El Milagro "100 & Counting!!!" Blog Giveaway!!!
"With Love From Mardi Gras"
"Love Letters....."
canvas/collage w/crackle paste
Okay kiddies! The two items above are up for grabs in this blog giveaway to celebrate 100 followers! I decided that TWO winners are better than one, and you know the last time I had so many people sign up, I put together some second prize packages too, so I might with this also. I can't promise because I am sort of, ummmm, over-wrought with work at the moment!
So here are the rules:
1. Leave a comment for ONE entry.
2. Become a follower for TWO entries. If you already follow, please put that in your comment and I will count it as TWO.
3. Post about this on your blog, or in your sidebar and link back to this post and that is a THIRD entry. And please pop me an e-mail or leave a comment you have done such...you know I have Blond Moments......
4. If you feel overwhelmed with greed, tell your followers to mention your name when they comment and I will add you again! (and let's face it, we all have those greedy moments....it's okay....I won't tell)
5. I do ship overseas, but I will ship the most cost effective if it is a long way. (the recipient is responsible for all duties and taxes upon receipt) Do the words *Starving Artist* mean anything? LOL!!!
Now, a little about these pieces. They are bright fun little paint and mixed media collages; the first with a real Mardi Gras Doubloon attached. The second has heavy built up hearts of crackle paste. Both have hints of metal leaf and glitter, papers, stamping, etc.
The canvas is NOT gallery wrap. For some reason, I grabbed these and started working and it wasn't until I realized I had staples on the side that I was too far along to stop. But the sides are painted, and it can be hung as is or it can be put in a frame. I personally like the bare and quirky look.
These were done with some of the techniques I learned in the tele-class with Sarah Bush (her blog is Make Great Stuff ), and it was fun trying the prompts a second time!
I've included some small images for you to snag and post......let's all have a ball with this and spread some blog-love!!!!
I will post the winners on JUNE 30th!
Now get out there and have a great week!!!
Ooooh I would LOVE to win one of your gorgeous paintings. Would be great over my baby girls cot all bright and cheery :)
I'm already a follower so 2 for me YAY! I still cant figure out how to link back so miss out on a 3rd:(
It just never works when I put in a link. Dont know what Im doing wrong. Anyway good luck to all who enter. (but hope I'm the winner ;))
You are on a roll girly!! It's all the wonderful magic and laughter going on over there. Anne, sometimes I just come to check out what you are doing and look at your work and listen to some of the best music on the web seriously!!!! It's like going to a beautiful posh gallery in Soho or something. YOU ROCK! Oh might you have some thread and a very fine needle. Doc needs some minor repairs done. Harriet really had her way with him.
he he he he!! Have a wonderful week!
Hey Shelley,
I left you a post on how to link if you want to----gotcha listed!
Hey Vanessa,
Yes I dooooooo have the proper needles and thread to fix Doc! LOL!!! >:D
I love finding GOOD jazz....and it gets harder all the time.
Gotcha on the giveaway list!
Have a good one babe!
Congratulations on 102+ and counting! I love your work and it would be so much fun to own a piece. I'm a follower on your very fun blog and I posted your picture and a link in my sidebar (it's soooo pretty there).
Thanks a bunch,
Hi Christine!
Gotcha down x 3!!!
I'll have to come see your pretty blog..... ;)
Anne! Love these pieces! Pa-leez with sugar on it, toss my name in the hat. :) Congratulations on all your followers. It is because you are so talented, witty and well, FUN. And no, I am not sucking up. LOL! xo Pam
Hey Pam,
Hmmmmm.......what's that......do I hear a sucking noise????
"Sucking Up to Anne Campaign", I have added your lovely heart and a link on my blog! Oh yeah, I am serious. :) xox! Pam
MmmmmmmmmmWAH!!! ♥♥♥
I think I love that campaign title!
OK, so I may just get greedy! Wow..you are generous and we would be SO thrilled to get any piece of your art work! Hope your new 'mouse' works well! You're going to be swamped very soon!!
Get greedy baby!
Mizz Mousie is up and running, thankfully!!!
Gotcha listed Robbie!
Anne-I do love these pieces and I sure would like to have one!!! And i am a follower!!!
Gotcha Janet!!!
you're officially *on the list* :)
Love that colorful stuff! Put me in. I don't follow, but there's a link to you always on my blog (and in my heart) and I will post about you later today (when I'm not at work -- ssshhhhhh).
