 for YOU!


DVArtist said...

Wonderful post. Happy New Year to you and your family

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hi Nicole!

Thanks on the post~~hope you and yours have a wonderful new year, full of time for all the GOOD to soak in! :-)


Silke Powers said...

Are we sisters, or what?!? Yes, your hope for the new year is mine as well!! And I'm looking forward to many more fun conversations with you!!! Much love and Happy 2013 to you and hubby! xoxo, Silke

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Yes, yes, YES we are!
I swear to you, I had this in the can last night, scheduled for early this morning to post, which of course it did NOT, and then I read your blog and thought *Oh my!*
lol......too cool!
Here's to the best 2013 for you, Daniel, and the fur babies~~lots of love and art!


Laura said...

may this be a year filled with wonder, healing and blessing upon blessing dear Anne... so glad you are in my life.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hi Laura,

I hope we BOTH have a year filled with good wonder and many little miracles!
I am so thankful we met through these blogs, and that we share a path of life.....are we not blessed?


yoborobo said...

Happy New Year, Anne! I am all for hope and less acrimony and how about we all decide to play nice at recess? lol! It's such a lovely world and your photos show that. Wishing you and Gary all good things in 2013 - xox!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Pam!

We get recess??? :-D I like that idea! We all need MORE of it!
Have a Happy New Year celebration, be it toasting and laughing or snuggled in jammies!
And a wonderful 2013 too!


Robbie said...

Always love your photos and your thought provoking words of wisdom! A great new year is coming for us all in 2013!!!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hi Robbie!

First, glad to know you're safely in place where it's WARM and, oh, NOT SNOWING! (yes, more of the white stuff as I type)
The photos were fun....I never reuse them, and it was just one of those *what the heck* moments....not bad!
Hope you and yours have a GREAT 2013!


Cathy Bueti said...

What a lovely post Anne! Yes, hope, always hope. Your pictures r beautiful and through each of them I can see how grateful u r for the moments. That is all we truly have isn't it?!
Wishing u much love, happiness, and good health for the new year!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Thanks Cathy!

I always feel a certain relief when a year has passed, and honestly, I really DO feel a hope for every new year.
As I looked back through photos, etc, I was surprised at what I had done even tho this last year, ummmm, *had it's moments*! LOL!
Here's to the good moments of the future~~in absolutely EVERYTHING!


Jan said...

Wonderful photo montage, especially that one of you ringing the bell. I too have hope that the new year will bring more good tidings. I will do my best to show kindness and hope in all my doings.
Love from Jan

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Jan,

I had to include the bell photo~~That was a day to celebrate!
And as long as I've known you, you have always shown exceptional kindness and hope.

Love from Anne

kj said...

I'm afraid to wonder where my comment went :-)

My fav here is the spider web, but seeing all your photos together reminds me you are a talented photographer alon with your other skills and shenanigans :-)

Your studio looks like so much fun! Exciting to anticipate what will come from it this new year. Here's wishing for just the right combination of calm and hellion for both of us!!!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Into the cyber-ether, KJ......where all our comments occasionally end up! ;-)
I love that spider web too; it was a DEVIL to photograph, as the auto-focus feature on my camera kept getting the background and not the webs. Odd that I recall that so vividly....I think because out of a large number of photos shot, only one or two turned out, that one, being perfect.
My studio has now hit disaster-area again~~need warning tape on the door. But I'm making little bits of art, thus, the mess!


studio lolo said...

Ah, those Indiana skies! You really do capture nature at it's finest.

We have the same paint caddies!! But it looks like you have 2! I do need more.

What a year, eh Anne? Look at you after ringing that bell!! I cried when you shared the photo and moment.

Here's to the year ahead. May it bring less tears, more laughter, and a boat load of creativity!!

Love you, dear one.


Robin said...

HOPE! It needs to be the driving force for us all - along with peace and love.

Your chronicling the year in photos was so lovely. I remember each and every one...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful... that's your blog, your FB page - and you!

New Year Hugs to you, your DH and the Feathery Ones!

Talk soon!



Mim said...

oh all these beautiful pics - and wonderful words. you look terrific, you sound wonderful. that's so great! wishing you a great and happy and blessed new year -

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