Sunday, November 11, 2012

Lush Life Of Autumn

Everywhere I look 
there is a visual feast.
Autumn is lusty, lush.

Sky-blues that are intense beyond
The music of seed pods wafting
in hearty breezes.
I hear her call.

At my feet are small vignettes;
Lovingly placed by wind and chance.
The tell-tale color of
morning frosts and nights that chill.
Ah, Autumn!
You are a delicious conundrum.

Peeking from a tight shawl of grasses,
more life that refuses to succumb.
The scent of heady earth and
warm growth.
Delicate and fine;
from where did you come?

Laughing at the weather,
the contrast of delicate petal and
sunny face.
I see Autumn dance her dance,
of sleep and color,
quiet and wonder.
The resilient in lavender.

And everywhere, the touch of flame.
Fire from her petticoats
that trace across the land.
Autumn is shedding the crinolines,
layer by layer.
Leaving mystery and fire,
cool and crisp,
sweet and quiet.
One last party before 
Winter Sleep.


DVArtist said...

Beautiful just like you.

Terra said...

Delicious conundrum, I love that! The artist in you shines in your words.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Nicole,

Thanks so much! I just love getting photos of the change of seasons....inspirational!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Terra,

Our Autumn with color was so very short....we have had a little blip of late color and growth due to Indian Summer.
I have been mostly *sans camera* at all the times I see things......but took time yesterday to wander the yard.
So much in such a small area, especially that mushroom! It was just ELEGANT!


Anonymous said...

So Beautiful .... I felt it!!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Marilyn!

Good to *see* you here~~I need to pay attention to this poor blog! lol!
Good~~glad you got the *feel* of a fine walk thru the back 40. All the rich earthy scents of Fall.
It's a perfume.
I just love it.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Beautiful, Anne! I especially like the final verse.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Thanks Debra!

I have enjoyed this Fall so, especially since this time last year, I wasn't sure if I would see it!
Nothing like a little scare to make you appreciate all the life around you more....


Robbie said...

As usual, you bring us visual delight!! Take care my blog "friend"!

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

he poetryWhat a beautiful post...the poetry weaves inspiration with the photos. You are so loved...the quote lusty lush ...great words. Peace, Mary Helen

kj said...

my fav: that mushroom. all those layers, just like people :^)

when you say you weren't sure you'd be around to see this Fall, it makes me so happy and so grateful that you are. and i hope this will be so for the next thirty years, so i can keep up with you

with love
your pal

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Robbie,

Just love to share the wealth of this time of year!
Sometimes, the little surprises one finds.... :-)


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Mary-Helen,

Oh, I do occasionally have fun with words.
If my brain functioned better, I might have MORE FUN with them! LOL!!!
I still was not satisfied that they described the completely overwhelming feeling of the know?


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey KJ,

I think the mushroom is my fave too~~it took some gently unearthing of grass to get it to show. Was afraid the whole time I would break it off.
Being down at bug-eye-level to shoot it, smelling the scent of fungi and pine needles and sweet fallen leaves......wonderful.
The sinuses disagreed, but it was sensory overload for sure!
I plan on being here quite a while, just for the annoyance factor~~hahahahaha!!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, lovely photos and beautiful words....super duper my friend. Hope you are feeling well. xox

kj said...

I've come back to read your poem in its own right. if i didn't know you, i would say 'this is a woman who reveres the world'

and i would say she is also a philosopher. this line:

"Lovingly placed by wind and chance." ha! that's not just a flower or a seed. that's US!


Debrina said...

Gorgeous photos - love how nature is relentless in her pursuit of beauty even when she is about to move her goods underground. Ahh...and then Spring after Winter, when she revives that question of immortality in her act of rebirth, every year without fail, and a new creation.
Lovely post.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Corrine,

Doing well~~have managed to get a little too much on the plate right now (lol! as usual!) but enjoying the time and it's nice to get things done!
Catching we ever???


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey KJ,

You know, I find it easy to write when I have wandered for the photos, made selections, cropped and sized, then chosen the order for posting.
After that, the words flow.
It's like the preparation makes me think (tho I am not aware) and then the final composition speaks for itself.
And yes, we are placed by chance~~in life, in friendships, and hopefully in such a beautiful arrangement!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Thanks Debrina,

I think that is what makes Autumn so spectacular~~even in the throes of change, things are functioning on their own life schedule.
And then the sleep and quiet of Winter, and then the burst of Spring.
It is most amazing. I never fail to enjoy seeing the little miracles of Mother Nature in their cycles!


Unknown said...

What a beautiful expression in person of "Bloom Where You Are Planted." I hear every leaf and smell every scent through your beautiful words.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Peggy!

Good to *see* you here! :-)
This has been a season of me finding little things that definitely ring true with *bloom where you are planted*~~some I've been lucky enough to catch in pixels, others were just in the mind, on the way somewhere sans camera. (my usual state)
It feels good to get a blogpost up again.....


Robin said...

Each photo is vibrant and full of LIFE and PASSION - just like the photographer! Every word paints it's own picture.... you are a marvel!!!! I am so blessed to have you as a friend.



Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Thanks Robin!

At the end of the growing season, it seems the brave remainders are more beautiful than ever.
I was out again yesterday looking for tidbits, and I do mean BITS.....
Fall has stripped the trees and the gardens are prepared for sleep.
Little color left....


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