Hey Karen (shhhhhhhhhh)
The bloglink works as following!
You're in!
(tiptoes quietly away!)
Thanks Anne
I got the link to highlight YAY!!!
Hope it works when someone clicks on it now hehe
Hey Shelley,
I remember, I think it was Tristan, that had to talk me through how to do links when I got started! I was always afraid I would screw something up! LOL!!
ohmigoodness, how could I NOT become a follower now that I've found you (thank you Studio LoLo). The shared name, milagros, the colors! My Monday got a very bright wake-up.
Hey Annie,
WELCOME!!! You're in the mix now; HANG ON!!!
Seriously, glad to have you. :D
Sure, by all means, count me in! It would be great to be able to win your delicious work. Let's see, I already follow you, I will post about your giveaway when I get back from exercise, I will link your site, and I will say, tell her Gloria sent you.:) Now, lets see if my scatterbrain remembers all that. Tee Hee.:DDD
Thanks for the invite. I promise to do all that when I get back. Honest.:) Have a great week.
Hey Gloria,
If you can remember all that, you deserve special recognition! (if I can remember...LOL!!)
Oh Anne, I am feeling extremely greedy!!! I want want WANT to win BOTH. They would look ever so lovely next to the Great Wall of Ces. I just painted the walls yesterday in my ex-office (we broke up) now my "Studio". Oh, AND as I was placing a beloved vineyard mirror back up on the wall, which hubby had when I met him, I stepped back to admire it and tell hubby how much I love that mirror and the fact that we have had it forever, when a nail holding the hanger sudden broke loose and the mirror crashed to the ground. Point being, I have a BIG EMPTY SPACE NOW!! **kisskiss** Deb
Deborah, dear, BE GREEDY!!!
But I am picking two seperate winners, so should you win, I will send yours with EXTRA ♥LUV♥
Ok, ok, sign me up and do I really have to mention I'm a blog follower...well, DUH!!!!!!!!!!
Love the colours and just love the piece...need colour back into my life...tired of the gray colour scale!! Not making sense, must go get ready for Miss Daisy...pray for me!! First time to be with her on a solo flight!! hahahahahaha!!
Love ya lots,
Beam me Up, Annie! er, I mean sign me up twice as I am a follower. In fact, I have been following you for years now, does that give me extra points, oh glorious one??? I'll be your best friend...........;-J
Hey Georgina,
I'm getting St. Jude out!!! LOL!!!
Have *fun*---gotcha in here!
Aye Jan, I got no POWER!!!!!! LOL!!!
You get points...you know that. You may get that felting machine when I have the cash to send it! HA!
Kudos on having 100 followers! I love that others are finding your art & posts as wonderful as I do! The colors on these latest two pieces are luscious.
Thanks Di!
Glad you made it over to jump in the fun!
Grazie! grazie!
hey you colorful woman!
You know I'd love my name in the hat a few times ;P
I already follow you.
I posted about this and linked to you.
And I love your art!
Either one would make me happy but I'm especially fond of the word love. I like it around me :)
Thanks for being so generous, fun and talented!
lolo ♥
Hey Lolo!
Colorful, I am!!!
I'll total up all your points...heehee. I may have to use a calculator! LOL!!!
Put. Me. In. Giveaway.
Already a follower.
(That's all I've got to say)
Okay, I'm back and I posted about your giveaway. All done. Have a great day.
Posted in my side bar.
I am greedy.
Hey Marie....
LOL!!! What I love--an honest woman!!!
Gotcha Baby!
Another piggy, I get two cuz I follow you!
Yay Leslie!
Ya got here!!!
Piggy is fine...no problems! ;)
OOh Dr. Anne you are a total hoot. I had to pee I was laughing so hard. You are a riot! You always go there with me. We think so much alike it's crazy!!! I love you!
Now you know why I have disclaimers and *Depends Alerts* at the beginning of my posts....hahahaha!
Anne...."They call me Dr. Love...."
Hi Anne,
OMG, look how many followers and comments here already.
Well, I love both these pieces and would be honoured to win anything from You!
How generous you are!
Hm, I've never heard of paying for duties and taxes on gifts here.
My fingers and toes are crossed.lol
Hello Anne, nice to meet you! Studio Lolo sent me, make sure she gets extra points. :)
Beautiful work you got here. I am following just because you seem like a swell lady and I like your art!
