Saturday, February 26, 2011

Art Goodies--Time To Celebrate!!!

Oooooooo, arty goodness, going out to three lucky people!
Here's the bottom line...
I never thought I would reach 200 followers, and when I checked the dashboard yesterday, it was at 202.
Time for the GIVEAWAY!!!!
I had purchased, some time back, two copies of Michael de Meng's "Secrets of Rusty Things" just for this day. I actually thought that I would be holding onto them longer. It's okay, I have my own copy but multiple copies somehow feels extremely extravagant..... ;-D

The loot, without special effects.....
So there are the two books (1 book per person) and then a small third give away ~~you know how sometimes you buy something and it looks very familiar but you're SURE you don't have it and then you DO? (no, I'm sure that never happened to ANY of you.....ahem....) Well, the third item is a small bit with another small bit, but a favorite of mine; 

Love me, love my skellie....and paint too! (for that eerie, ghostly glow!)
an ultra-cool rubber stamp of a chic skull, for all my skellie fiends--er--FRIENDS out there! And I am including an extra bottle of Golden's C.T. Interference Green-Blue fluid acrylic......and if I feel REAL generous, I might throw a surprise in the package with that to sort of even up the value to the books.
Here's the scoop; leave a comment on this post and I'll put you in the draw.
I will not be replying on blog like I usually do or I'm apt to pull my own name out of the hat.....*rolls eyes*
I think I'll draw the names on Fat Tuesday, March 8th, so you can celebrate plenty before being in penance for all that joyous misbehavior.....
I will be shipping the books the cheapest way possible as they have some heft to them. And I need money for art supplies. As always! LOL!!!
If you want, you can lie and make your comment as wild and entertaining as possible,; why you think it should be YOU that gets one of the loot items---it would sure make MY day!
Ooo-kee Dokee!
Sign up, pass the word, go make art!!!



brandi said... 1

~now why ever would you doubt we would find you here in this here little land and not want to stumble along!?! congrats to you on all those who have joined along...i wish for you many more to come along and discover such a beautiful soul who creates such wonderful art and shares her days with us!!! i wish i was good a creating wild tales but alas i am i will simply say how kind you are to offer up such goodies to us...

and on a side note..i am quite behind at replying to emails but my heart full and i thank you greatly for all of your loving supportive kind blessings and words you have sprinkled upon me...i am truly thankful for this friendship that has come to well and much love light and blessings always shining brightly upon you and yours~

Janet Ghio said... 2

Oh I always hate it when I am the first on the list because I think that #1 never wins. I guess I could have come back later, but so many blogs- so little time! LOL. I would love to win any of these prizes--that yummy, rusty book or that skull!! Congratulations on 202 followers!!!

Nancy said... 3

The book cover alone is inviting... the rest must be terrific. Thanks for the opportunity. Why should I win? As a "rusty thing" myself, I'm dying to know the secrets!

Numinosity said... 4

Being a full blooded "rustafarian" and the fact that my Michael Demeng workshop got cancelled on me last month I know that I must enter (and I must win too!)
Thanks so much for the chance to win and I'm glad I found your blog and can be one of the 202.
xoxo Kim

Elena said... 5

I take the DeMeng oath: I, Elena, do solemnly swear to scrounge through every liquor store lot for rusty caps, chase the garbage man for prized junque, 'borrow' (ahem) discarded treasures from construction sites, put the nieces' dolls away for 'safekeeping' and squirrel it all away in the name of Art.

Bunny said... 6

Oh my 2002 followers. I congratulate you on this I know it is because you are such a wonderful kind creative person and everyone wants to see what you are doing. I have not been blog hopping lately just still miss our Jeannie so. She would have loved to be involved with your giveaway. Good luck to everyone. Hugs

Bunny said... 7

Oops I meant 202 LOL

Marcia Beckett said... 8

Congratulations on your followers! I would love a chance to win one of the books, they look intriguing!

yoborobo said... 9

Hi Anne! Oh, such delicious goodies. I have won from you already, so you should slap my number back in the generator. lol! Congrats on the amazing amount of followers - no surprise to me at all. You are awesomeness to the third power (which is a lot). xoxox!!

Anonymous said... 10

Great giveaway Anne, so generous, 202 followers, yippee. I have the book so no entry for me, just a congrat to you. Always fun and a day brightener to read your amusing anecdotes on life. xox Corrine

Georgina said... 11

Oh hell, woman....I should be the weener of that skelly stamp...ya know it's true!!! As for the books, I've been tempted to buy it, but other things just keep taking know how that goes?? So I'll just hold out and see if my numba is up on Fat Tuesday....every days "Fat" for me!! LOL

Hey, off the subject, but I found this fabulous book, "Inspired Remnants, Curious Dreams, Mixed Media Projects in Epoxy Clay" by Kerin Gale. It reminds me lots of DeMeng and I believe it's also the same publisher as his. Check it out...really coooool stuff. Ok, off to the post office to mail off my CD's to Doll Quarterly and Hobby Lobby!! Oey Vey!!

