Saturday, July 9, 2011

A Quick Pop In......

.....with a few photos and some words. (please don't expect words of wisdom....that's more than my morning coffee can produce! LOL!)

I was going through all the beautiful photos I had collected during our short Spring/Early Summer and thought how High Summer makes the landscape parched and somewhat colorless.
Iris came and went like the wind; memories in digital.

My tiny, tiny herb plantings struggled to produce a few blossoms and then promptly went. Everything was in overdrive.

These wild daisies planted themselves in the middle of the yard and I mow around them. They seem to be the sole survivors of wind, rain, heat, concrete soil and bugs. I love their resilience.

And these, of course, long gone, but what an impact for their short stay......

The Plume Poppy, another tough cookie, that travels throughout the garden and always survives.
For those of you who know me well, you are aware I have bouts of depression, some longer than others. That is where I am right now, slogging it out with the heat of summer and fighting other battles as well. I'm a daisy, I think, as I manage to bloom through any conditions, but the past four weeks have really worn me to a nub. And why I have been scarce in Blogland, and may remain so until things level.
I am posting because there is too much stigma attached to depression~~it is the same as any other illness, but is the quiet one no one speaks of. As though it were a, it is a major inconvenience for the most part. I am slowed to a snail's pace and want to work and can't.
So here's to kicking it in the rear, and being back with y'all when I am *normal* again...whatever that is!
Well, not TOO normal!  ;-)
Till then....



Mikko Tyllinen said...

Very beautiful!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Thank you Mikko~~welcome and glad you stopped by.


Lori ann said...

i love daisies too. you are brave and honest and very sweet. and humble too, for all your talent. i'm wishing for everything you want and need anne. (((hugs))

xoxo lori

Robin said...

Dear Anne, I wish I DIDN'T understand *depression*...but I have been suffering from it now for two years.....and it is a difficult thing to contend is definitely a life-changer - and not for the best...

I hope you don't remain *curled inward* for long! You are too bright and beautiful a lady to stay that way...your photos of *Life* are vivid examples of a glorious world....and you inspire us all.


♥ Robin ♥

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Lori,

I really think people should talk about what is going on; it's just a part of our lives and quite normal, though a real nuisance!


audrey said...

Hello, my sweet friend Anne.
I am in Ohio for a week, wishing I could run over to Indiana and give you big hugs, my shoulder, and ears to listen. However, I know you will work your way through this as you always do. You are very strong (mentally as well as physically) and you push yourself even when you should rest.
Take care! Be well. I will keep in touch on the sidelines. Sometimes we just like to be alone to work our way through things.
Sending lots of love.
xxoo audrey

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Robin,

I will be okay~~there just have been so many stressors that seemed to have hit all at once; I need a bit of down time (as in REST and not IN THE DUMPS) and a regroup.
I've been through this for 20 years, so I know how to manage it......and yes, life does change.


martinealison said...

Des photos magnifiques de ce que la nature nous offre...
Gros bisous

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Audrey,

WOW! You are close! (I'll come abduct you...LOL!)
I just am having to rest a bit and you know how well that sits with me...NOT. Doing the things I should do and taking it step by step. Been through it so much before that it's more like an unwanted houseguest.
We'll chat when you are available, providing I have a phone.
That's another whole saga in itself!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Bon Jour martinealison,

Merci! Merci! :-)


Georgina said...

Hey Sweet Thang, you're like those daisies!! We're Southern women, so we're proud of our little quirks and strangeness, so no apologies for any of it. Hang tight, my friend, and "normal" is over-rated!!! LOL

Loves ya lots,

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You'll bring that Black Dog to heel, I know. Take care and may healing surround you.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Georgina,

You KNOW that *normal* isn't going to happen...just *Anne-Normal*.....hahaha!
Brain needs to just level out a bit, or take a vacation and leave me be. LOL!

One Tough Daisy

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Debra,

Right you are; I'll get it squashed down. Thank you for the healing thoughts my friend~~the Universe delivers!


yoborobo said...

Hey Anne! Can I come over and watch old movies with you? I'll bring popcorn. ;) I like to think of people like us as tough old birds (well, the old part doesn't feel so hot, but you get the idea). We hang tough until the fog lifts. Just take care of you. I wish I could take you out for lunch. Of course, we would be thrown out of the restaurant for our behavior, but it would be fun and cheer us up no end. Off to 'my race' and you know which one I am talking about. Holy cow. Life is never, ever dull. xoxox to you!!!

studio lolo said...

I hate it when the blues hit too. I've been a bit stuck myself of late. New meds adjusting, etc.

