Monday, May 17, 2010

Elena's First Blog Give Away!!!!

Go to "My Quest" to find out what is going on! Elena always has interesting questions and thoughts related to art and the artists life in general, and I am glad I met her through the blogworld.
You'll enjoy the posts, plus you get to sign up for a give away too! And I bet you'll want to follow......  "My Quest"
Now go. GO GO GO!!!!! :D


Elena said... 1

Awww Anne! Jeez thanks (blushing blushing) I'm really glad I found you too...

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 2

Hey, just getting the word out!!!



Timaree said... 3

I'm looking over her blog and saw your comment about your husband saying laptops are too fragile. NOT! Let me repeat, NOT! I love mine. It's my third one as one I got never worked from the get go but I couldn't convince my husband of that. The other got too behind the times! I LOVE my laptop. It's my only computer as they are as big as most desktops in capacity now. My one bad computer is the only one in the family that was bad and we've made sure all four grandkids plus our two kids have one. Family gatherings end up with computers everywhere. we once played Trivial Pursuit with my husband and I against our daughter (who was visiting) and her husband who we put on the video cam of the laptop with Instant Messenging! That was so fun. My laptop is my best friend as it goes everywhere I go (well not to the store but on all visits elsewhere) and keeps me in touch all the time with cyber friends. The one I have uses the wireless for internet and to my printer. The laptops take up so much less room. If your eyes are older and you don't mind the size I recommend the 17 inch monitor size one. I prefer the next size down simply because I like small things but on the 17 you can even enjoy movies you download. MMMmmm, well I guess you can tell I love laptops so enough said!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 4

DH works with the Government and they do not exactly purchase the highest quality electronics,thus his lack of love for laptops.
And I love all my components seperate so I can change things as I need hardware, etc. For my studio setting, it works great. I think I have four seperate generations of pieces hooked up to mine and everything works.
My whole issue with having one in the studio is TIME.....I just spend too much TIME on it, and that is MY FAULT! HAHAHA!


Marie S said... 5

You are back!! YAY!!
Have a great week. Offffffff to check out Elena.
Have a magical week.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 6

Hey Marie!

Yep the B*tch is Baaaaaaaaack....LOL!!!
Been working on art and putting off groceries, but I'm thinking that is now the priority if we're gonna EAT tonight! :D


Anna Rosa Designs said... 7

Hi Anne,
Good to see you back in blogland!
So glad to read your on new meds and they're kicking in. Now for you to behave, kick back and look after yourself.
I'm off to check out "My Quest"
Take care,

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 8

Hey Anna,

I am trying hard to behave.
I am.



Elena said... 9

LMAO Anne! You rule - seriously like the queen bee. I just logged into my blog and find all these visitors saying you sent them. Hee musta scared them or something.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 10

Hey Elena,

They know I'm crazy and are humoring me! :D
Glad you've had more visitors!!

The Queen Bee.......Oooooo, I do like that! LOL!

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said... 11

take the time you need to sit still and just be...I have missed you dear friend but as I told someone else today...our days can become as hectic as our hair...standing still is essential for the journey. Imagine and live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 12

Mary Helen, I sat till I thought I would lose what little mind I have left....which we both know is NOT much.
I'm trying to behave, but then there is that nasty thing called *catching up*.
It's never done, but I try hard! ;)


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I'm waiting, breathless...... ;-D