Have a good one.

Loves ya,

Anonymous said... 12

OOHH! Great Giveaways! I should win because I just should ;)
Michael DeMeng, Skulls and my favourite colour is Blue/Green ♥♥♥!!

This very generous of and I am willing to lick boots for these ;)

studio lolo said... 13

202...woooo-hoooo!!! (Hey, I think you're on my blog at the same time!)

I love giveaways, esp when I'm the giver. really!

I don't get skellies Anne. I know there are a million skelly lovers out there and I love all of you, but huh???? But I'd love a copy of the book, so if I win anything, even the skellie I'll be grateful. I may even come to understand them!

Computer grief all day. Now I'm going out to get fresh air (and scream!)


marianne said... 14

me me me! pick me! i can have big fun with any of the goodies, and you can see it all happen on my blog- it'll be almost like making art together! :)

di from di-did-it said... 15

you wild and wonderful woman.... you'll be well beyond 200 in no time... ♥ ya! Di

audrey said... 16

Hey girlfriend! 202!! Woo-hoo!! Congratulations. No surprise - your blog is beautiful to look at, interesting to read, your art is fabulous, and you make me laugh almost every day!
Now on to the good stuff. Well, the only reason I can think of that I should win is because Michael DeMeng's book "Dusty Diablos" is standing on my bookshelf ALL ALONE, sad, lonely and blue yearning to have "Secrets of Rusty Things" next to it. It would fulfill my DeMeng dream and that empty space on my shelf would be filled and thrilled. (Sigh...)
And if you don't believe that story, just know it would make me VERY happy to win the book!!
Great Giveaway, Anne!!!
♥ audrey

Carol said... 17

Oh, congratulations on 202! Fabulouos. Your blog is a great read and I'm just so glad I found you. I already have Rusty Things (and waiting for the postman to bring Dusty Diablos any day now) - and anyway I think posting to Australia is too expensive for you. I'm sure I can find some skelly stamps here, and I'm actually about to get my next lot of paints from Dick Blik. The ones I got for Michael's course cost me $700 locally but at least I had them instantly. Dick Blik's are a third of the price and as the Aust$ is at parity with the US$, now is the time to snap up some more paint.

Marie S said... 18

Hi Anne, 202 and you are just beginning.
I would love to have any of the prizes you have on offer, but that is not the reason I have come to read your blog. I will take one if I win though.
Please put my name in the draw!
Congratulations Anne and here is 202 more,which you so deserve!
Love and hugs.

:-D eirdre said... 19

Hi Anne,

I think the reason I should win is because I didn't get a change to take the class I signed up for. Good thing Tristan was nearby and had the day free. This way I would be able to learn some of the stuff I missed.

Fat Tuesday is coming soon
:-D eirdre

Rebeca Trevino said... 20

Here is to 203! I'm in.
enjoyed my first visit here - back soon!

Susan ~ Killam Creative said... 21

Ok, so here's my story. I am lucky number 202 (that *is* lucky, right?) and I found your blog... I found your blog... oh crap, I can't remember how I found you but I'm oh-so-glad I did. For Christmas I gave my fantastically artsy-fartsy sister Michael DeMeng's color wash class, and now I find myself sliding down the slippery slope.

The transition from "vintage card-maker with lace and flowers" to "dumpster diver and treasure seeker" is a long one, but I'm soaking up techniques and loving on the rust.

Oh, and your first project I fell in love with is the Valentine skull. I *swear* I got all tingly inside when I saw it! Oh, oh, and while Husband and I don't celebrate V-Day, we do laissez le bons temps roulez on Mardi Gras. See? I'm destined to win!


marilyn said... 22

I am an old rusty thing and need a book to tell me how to look my patina best. And if the skellie is my prize I will use it to make something for my son, who goes by the name Skelly Mon in a Trop Rock band.

Janine said... 23

Hi hi, I know exactly what you are talking about.
There are several books I bought twic and some other stuff like stamps too.
You are not alone!!!!
Your giveaway is gorgeous, please count me in, I would love to know much more about rusty things and I would be glad with the glitter and the stamp too, hi hi.
have a great week

Magpie's Mumblings said... 24

Great giveaway Anne and congrats on the increasing numbers of followers (see? They know when they've found a good thing!!). Don't put my name in the giveaway tho' because I already am the proud owner of that book...just wanted to congratulate you.

Karen S said... 25

Oooh -- pick meeeee! I especially like the last prize -- mostly because I'm old and rusty meself so I don't need any stinkin' books on that! Of course if I was as gorgeous as my favorite thistle-killin' 200-follower bloggin' woman, I wouldn't need any of this stuff anyway (she added shamelessly...)!