We do hang tough and get through it together though!

The purple iris photo is illuminated. Just gorgeous!
I'll be here at the end of my mouse (not my rope!) if you need me ;)


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

PAM! Get the corn popping; there's an Indiana Jones marathon on today, and I think a dose of *Indy* is just what I need! LOL!
Yes, we are tough old birds, one race after another and no time to figure out what the heck is going on.
Maybe we don't want to know.
Getting kicked out of a restaurant sounds GREAT!!!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Lolo,

I'm telling you, this is epidemic. I know I don't know how many creatives going through the same thing right now, and it does make one wonder.
Of course, enough medication and you quit wondering, which is NOT good.
You take care too~~this will pass.


Barbara said...

Hi Anne,
Depression is what took our daughter from us. So I know just how horribly serious this illness must be taken.
I'm glad to see that you've posted and I hope that you're doing other things that you enjoy as well to help ease you through this time. If I can help you in any way please get in touch.
~sending love across the miles from me to you~

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hi Barbara,

Yes, no worries, I know this beastie inside and out~~and felt it was time to post about it.
Still shooting photos daily, slowing my life a bit to center more, realizing what a wonderful network bloggers are (well, I knew that already!).
Basically putting the least things in my way that cause stress and trying to do what the doc wants.
Thank you for your kind comments~~much appreciated! ♥


Jo Murray said...

Hi Anne
My thoughts are with you. Have been a victim of 'depression' for many years, but now have found a medication that keeps me relatively on track. One of the things I found that helped too was to do relatively mindless tasks that had some 'reward' at the end... gardening, cleaning cupboards. Whatever, I never set myself up for failure (perceived or real) when I'm in the dumps so, unfortunately, 'art' is out at these times because it might not 'work'.

Take care... and I LOVE those irises.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Jo,

I find the same thing...running the sweeper, doing laundry....little things, and then a *reward* of half hour of mind-numbing TV time...LOL! And yes, art is not in the equation, but photos still are thank heavens! I always feel lost without the deep creative element being active.
Thanks for stopping by!


Janet Ghio said...

Hi Anne! Love the photo of the irises--beautiful! Hope just posting it gave you a little lift, no matter how small! Miss you in blogland--hope you will be back full on soon!!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Janet,

Yes, I did enjoy looking at all the vibrancy of Spring while cropping the photos!
Not sure how long I'll be in *la-la-land* but hoping my return to blogland will be soon~~I miss everyone!


Robbie said...

I agree with Georgina! "normal" is overrated big time!! You are who you are and we all are fond of you regardless of the ups and downs..just another one of those 'emotions' "they" tell us we shouldn't have. Boy, just want until "they" have a down day! Take care of yourself! We'll be here ready to read and enjoy your 'words of wisdom' when you are ready to share with us again!

marilyn said...

Take your time, rest and by all means 'treat' yourself with something and I'm not thinking chocolate. Think about what would 'really' be a great treat. And if you can't have it right now, put it on the list to be done. At The Top!

Jan said...

Sorry you are still feeling badly, Anne. We really do need that island time. Your photos are so gorgeous, glad you at least have them still, if not the flowers themselves. Around here we have those daisies growing everywhere. They are beautiful, also a problem but I let them grow, free flowers can't be beat in my book! Glad you are listening to your heart, it knows what you need.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Robbie,

Yeah, I think I want no part of the traditional *normal*.....just to get back to my *abnormal* and feel like working and pithy remarks again!
And look out when I am back...LOL!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hi Sophia,

Yes, I love plain old field daisies....seeing waves of them beside the roads...beautiful!
I'll be on the mend; it is just a matter of being patient and doing what I'm supposed to.
Many hugs to you!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Ima,

Yes, I am doing such. Mostly I need some mental rest--no stress so if that means out of the studio and doing other little things, so be it.
Even if that's cleaning the house and flowerbed! HAHA!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Jan, we DO need that island!!!
It'll pass; odd for this time of year but you know how life is; when it's most inconvenient, throw that curve ball!
I love having the daisies in the yard; they even spread to where the electric line had been buried, so I now have a good idea (when it is all covered) of where it is. And a pretty one too. And I agree with the free-flower theory....


Unknown said...

Isn't it fun to take some pictures without having to come up with all the wisdom early on a Saturday Morning. Great shots. Thrilled you popped by, it's always nice to have a visit from you. Enjoy your Sunday. It's hot and very very humid here already.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hi Kate,

Have the feeling it's going to be the same here today---a good lazy, stay in the A/C type day!