Congratulations on 100+ followers!
OK -- consumed with greed -- I put up a post shamelessly promoting you and your giveaway. Even filched copies of your beautiful artwork to decorate my blog space -- er.. I mean promote your thang.
I have to go and clear some wall space now...
Hey Anna,
That was included as a *just in case*!!! I know mail between us usually runs smoothly but every once in a while.....
Other countries, I am not so sure about.
At any rate, you're IN!!!
Hi Cynthia!
I'll make sure Lolo is properly accounted for!
Thanks for jumping aboard this fun rollicking ship!
Ah Karen!!!
LOL!!! A true Pirate at heart!!! (which is GOOD here...heehee!)
I gotta go see this, and hopefully the storm will veer SOUTH so I can stay on here!
Beautiful, beautiful colors, so full of life, and believe me sure could use some extra to keep motivating me! Let's see comment, follower (I am), and I will come back to let you know I posted it to my blog. I'd like those extra chances! Never picked up a piano before, but I've done a lot of other heavy things!!
Those definitely had stupid written on my forehead!!!
Take Care!
Hi Ulrike!
It's nice to know I'm not the *only* one who has those Girl Moments when we are sure we're Wonder Woman.....LOL!!!
Gotcha in! (and please rest....)
They're fun and festive! Love the colors!
I want to win! Count me in!!
PS - I'm here via Gloria's blog.
I'm late, I'm late ... but it's been one of those days! You inspired me to go to the three-column format so I can put more things on my sidebars!
So, as for my entries - I am leaving a comment, I AM a follower (of course!!) AND and posted the picture with a link back here on my blog. I WANT to win one of these! They are so beautiful!!
Love, Silke
Hey Ily!
You're officially counted, and Gloria too!
Hey Silke!
You're in,and duly accounted for!
I like the three column, I guess because of my love of *stuff*....LOL!!!
Great blog! Gloria mentioned your awesome blog. Spiral on!
Welcome Tsimajo!
Got you and gloria safely counted and tucked away!
My other comment must have got eaten.
Please oh please pick me.
I am a loyal follower and I would love to have some of your art work for my very own.
Oh phooey Marie,
Just when I thought Blogger was starting to play nice.....grrrrrr.... >:[
You're in the MIX!!!
First of all congrats on all the followers - wow - wonder if I'll ever reach that milestone? I would certainly love to have either of these beauties to hang on my wall (who wouldn't?). So - here's my comment AND I'm a follower. I'll be posting about your giveaway on my blog after I do the draw on mine!
Hey M.A.!
Yes, you'll get there....I never thought I would!
I'll just keep your comment and count the three; *I know where to find you*.....LOL!!!!
Hi, I came here via Greedy Lolo.
I would adore owning either of these great collage pieces, thanks for the opportunity!
I also am becoming a follower, because I am greedy too,,but mainly because I like your blog!
( a lot)
Moi! Moi! Moi! I want to win one of your incredible paintings, Anne! Thanks so much for being such a regular commentor on my blog! You have NO idea how much I appreciate them! BIG hugs, LuLu
i can't believe you didn't come looking for me, anne....
this is such a clever self promotion it's adorable!!! you are a one-of-a-kind girl in the spacious sisterhood.
okay, so time to take inventory:
1. lolo came here from my blog so i get her four points
2. i am a follower and am glad about the likewise-ditto
3. i will post this on my sidebar so how many extra points is that? another 3? okay, that's fine
4. i love color. does that count?
5. anything extra for ♥'s and TSUP!'s?
Well needless to say I'd like to have one!!! They are wonderful!!!
Karen S sent me over from her blog... so be sure to give her a second chance.
Beth-Near Chicago
Ooch I love those colors. You know me I'm a follower and aggravator and anything to get your attention. I will shout it out tomorrow. Raining again in Ky. Check out Ima Weed's new wildflower. We did itin class today. I'm not ready to show mine yet.
Hi, I'm Donna from Comin' Home and I wanted to tell you that Gloria from Gloria's Blog Vivalavida sent me. :o)
Great giveaway! Beautiful artwork! Congratulations on your 100th follower!
Hi Babs!
Good for greedy Lolo! heehee!
Thanks for joining; goycha all accounted for!
Hi LuLu!
