The Winter has run too long,
I wait with hope for warmer days....
My tresses, ragged from the wind,
Cling tightly to the memories of sunny moments....
A bit broken,
But not beyond repair....
For I have fought the long and dark
Of the year before, and bear the scars.
They heal in delicate pattern....
For now I simply sigh,
A droplet here and there.
The buds belie my words.
Full bloom is close again!
A little under the weather here....but I'll be back full force for the Fat Tuesday draw! If you haven't signed up, click on the pic that says "WIN!!!"
Until I can drag myself about a bit better~~~
That is a beautiful post, my friend!!!! Spring is on the horizon!!! :)))
I hope you feel better, Anne!!!
Thanks Manon!
You know, it's hard to be an effective OLD FART when you can't muster up the oomph! LOL!!! :-D
Beautiful words to make us look forward to the joy of Spring. Stunning photographs!
It has been rainy and gloomy here for 2 days. I hope this passes soon.
Take care and feel better.
♥ audrey
Hey Audrey,
It was hard to find anything to photograph....we have had (all in the same day) rain/wind/ice pellets/snow. I think the barometric pressure change just did me in.
Now we have snow on the ground and SUN....I'm going to lose my little mind.....
I couldn't agree more. This winter has been way too long this year. I really think I'm losing my mind....he-he... Always a treat to pop in for a visit.
T.G.B. xoxoxo
Hey Kate,
I thought of you with the water droplets.....I just need to convince DH that I need a BETTER camera for higher quality photos.....
I know I'm losing my mind.
Not that there's much to GO.
Anne I am loving these photos!! Ahhhh, the macro shots!! So beautiful! And spring is on its way, not soon enough for me!
Feel better! xo
Thanks Cathy!
I want a nice, gentle, slooooooow Spring....where things bloom out bit by bit and there is plenty of *camera time*!
And not get blown to bits..LOL!!!
Hope you feel your better self again soon. We are gray and raining but warm and muddy, of course. I hope this is the last of the breaking up of this horrid winter. Lovely words and photos, breaking points for us all this year. xox Corrine
Anne, your poetry and photos are beautiful. I wish you wellness and ease, drop by drop, breath by breath.
each day on my walk I see more tiny bits of new growth, heralding spring. Maybe I should bring my camera along today and record a bit of it. Thanks for your good words and photos.
What a poet, you are!!! Everything here is on it's way to full bloom, but then it's in the 70's...can't wait for a hot summer...very hot!! The only type of trees that didn't make it during the arctic freeze back in early Feb. were the palm trees!! My mother has one in her front yard that she cradled from the time it was just a little's dead. Right now it's good to be a pruner and plumber in this town!! LOL
Have a great week...will email ya later..have something to tell you.
Loves ya,
Hope you feel better soon. My trees have buds on them. I'm hoping they don't open too soon. It's been a strange year and we've had late freezes.
Hey all,
Thanks for the well wishes and comments~~I am perking up after yesterday; Can't keep a wild woman down for long! LOL!!!
I think the weather is mostly to's okay. It will change in 5 minutes, as this IS *Indiana*....hahahaha!!!
Onward and the couch!
Awww, beautiful. Are those redbuds???
So glad to hear you are feeling better!
Surprisingly Bella, that is my weeping cherry.
I did not realize until I was cropping the photo how much it looked like my redbud tree, which I hope decided NOT to bud out quite yet! ;-)
Yes, the warhorse is beginning to get her feet back under her.....pffft....
Feel better soon!
Thanks Debra~~
Feeling better this afternoon.
Maybe it was just a need for a little sun???
The cold damp weather is hard on our bodies but the photos are almost like a ballet...dew drops and color...we had a small snowfall last night. Imagine and live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
The sunshine will be here soon and regenerate our batteries.
It snowed like CRAZY here yesterday; woke to the ground white this morning, though most is gone now.
Yep Mary Helen, all the pressure changes kind of make me feel like I'm in a pressure cooker! LOL!
(and I want out.....)
Great words, great pics...
Just kidding, if I was there I'd make you a cuppa, hope you're feeling chipper soon babe x
Oh Anne I dearly loved this. It so well put, the changing seasons of nature and of life.
Beautiful pictures and words both.
Thank you for view!!
Healing hugs.
I have improved as the day has worn on.....still taking it easy but a bit of art done.
Maybe I can do a bit more before I collapse tonight! ;-D
A hot cuppa always sounds good!
Thanks Marie!
I noticed when I loaded the photos to crop them that the moss on the trees hasn't seemed phased in the least by the lousy weather~~it seems very HAPPY in fact!
Maybe I need to think like a moss.... ;-D
Sounds like you need to wrap up warm & get out there & do some pruning!
OK so i'm telling myself to do the same! Thanks for your kind comment! Go have that warm drink, too ;)
It looked somewhat like that around here yesterday - it was raining and the snow was melting. The trees were dripping with raindrops and we were So ready for spring. Went to bed and when we got up this morning...six inches of snow on the ground!!! Talk about depressing.
Hi Emma!
My warm drink was a delicious Italian red wine that warmed me to my toes!
It is still far too early to prune here; we'll have another freeze in between the thaws...
Hey M.A.,
Yep, yep and YEP! We had about the same except not as much snow. DH said it was horrible going to work this morning as we had ice before the snow....and where is SPRING???
Awesome photos and words to accompany them! It has dragged on way past its welcome. Have hope, it'll soon be warm and we can look up and be warmed by the sun.
I so love that skeleton is to sunshine and gentle breezes sitting on the front porch! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
Ah, those words sound like they could be applied to me...a bit broken but not beyond repair! Some days I wonder with these aches and pains!
beautiful words married to beautiful images... lovely post, Anne!
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Talk to me Dahling!
I'm waiting, breathless...... ;-D