Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Tidbit From The Studio.....

I've been busy. Probably a little *too* busy, as I am still in P.J.s and bunny slippers, getting my second wind back from a looooooong day yesterday.
But here is a bit of what's been going on at El Milagro.

This table WAS clean. It took me two minor projects to get it to this state. 
I know you remember seeing the heart collage/painting after the work was FINALLY returned from the gallery last Fall. I was so happy to get the work back, I just gave it a quick once over, then safely stashed it. 
Well, went to photograph the paintings for files, and what do I discover on this one? 
Yes, you read that right; the art had been left where a dog could get to it.  Scarred the paper, removed color and took the varnish off. After a bout of cussing (it was a good one too) and a LOT of work, I finally got things repaired and filled with a couple of layers of heavy varnish. The two pieces in the background had to have clay pieces repaired and revarnished also.
Thank you so much Gallery Off Broadway for your PROFESSIONAL CARE of other artists work. Now pass the Excederin.....
Happier notes~~knitting.

This is from sari yarn, though not the type I've used before. It worked up into a nice piece and at the end of the day I was pleased. It's off with it's new owner, who loves it. :-)
I had promised a photo if I had something *crusty* from my new Michael DeMeng  class, and I am teasing you with a PEEK.....

That's all on it for now.....I'll need a day to put a good coherent post together! LOL!
And finally, to end a long and hard working day~~as I was ready to shut the lights down for the evening, I looked out the window, ran to the studio and grabbed my camera to capture THIS:

No color retouch, no adding; this was one of the most amazing sunsets we have had this winter. The salmon glow from the clouds was coming in the house.
I ran out with no coat or hat to try and capture a bit of the warmth.
It was grand!
So all in all, a good day.
A very very GOOD day.



Debra She Who Seeks said... 1

Dog claw marks? Jeez, everyone's a critic.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 2

And a snarky one at that! LOL!


marilyn said... 3

Was thinking about you over breakfast this morning and so glad to see you ventured out to post on this celebrated day, hope you get to see your shadow.

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said... 4

It is so good to see and hear from you...I would be furious with that gallery too! Thank you for the heads up lady! The scarf is simply luxurious..I love the color play! Try to find some balance in your is the pot calling the kettle. You are never far from my thoughts dear friend.I am sending you blessings and hugs and last night's sunset was splendid here also!! Peace, Mary helen Fernandez Stewart

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 5

Let's just hope I don't live this day over and over and OVER.... ;-D
Had planned to write this last evening, but ran out of steam!


brandi said... 6

~love blooming in a beautiful way...uuuggghhh...guess i will remain thankful we do not have a dog...although i wonder what kind of damage chickens could do! sorry you had such happen but happy to hear you were able to get it mended...the crusty...inticing...can't wait to see more and the sari yarn...funny cause i just came across a store and have my want list ready to go...last year i cut long pieces from an old piece of silk and loved working with it...any thoughts on the yarn above...easy or difficult to weave??? tis a magical piece you created and i am sure the one who has it wil treasure its warmth and happy to see you hear...always my love light and blessings remain shining brightly upon you and yours~

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 7

Hey Mary-Helen,

I had always been lucky with galleries; but the horror stories I've heard from other artists, well, I could have had more damage.
Wasn't the sunset just something you wanted to soak in and enjoy for hours? I barely had time to get the camera and get out there---here and gone.


marianne said... 8

hi anne! sorry about the gallery experience, tho i am glad it was fixable. can't wait for more of the demeng- and the sunset is beautiful! glad to have you back-

nacherluver said... 9

Glad for your productive and good day. Sounds like a busy one! That sky. Wow! Breathtaking.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 10

Hey Brandi~~

This is a good source for sari yarn that I think would weave:

The good quality sari yarn is soft and should work in a loom fine. I can't think of any reason it wouldn't. Some has overtwist, which would need working out before use.
I think it would result in a lovely piece for sure!


Janet Ghio said... 11

I was just thinking about you yesterday and here you are this morning! Glad to see you are creating and blessed with such a gorgeous sky!! Dog claw marks--SHEESH!!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 12

Hey Marianne,

As you said, it was fixable.
Good to be back on blog for a bit--next week will probably be hunkering down till I get my oomph back!
I really want to do that textured piece justice....may have to work on the post a few days. Photo heavy.


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 13

Hey Nach,

Oh yeah...that sky was breath taking. Did not look real; the color was more intense than I could capture....


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 14

Hey Janet!

I was thinking of you the other day, wondering what cool stuff you'd been making!
Have not blog hopped...not enough hours at my speed~~LOL!!!


Linda and Michelle said... 15

Glad to see you here this morning! The sunset photo brightened my day. Dog marks??? Sheesh....we take such care, it must be even more maddening to see someone not honor our work. Looking forward to what comes out of the DeMeng class - sooooooo glad you're back making art!!!!!

Pam @ Frippery said... 16

Glad your day had more good than bad. That de Meng project...can't wait for the reveal. Good to see you blogging, I haven't been hopping for a while. Agave a lovely weekend, Pam

Cathy Bueti said... 17

The saga continues with the gallery! Just when u thought it was over! Oh Anne claw marks?! WTH??

Glad u fixed these beautiful pieces. I love your hearts! And what an awesome sunset shot! You gotta do whatever it takes to capture those moments! Sounds like u had fun! That's what counts!


Teri said... 18

So good to hear from you and see that all is well and beautiful!

Robin said... 19

*Dahling*'s DIVINE to see you posting! WOW! You HAVE been busy...

