Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Beauty After The Rain.......

Please click the photos to see all the delight
of raindrops and sun,
making utter magic!



Robinsunne said... 1

Enjoying your photos of the rain. Nothing too severe here in Maine. I am just loving the spring greens here though: so yellow. A brightness in such dramatic contrast to the muted tree trunks ... and then next to the blue-grey storm clouds. We only get this for such a short time in spring. I love it.

Silke Powers said... 2

Gorgeous!! I ran out to take pictures of our oak leaf hydrangea yesterday after the rain. The light was so pretty. Is that a gingko tree? I love their leaves...

Have a great day!! Love, Silke

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 3

Hi Robimsunne,

We have passed that beautiful yellow-green and now are more bright green with tidbits of late tress in various shades of pinkish brown-olive. It passed quickly this year; I did not get one photo snapped mostly due to bad weather. But a couple of gloriuos sunny days when all the trees were alight and the woods looked amazing!!!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 4

Yes Silke, the top leaf is a Ginko. It was a gift from the lady down the road whose reproduces rapidly. I have babied that tree--it is still quite short.
I love the water droplets with the sunshine....soooooo pretty!!!
Off to have a better day than yesterday! LOL!!!


Quilt Rat said... 5

WOW! Those are amazing photos. What is your camera? Love the look.... the sun dances after a rain.

yoborobo said... 6

Anne - you take such gorgeous photos. You have quite an eye for this, you know. :) I hope you are in your studio, working furiously on the next big art project. I am going to get some time later this afternoon to make something...what I have no idea! have a good one - xoxo Pam

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 7

Hey Jill,

I use an older model Fuji Finepix Digital. It does the thinking! haha! I just get it lined up and shoot....which is about all I can handle! :D


Unknown said... 8

So, jealous. You know I love the rain/water on things. We are so dry here still. But, the skies are dark this morning. We shall see.


Stunning pictures...

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 9

Hey Pam,

My dad was a hobby photographer (but he could have made a living at it) so I learned from someone even more anal than myself! That was the era of film, light meters, doing our own printing....wonderful! (I still remember the smell of opening the package the Kodak 620 rolls came in!)
I used to drive him nuts with shooting with backlight---that was NOT in his book! LOL!!! And those are the ones I love the most!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 10

Oh KAte,

I wish I could have sent some of the RAIN your way...but not the storm part!
Thanks on the pix! I always love yours with the water drops---they are sooo beautiful!


Anonymous said... 11

Beautiful, especially the Peony!!

kj said... 12

anne!!! HAHAHA! you my dear can write rhyme anytime!!! now in addition to getting to know you as an artist and photographer i can see you with a children's book or make it an children's adult book, the story in rhyme. even emily is impressed. she is showing off your poems to the neighborhood (okay, she's making it sound like she is a star and look at the accolades she's getting...)

but anytime
no need for crime
please rhyme
on a dime

now, about these photos. i love raindrops. to me there is a whole world in one raindrop. and i am partial to the different color greens you've captured.

i am clapping. clap! clap! clap!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 13

Hey MArilyn,

I was lucky with the peony shot; the wind was still blowing and I happened to capture the *one* still moment. several other shots dumped from movement.


Janet Ghio said... 14

Your photographs are wonderful. I love Ginko leaves!!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 15

Hey KJ,

I've been having fun with Poems to Emily.....can you tell???
Yes, the one thing that is always so lush after a storm is the sum on all the shades of green. It is so intense and verdant.....just draws you in. Everything is turned into sparkling magic....even the mundane!

XXOO...and HI to Emily! ;)

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 16

Hey Janet,

Me too! I keep pampering that little tree---last year it set some beautiful leaves but so far this year it doesn't seem it is doing as well. I need to get a fertilizer stake.....


Elena said... 17

Oh wow! Love love the photos. Guess it's a life lesson; beauty after hardship.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 18

Bingo Elena! That's why we get those beautifulk rainbows too, as a reminder!
Shooting after a storm always produces amazing photos, unless it's been one of those that just shreds everything....


Tristan Robin said... 19

well, aren't you getting clever with that camera?! GORGEOUS photos ... the enlarged images are stunning.