Got you listed---love coming by your blog and seeing what you're up to! :)
Hey KJ,
I had to close down early last evening due to a storm! Ick.
You guys are the best kiss-ups! This is beginning to get quite enjoyable! HAHAHA!
Okay, I will figure out all your points later when I have had coffee so I don't screw them up! :D
Hey Beth!
Gotcha listed! And will give props to Karen S!!!
Hey Peggy,
Will have to check out her painting! Gotcha in the draw---I did get the turks caps photographed and they are beautiful! Talk about intense color...WOW!
Hi Donna!
Thanks for coming over and Gloria is DULY NOTED!!! :)
Gotcha in!!!
Such gorgeous color. Count me in and I am a follower as well! Congrats on those growing numbers too.
I gotcha Pam!
Hope you're doing well; I've been trying to get by everyone's blogs in between work and all the severe weather! (I need the computer in the basement! LOL!!!)
scientific data indicates that kj currently has 14 points.
kj did not send this information even though her avatar may erroneously appear
I can so tell that "Love Letters" wants to live in New Haven - can't you?!
Please throw my name in the cyber hat!
And thanks for the opportunity!
oh - and of COURSE I'm a long-time follower!
....aaaaaaaaaand, I have put your giveaway on my sidebar!
If folks don't say I sent them, I'm going to get testy LOL LOL LOL
Yeah Yeah KJ!
I supposed you're going to blame Emily....right???
Hey Tristan!!!
I am thinking I need to make PRINTS of that one....LOL!!!
You're in Baby!
Yes Tristan, you are.
Like, from the beginning!! ;)
You get 'em Tristan! (you must be feeling better I think!)
Thanks sweetie!
If you're a rabbit, does it count extra?
e. r.
Hotlinks and spam-fry. Enter me again or there will be kinklinks to deal with... teehee **kisses** Deb
Oh Boy....
Now I have Rabbits chasing my art!
Emily, everyone has an equal chance. And don't pelt me with frozen peas!!!
Y'all are CRAZY!!!
LOL!!! I had no idea when I started this...... <:}
Just posted about this on my 'blob' - hope that gets a few more followers for you!
Let's see,,,I also know KJ, and Emily, and Deb,,,,,,,,are they good for anything?
Points I mean,,,
I never eat hotlinks, so that's not a problem.
86 comments already!!!! Yow!! I'm late!!
Anyway, these 2 paintings are FAB-U-LOUS !!!!!!!!! OMG, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE "Love Letters"!!! You MUST make prints, Anne, please!!
SO...I am commenting (1) I am an avid follower (2) I have posted a picture and a link on my sidebar
(3) I live in Virginia (4) I love skellies and skulls (5) I love your Blog Music (6) You make the BEST banners (7) You are the funniest person I know (8) Your photographs are WONDERFUL (9)
Well, I would go on and on, but I know that entries #4 through 9 don't count. ): Hey, when the stakes are high, a girl can try, can't she?????
Beautiful artwork, Anne!!! All fingers crossed and all toes, elbows, teeth.....
♥♥ audrey
CONGRATULATIONS on 100+ followers, Anne. In no time at all, you will have 100+ more!!!
Oh, did I mention how great it would be if you made prints of "Love Letters"?????
♥ audrey
Wonderful pieces! I am in. Lolo AND Kj sent me! :-). I am off to become a follower too. xoxo
I want in!! great giveaway and blog, I'm following! :oD
First off, Magpies Mumblings sent me. Secondly, a big congratulations on the 100 followers. What great giveaways and to be so generous as to have two winners.
I would love to be one of the winners from your "little vow" art studio. There is nothing as joyful as the colors and the spirit behind miligros. Congrats on 100 posts. Sea Witch
Whew! My hands are cramping from scrolling down here. Thank you very much dear Anne for your visits and kind comments. I wish you a good day. Take care. Tsup!
Hi M.A.--
Thanks!!! Couldn't answer last evening on these and now I have a pile! Yikes!
Hey Babs,
Yes indeedy! They are good for *something*.....LOL!!!
Points that is.... :D
Anne.....who has had more than her share of hotlinks. ICK.
Hey Audrey!
I tell ya, you guys should win a prize for best reason I should PICK YOU, eventhough it is a random drawing! LOL!!!
Y'all keep me on my toes!
You're in kiddo!
Hi Annie!
Gotcha gotcha! And Lo and KJ too!