First.....that SUNSET....glorious, magnificent, fabulous - all do not convey the beauty of those colours....

Your art.... I would be upset at the neglect that gallery showed your piece. (But at least the doggie had *good taste* to single it out!)
I am happy it was fixable! The scarf is amazing.. it's a Rainbow come to life!!!!

The great! I love those textures!

WONDERFUL POST! Seeing your photos, hearing your's like a hug from you! We have all missed you so much! today, ok?


♥ Robin ♥

Georgina said... 20

Love that scarf, but around these parts, don't use them much. It's going to be friggin' 70 degrees today...WTF!! Anyway, it's quite cool. Can't believe what they did to your paintings....that sucks...unbelievable, but just glad you were able to get them back and do some touch ups and repairs...oy!!

Thanks for the phone call yesterday. Ya know, even if we spoke for a few mins., we, as always, laughed much...great hearing from da best, lady.

Loves ya mucho,

Jo Murray said... 21

Some galleries are just the pits. How dare they treat your work in such a cavalier fashion! Love the scarf, but that 'crusty' pot is just gorgeous.

GlorV1 said... 22

Good to see you posting Anne. What a beautiful sunset, just awesome. Sorry about the dog claws. Apparently he/she was having a grand ole time, tee hee. Nice to see you. Have a wonderful day and coming weekend.

Jan said... 23

I am so happy to know you are in the studio again. When you said your work had dog claw marks on it I had an instant of guilt, thinking it was somehow my fault, my dogs fault, ha ha, as if! Glad you were able to make repairs, sorry you had to. Live and learn I guess. Your peek is fabulous looking! I want a bigger peek!

That scarf, well, you know already what I think of that scarf! I am enthralled every time I wear it and I must admit that I am finding little strings of it in unexpected places as it sheds. Lovely strings! I leave them there.

May you have beautiful sunrises and sunsets every day.

Bella Sinclair said... 24

A flurry of activity! How fantastic! Those paintings look great on your table. Sooooooooo sorry about the claw marks, though. Oy! Scarf looks warm and thick! And wow, that jar looks like something taken from a treasure chest at the bottom of the sea! Can't wait to see it in all its glory.

Magpie's Mumblings said... 25

Dog claw marks? Well...can't you find the meanest huge dog and sic him on the owners of that gallery? How would they like bite marks on their a--?! So very glad to see you are being creative. Hugs!

Robbie said... 26

Yippee! The gal is back making messes in her studio again!!! Good for you!!!!

kj said... 27

hello anne! how lovely to see your messy table (not really messy). there are some great surprises here, not the leasto of which is your posting art! as a crusty companion of yours, i'n excited to see what your're doing in this class.

as for the sky, all i can say is you inspire.


Unknown said... 28

Sorry you had troubles but I am so glad to hear from you. Ima Weed and I have been wondering how you were doing. Did I tell you Ima is my painting teacher? Love the scarf to. Color, color everywhere at your place. Hooray for our Annie.

Dear Fireflies said... 29

Man, that just plain sucks about your painting! I hope the gallery learned something from this... dogs are great with art, only when they're IN it!!

Anyway, good to see you so busy creating and staying're just awesome! oxx

Anonymous said... 30

Good you are keeping busy .... Stunning sunset!! Beyond words beautiful!!
Take Care .... Marilyn

Emma said... 31

Well, at least someone appreciated your work! Glad it was repairable, clever you!

Wonderful soft scarf & love the crustiness, keep well x

~Babs said... 32

I came by to say hi,,,,and I'm so happy to see you're up and at 'em!
What a nasty experience with the gallery, but like all have said,,,,at least you could do the fix!
Love the peek into the crustiness,,look forward to the rest!

Anonymous said... 33

Comment flew away. Having a little crush on your sneak peak from your DeMeng class. Shame Shame on that gallery for NOT taking care of your work, NOT ACCEPTABLE at all. Miss you and glad you are working a little. Thinking about you alot. xox

Mim said... 34

glad to see you poking around on a CLEAN work area!! (my opinion). I think it's just awful the way that gallery treated your work, I'd consider it bought by them!!!

studio lolo said... 35

oh how WONDERFUL to see a post from the studio!!!

I love it all. Those bastar.....for not taking care of your work! I'm so glad you were able to repair and salvage them.

Loving the Demeng inspired beginning. More, more!

And that sunset. I know what you mean when the inside of the house has that glow that beckons you outside. Wow!!

Nice to see you Anne ;)


Carol said... 36

Sorry about your doggy picture, what a careless mob they must be to let that happen. Your sunset is stunning, what a lift at the end of a day! Keep on keeping on, Anne, you're an inspiration. xxoo

yoborobo said... 37

Holy cow! Dog claw marks? Were they using them as door mats? I would be just a teensy bit peeved. Lots to catch up on. I've been a little under the weather. Hope you're feeling grand - xoxox!!!

*Ulrike* said... 38

You have been knitting, and I've been crocheting! Your sunset photo definitely an inspiring one that lets us know how much beauty there is in life.
Take Care,

Anonymous said... 39

Oh! Can't wait to see your piece from class! I've not been able to follow due to 7 day power cut but wanted ask where you got the textured plates from in the very first photo? Love your pieces and I recently bough Sari yarn,too :)

Janine said... 40

wonderfull that you are back and so busy and with such great ideas and great artwork. I love the pieces you made and the sari- scarf.

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Talk to me Dahling!
I'm waiting, breathless...... ;-D