Georgina said... 20

We're greening up also...from brown to green!! LOL

Love ya,

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 21

hey Tristan,

Mom always did say I didn't have enough sense to get in out of the rain....and look! She was right!
Had a ball out there....


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 22

Hey Georgina,

I don't know about there, but here it sems like it's brown one day and two rains later, everything is so green it can make your eyes hurt! It is an amazing process....


GlorV1 said... 23

Stunning! You've captured beauty at it's best. Have a great rest of the week.

Marie S said... 24

These pictures are wonderful Anne, evrything looks so good after a rain.
Have a great day!
love and hugs

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 25

Thanks Gloria!

You too, and enjoy that good stuff from the grill! :)


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 26

Hi Marie,

Everything always seems so *green*; I think it must be an atmoshperic thing...when the sun is just right, and there is all that water still in the air...


kj said... 27

keep them coming, anne.
and hold on to them, as i will.
they are damn fine,
those rhymes
this time,
not at all sublime
just very damn fine!


Leslie said... 28

Ooooh, ginkgoes, peonies, and honeysuckles... What a feast!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 29

Oh Leslie....I was just out there trying to run the weedeater around that ginko, and I am a withered old fart!
The beds all need sooooo much work, and they sooooo are not getting it!


Magpie's Mumblings said... 30

That ginkgo photo NEEDS to be on a mug you know (well all of them do actually, but especially the ginkgo). SO pretty after the rain.

Anonymous said... 31

Nothing more beautiful the nature after a rain. Here it is still flooding keeping the school buses from running. The grands just love that, but that means they have to make it up. Keep all the good photos up. Blessings

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said... 32

We are receiving these nasty storms tonight...I am waiting for my irises are ready to open up in there glory hopefully in the morning. Thank you for sharing this glorious transformation in Nature. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

Vicki~TheMiddleSister said... 33

Very nice shots! I'm tired of rain and losing my Internet.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 34

Hi M.A.

I guess I do need to design a line of the florals for Zazzle....pick a few that really have oomph and put them on mugs.
I think I'll save the cards for if I choose to print them myself....a bit more money, eh? ;)


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 35


We missed the rain yesterday, though thought we would get it.
I know my kin in Tennessee are not in the flodded areas, but it is quite awful there. Hopefully it will pass and things can get back to safe and normal.


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 36

Hey MAry HElen,

I saw that stuff heading your way on the radar----holy caw it looked mean!
I have one iris that ALWAYS opens right before a severe storm. I don't know if it needs the humidity, but consistently, it is a predictor of bad weather!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 37

Hey Vicki,

I am too, and I don't have satellite internet! I think something needs replacing on the one tower......
I'm just tired of storms....pfffft!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 38

Hey KJ,

YOU keep them!!! I just blither them out and forget what I have written! It is all spur of the's not like I think or anything! LOL!!!
Emily can tend them, yes? ;)


marianne said... 39

beautiful! i can't believe that your peonies are already budding- in that you are ahead of us here!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 40

They literally came up over night. One day leaves, the next day tall stalks and the buds forming.
But we have had such odd weather---I think they were just waiting for enough heat to pop up.


audrey said... 41

I could stare at that ginko leaf photo for hours. It is magical!!! I am SO drawn to ginko. I should plant one in my yard.
All of these photos are gorgeous, Anne, but the ginko ~ I WANT IT!!!!
♥ audrey

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 42

Hey Audrey,

I am sure a ginko would do well there; I think they tolerate warmer climates good and they do put off shoots so you can have one tree that becomes a mass of them, or dig the offshoots and transplant.
I'm not messing with mine--I'm going to let it do what it wants!!!


Deborah said... 43

Swoonalicious! Love the lighting and the soft focus. Excellent shots.
**kisskiss** Deb

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 44

hey Deb,

I love shooting in the evening, after a rain. it just sets everything up for perfect shots with little effort!
That late sun does it ALL!!


di from di-did-it said... 45

oooooooo, you've done it again, girl! these photos are fabulous! THANK YOU for sharing your gifts with us!

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