Hi Ayala!
Thanks for the blog comment and gotcha counted in!
Obviously there are going to be some more blogs *I* have to check when I get the counting done!
Hi Dolores,
Will send *Thanks* to M.a. for directing you here!
Glad to have you in the draw!
Hi Sea Witch,
Got ya in! And I am sure you follow too....to get the right numbers....oh my brain. ;)
You snuck in on me there!
My hands are cramped from typing and life in general---we need a masseuse! (and wine) Yes? :D
Hi! Please sign me up to win one of your collages. I'm also a follower of your blog and I've posted about your giveaway and included a link to your page. Keeping my fingers crossed!!! Keep creating...i love your work!
Hi Rebecca!
Gotcha listed!!!
thanks for the kind words on my work!
HAve a great one!!!
Oh Anne, what a wonderful friend you are, to protect my bubble with your scythe! That is INTENSE! I've never had a friend with a scythe before. My oh my, what I was missing. Oh look, our bubbles just bounced off each other...I see a rainbow on yours!
**gently blows your bubble higher**
Deb ♥♥♥
Well Deb, at least if they call us *bubble-headed blondes* now, we can laugh and snicker because they just complimented us!!! ;D
ooh la la ..Gloria sent me here and oh how I hope to be a lucky winner of your art!! Happy to meet ya!
Hi Deb!
Welcome to the fun!
Good luck!!!
I just love you...you are one crazy broad and I am already one of your followers. YEEHAW! Ride them cowgirl! Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
Hey MAry Helen!
Just a little bit of a blog party going on here!! Eh? ;)
Glad you got in on it!!!
TAke care!
Came over from She Who Blogs. I follow on GFC.
Beautiful pieces!
Don't forget to enter to win a copy of "This One is Mine" at Colloquium!
jhsmail at comcast dot net
Another of *Us Who Blog*!!! Welcome!
Will check out your giveaway, and thanks for signing up!
Have a good one ♥
Oh what fun! Love your work! I'm a follower too! :)
Thank you for the chance to win some of you wonderful work!
Welcome Whytefeather!
Love your avatar!
Gotcha in the mix for the draw!
Wishing good luck to everyone! :)
Hi Anne, came over to visit after seeing your comment on Diana Evans' blog. Love, love, love your use of colour :) Off for a peek of your studio :)
Hi Sarah!
Thank heavens my *virtual studio* is cleaner than the one IRL right now! LOL!!! Make yourself at home and thanks for coming by! Gotcha in the draw!
Anne, I found you through Tristan (we don't want him to get testy!!) and I **love** your love letters piece. I just signed up to follow you too. Thank you for the opportunity!
yours, lenna
Hi Lenna,
Oh heavens no! We can't have Tristan testy!!! ;)
I gotcha in the mix---thanks for signing up!
Hmm did I miss this too. Will add to my blog. Hugs
Gotcha in there Bunny!!!
Boy, I'm going to need a math whiz to figure this give-away out! LOL!!!
Hi Anne, thanks for joining me, I just followed you back! Goodness, do you have room for any more comments?! I'm off to work soon, so I'll try the link thing later!
Love those bright colors!
Hi Emma!
There's always room for one more! :D Thanks---I'll put you down with the link added.
Have a good one!
I love these they are beautiful and I'm not a follower and now I'm going to link to you from my art blog.
Hi Sophia!
Gotcha down on the list girl!
(I may have to make prints of "Love Letters".....hmmmmmm)
Hi Sandy!
Glad you stopped by to sign up---got you on the list!
hI again just linked to you ...
I mean to say I am "now" a follower - but see that you saw that..ha.a
First time visitor and in love with your use of color and collage! Came your way by way of Bluechairdiary@blogspot.com - Sophia's place. I am now a follower and would love either of these gorgeous creations! So great to have found you!
Hi Julia!
Welcome! I have both you and Sophia accounted for, so just relax till I draw tomorrow!
I have SEEN the original piece, I have held the original piece.... I want the original!!! PICK ME PICK ME!!!!
Hey Teri,
And you did a lovely PRINT of the original piece!!!
Gotcha in the draw!
I love your pieces! I'm a new watercolorist as of this year and would love to frame one of these as inspiration. The colors are awesome!
I am also following you now, please count me in for two chances!
Post a Comment
Talk to me Dahling!
I'm waiting, breathless...... ;-D