Gayle Pritchard said...

Beautiful inspiration, Anne! Thanks for sharing.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

No problem Gayle~~sharing is what it's about!


Anonymous said...

I will always hold a space for you, where ever that space is and keep arms open wide for a safe place for you to reside. You are a remarkable being. Thanks for being tough like that plume poppy. xox

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Corrine,

I tell you, this lovefest from bloggers has lifted my Spirit already~~y'all are the very best.
And believe me when I say I am resilient....oh yeah.
Just need a little time to *bounce back* (or waddle, as the case may be at my age....LOL!)


Teri said...

Wow, with all these beautiful photos who could not be happy.
I did need these today as I just heard that I lost a dear friend.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Teri,

Sorry to hear of your loss~~glad the blog could provide a moment of happiness for you.


Barbara said...

Thanks Anne for your kind words about my recent post. Glad you enjoyed the "vacation".

Silke Powers said...

Oh, Anne, I've been MIA and almost missed thiese beautiful photos!! Your flowers and plants are stunning!! Nothing much is blooming here at the moment - it's just too darn hot!! Hope you've been doing well!!! Love, Silke

marianne said...

ah rats anne, sorry to hear that. having been there myself i am impressed with your ability to reach out and even get the photos (beautiful, btw) posted on the blog. nothing i can say other than what doesn't kill you makes you stronger- may sound flip, but i know it to be very true. hang in there.

Manon said...

Wow, Anne!! These are stunning!!! I'm not good at growing anything.

Deborah said...

K. Bend over, here it comes...a good kick in the....OH WAIT! That's not what you said! Oops. Sorry. Why yes, I HAVE been doing my Ballet Beautiful workout, which is why that kick was so good. Anne, these shots are magical! I especially love how the daisies are popping up, as if they are floating on air. Feel better soon. Don't make me show you what else I can do....teehee.
**blows kisses** Deb

Caio Fern said... I am inspired to live again . kisses !

Janine said...

The photo of the iris is sensational.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Thank you Janine!


Theresa Plas said...

Beautiful! Keep on kickin' it up - It's OK:)

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Thanks Theresa~~

Kickin' I am.....the doldrums are passing.
Hoping for a blog post next week!


kj said...

look at all these caring, loving, silly, i-get-it comments here, god bless our blogs: friendships that show up at just the right time.

i'm commenting late so maybe the blues have turned summer green? or sunset orange? banana bread yellow? holey moley purple?

or maybe blue is just right for now....



Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Hey Honey Bunny! Gee I miss you! I have to call you. These pretty flowers sure cheered my soul this morning. Thanks for the joy! Girl it's hot as heck down here. I mean crazy hot. The weather man said it's going up to 99 and will feel more like 105 by this afternoon. I am keep my behind inside under the air cause this just ain't right. JESUS IS COMING SOON!! Seriously He is. I can see the sign and feel the heat as well. Anyway, I saved you a spot in head. Come on over and let's have some gumbo!
Love you,

Timaree said...

I hate it when I get depressed. I can never put a reason to it; it just comes on. And you said it the best I can tell - it's an inconvenience for sure! That's just what I feel. I can survive it. I can get some things done too. But nothing is fun, nothing is exciting. It's all blah. I hope you break through soon. Lovely daisies. I love the things that are survivors such as the pigeon and the daisy. My daughter even let the wild mustard go to seed in her yard so it can come back next year. You'll come back too and feel happier again. Like putting on those fancy boots of yours and living it up again. Just rest till your mind is ready.

Carol said...

I can only add to all the loving comments everyone else has made. Hold on, rest, take it easy... I know the feeling well; the vulnerability, the emotional exhaustion - but I know you are strong and you'll overcome this bad time. The art will come, I can't imagine you not creating, and until then find solace in your beautiful photos and the knowledge that so many people care. XXX

di from di-did-it said...

lovely, colorful photos! my daisies didn't come back this year, but the chamomile tried to make up for it by popping up in abundance!
depression runs in my family, on my father's side, so I understand and am here for you. sending loving, comforting, peaceful thoughts your way.

Elena said...

When I went through the worst of my depression that kept me hiding inside for a month, I remember cringing each time someone would call and say 'oh just snap out of it'. I tried! I couldn't! It's a horrible, lonely, place to be. And yep, it seems to be reaching its tentacles around the creatives lately. Must be this horrid humidity that keeps us locked inside. Loved Jo's comment; explains why I'm reorganizing closets and drawers for no reason. Awesome photos dear Anne, keep spreading the love and talent. Huge hugs

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