Wednesday, March 17, 2010

And the Winner IS........!!!!!

......totally randomly picked by the *Fran-O-Lator* (because the DH-O-Lator is in the middle of an exercise at the Base......), I present our winner of the "Love Is..." painting that appeared on the first Worthiness post:


Congratulations!!!! I hope you enjoy it!!!
I want to thank everyone who participated; we had approx. 140 people who left comments. I was blown away.......  :-)    You all were wonderful and I appreciate your participation!
Audrey, pop me an e-mail with your snail mail addy and I will try and get the piece packaged and off to you as soon as possible! (just not TODAY....I've been under the house looking for bugs and need to go get a nap now.......LOL!!!)
Now everyone, go have a wonderful day and enjoy the Spring that is on it's way!


Unknown said...

Congratulations to Audrey!!! this is wonderful....

audrey said...

I am in tears right now, so it might take me a minute to type this.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Anne!! And I must thank the Fran-O-Lator, too.
This painting is very special to me because you were one of my very first blog friends. We started this adventure right about the same time late in 2008. I admire you and your art so much and I am thrilled to have this piece. It will hang on my wall and remind me daily that I am worthy of many things in this life.
Your words on "worthiness" are embedded in my heart.
Much love to you, Anne.
♥ audrey

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Girls!
Yes, it's the early afternoon, but I'm celebrating with a glass of wine (well deserved I might add too.....)
Audrey, I did not realize we both started blogging at about the same time, but yes, wow! How the time has flown!
I am again having trouble with the addy,; you can go to my profile page and it will send it to my *other* e-mail....sigh....

This IS a Happy St. Paddys Day! Yeah, it should be green beer, but I'm a rebel.....if it just stops the headache, who cares! LOL!!!


P.S. Fran is a dear friend who I had lassoed on the phone and said, "Pick a # between 1 and 139" .....she did it quite randomly! ;)

Tristan Robin said...

COngrats to Audrey - I'm so happy for her!

Drink away Anne - as long as it's not green beer. The idea makes me gag.

Happy St.Everybody Day!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Tristan!!!
Beer should NOT be green.....that is evil......not right.....trashy.
I'm just toasting everyone this afternoon, after a greuling couple of days! LOL!!!
So have a Happy St. Tristan's Day! :D


*Ulrike* said...

A big congrats to Audrey, what a wonderful item to be receiving! Hope you head ache gets much better, if its a good glass of wine it'll make anything feel better!!

Anna Rosa Designs said...

How wonderful for you both.
Congratulations Audrey, I'm sure you are going to enjoy Anne's wonderful piece of art.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey girls....I wish I had a dozen of these to pass out....
Next time I need to consider having more than one item, and I'll put the *Fran-O-Lator* to work again for random numbers! (Actually, my number generator has never worked right since I installed always picks 1, then 1, then 1, then sometimes it will pick something else. I need to remove it...)
Off to the couch I think....pooey.
Beautiful day here!


Deborah said...

wa wa wa, same old sob story...
The DH-O-Lator! LoVe it! Congrats Audrey. Even though I LOVE it.
**blows kisses** Deb

Jan said...

No one deserves it more that Audrey, congratulations girl!

Enjoy your glass of wine, Anne, I will join you, but not for a few hours yet! Thanks for hosting this giveaway, I enjoyed your posts and the anticipation.

Anonymous said...

Hey have a glass for me and with me. Congrats to Audrey. Did you find any bugs? If the sun doesn't show up around here soon I am gonna blow my top, for whatever good it will do. Can't go out and get a decent picture. Blessings

Bunny said...

Congratulations to Audrey way to go must be the luck of the Irish. Enjoy your treasure.

My Vagabond Heart said...

Congratulations Audrey!

Anne...Under the house?

Marie S said...

Congratulation Audrey! How did I miss this? I love the felted sacred heart, I missed that too.

Must be the chaos.
LOL!! I love a good toast Anne, thank you!
Oh I made sure not too much of the chaos showed in the picture after taking it.
I have chaos, lots. I am though working on geting rid of a lot of it. I have been getting rid of stuff since 2006. It is so funny though, I get rid of something and bring two more other things in. Crazy!

I can no longer stand it and want to become a minimalist.

yoborobo said...

Oh, I'm so glad Audrey won it! YAY!!!! My computer is fritzing out, and so I am going to take my green beer and put my feet up. Have a happy St. Pat's Anne! xox

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Congratulations Audrey...I know you're getting something special. As for the bugs...UNDER the house? Ummm...Anne? WHY do you need to crawl around UNDER your house looking for bugs? Need we remind you that we're pretty sure that isn't on the list of recommended activities for you right now?

Leslie said...

Grumble, grumble, I mean congratulations to Judy...

LuLu Mypinkturtle said...

Bonjour Anne! Thanks so much for leaving such sweet comments about my latest painting ... I am so sad I missed your giveaway ... Oh well, next time! Your place is a fabulous place to drop by for a visit, love your art! Take care, LuLu

Deborah said...

Oh Anne, thank heaven you left me a comment. With no new post today, I was about to call 911 to have them check on you! It's a beautiful day here and I want to play. It's 5:00 somewhere, right?
**kisskiss** Deb

Marie S said...

Thank you so much!!!
The heart was a lame atempt, even though I really like it. I just wanted something more than and the Iron angels have given me that. I may go back and revisit the hearts now though. I can think of some more ways now to approach them.
The heart just didn't grab me the way the angels did, to get me to want to make more. I think you know what I mean right???
Iron angels must be a sorority at the Hellnback college of life. I know the singe sisters is a leading soroity there.

Oh no, Anne, I can never go back to Manto Fev ever again. Gosh darn you, Anne!!! LOL!
Love and huge hugs my darling!

Elena said...

Congrats Audrey! Enjoy the little piece of Anne!

Ces Adorio said...


I don't believe this random baloney. If it was random then I should have won. Random, my ass!



Congratulations to Audrey!



How are you?

Deborah said...

We're sorry. Anne is not able to take your call. She is busy keeping her head above water right now. Please leave a message after the beep.

La Petite Gallery said...

Congratulations to Audry and to Anne very lovely give a way.


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