Robbie said... 26

Well, gosh...'stalkers' usually only get jail time so it would be fun to actually win something! And when/if I do get jail time, I'll have something to read, right! Thanks, Anne!! You are the best! OK, what else do I need to do to suck up to you!!! I'll bow at your feet..or is it wash your feet! Geezzz, guess i better just stick at being a mom/wife/grandma...I'm not good at this other stuff! Good luck one and all!

Cameron said... 27

I've been a watercolor painter for years and just tried doing mixed months ago...haha! I need aal the help I can get :D

Congrats to are fun to follow!

illustration poetry said... 28

because i never win anything!!!! :((((
(i love that skull thing..)

illustration poetry said... 29

202 followers of Q.P.A!!!!


GlorV1 said... 30

Hi Anne. Just popped in to congratulate you on 202. Yay. I won't be entering because I probably wouldn't win anyway, tee hee. Just wanted to say hello. Have a great week and I love your giveaway.

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said... 31

You always have the best giveaways...are you rich or just generous in your loving heart. I love that skeleton stamp and just about any interference paint they offer. We had hellacious weather last night with trees down and power still out for many here in Licking county! Stay safe and warm! Love you! Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

Emma said... 32

Fabulous giveaway cept I'd be too scared to get the skull (don't mind if it's a sheep or bird skull, I have those all over!) but the book might inspire me to do something with the pile of rusty things in my garden! I'm a magpie, a dumpster diver & up here in Scotland, I'm a Shite Hawk!

Carol Sloan said... 33

Ahhh Anne...I would love to have a copy of Master M's book! I've spent all my money on art supplies and buying rusty things so I have to go to the library to read the precious...make my day and pull my name!

pupton said... 34

Hey Anne! I have Michael's book, Dusty Diablos, but really need to have Secrets of Rusty Things to go with it. Dusty is lonely! I have been loving the colorwash class. I did not get a color into the competition but loved, loved, loved crypt corrosion! Congrats on over 200 followers! I just joined up too so you are well on your way to 300!

Luthien Thye said... 35

hello Anne :)
i'm not going to lie, but i desperately need this book simply becos i cannot find it in Malaysia ... yes i'm from very far away and honestly (no pun intended :) i am usually VERY shy to enter in anyone's giveaway becos i live soooooo far and i dun want the good person who's already giving away stuff for free, to have to also pay so much for the postage ... so... if i win this... i will happily paypal you the postage of this book to me :) it's a PROMISE... of course being a starving artist myself, i would also choose shipping the cheapest way ;)

giveaways aside... i cannot believe i have never found you on blogger. but i am glad that Michael's class has provided this opportunity. i was in OWOH too and also won the fab digital images from Rian :) i LOVE your work and will be stalking you from now :) congratulations on 200+ followers, i have no doubt you will reach 300 very very soon :)

Luthien :)

MixedMediaMaven said... 36

Oh! How come I haven't unearthed your blog before? Fun spot - great music, too. Casting my chance to get "Secrets . . ."

Pandora said... 37

Congrats on 202 and thanks for the chance to win one of Michael's books!
The blog is great I have visited before but I am so lame when it comes to my google account I can never get it to work, Anyhoo thanks again. lostgame at pacbell dot net

alteredmommy said... 38

I can't wait to join the legions of followers :) As a gleaner and collector of rusty bits from every parking lot, truck stop, desert road side turnout, prairie coulee and street gutter I pass in my endless road trip of life....well a BOOK all about rusty things!!! My stars I would be so happy!!

Jan said... 39

How did I miss this!!!!????? I was just noticing that you are way over 200 followers now, when did that happen? Probably over the OWOL thing. I'm stuck at 89, have been for quite some time but that isn't what this is all about so it doesn't matter (sour grapes? haha) Anyway, If I win your give away I will do a big happy jig! Just think what a good influence winning this would be on my creative flow!

Unknown said... 40

I am dying to own this book! Love your blog!

Marlene Brady said... 41

Count me in. I took one of Michael's workshops because the class I had signed up cancelled last minute. I would not have ever taken his workshop, but there was one spot open so I took it. I learned so much and have used so many of the techniques I learned. What a great experience and life lesson. I will continue to be open to new and DIFFERENT art.

Robin said... 42

What a cool looking and sounding book!!! I never heard of Demeng until last week when Elena mentioned him----I lookied him up and thought WOW!!! I would love to know more!!!

Bonafyde said... 43

I'd like to win cuz this book looks cool and full of rusty gorgeousness... and with my Birthday coming up in 2 weeks, I too am getting cool and rusty...

Pollyfusia said... 44 or stamp? They're both so cool!

elle said... 45

The rust in my water turns my silver hair to fool's gold. Maybe I could find a way to use the hair trimmings for art if I had some good advice or goodies. Congratulations on a goodly following!