Friday, January 22, 2010

Quick Note

We have had ice and rain all evening......I am not sure if we will have power tomorrow morning to post or not, so if you don't hear from me, I've not fallen off the face of the earth or dug a hole and crawled in, awaiting the Apocalypse.
I'm just living the country life! LOL!!!
I think I should be living it with one of those big, hardwired generators!
Anyway, when things calm back down to a dull roar, I'll have a post on the sewing I've been doing and the story behind that.
And hopefully, weather will not be mentioned.
This is even beginning to wear thin on ME.  >:-[
Have a good safe!



Anonymous said... 1

Morning Anne!!
We were beginning to think this weather was going to come across Pa. & hit us but it is going to nail Pittsburg & not much closer than State College, Pa. Thank goodness.... nothin' worse in the winter than ice!!
Stay put & for God's sake don't break anything!!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 2

We ended up lucking out late during the night and FINALLY is calmed. Kept having brown downs...I was drawing water in everything I could....DH was watching TV, totally unaware. Sometimes..... <:)
Ah well, it's okay. And I'm not going to the weather page to see what is next! LOL!!!
TAke care--


Silke Powers said... 3

Stay warm and cozy!! You are so nice to let us know - I've just had a two-day blogging lull and didn't say anything about it... I hope you have power again - we regularly lose it during storm season in the spring and it's never fun and only romantic for about the first 30 minutes... Can't wait to hear the story behind that beautiful piece!! Love, Silke

Linda and Michelle said... 4

So we had rain - and a tornado watch....had to figure out where we would go in our townhome in case we had to take shelter - there are times I miss basements and attics....Stay warm!!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 5

Hi Silke,

I usually tell people if I may not be here for a while due to some of my *adventures in stupidity* in the past.....that was how I got the broken hip in the first place!!!
And if we lose power from ice, out here, it can be days before we're back up and running.....
yeah, it's romantic as I'm waddling around collecting water due to the pump not working w/o electricity!!! DH still doesn't *get it*.....OY! MEN!!! (I love him...)


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 6

Oooooooo Linda!
That's no fun either!!! That's what we'll be in for in a couple of months, and I'm getting too old for those runs to the cellar. And frankly, I don't think this cellar offers that much protection; but I can bail the sump pump pit if the power goes off......what fun!
Hope you're okay there today!


yoborobo said... 7

Hi Anne! We have sleet. I hate sleet. But 'this too shall pass', right? I should take advantage of the icky weather and get something done. My Creative Paperclay is calling me! :) You stay safe and warm - xoxo Pam

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 8

hey Pam....the paperclay can be slowly dried in a toaster oven! :D
So you're *cooking*, even when you're not!
I just looked outside and everything is ice covered...the thought of wandering with camera is tempting but I am saying NOOOOOOOOOO....... ;)


audrey said... 9

We had a winter storm warning, but nothing took place here ~ just a little rain. We lucked out.
Stay warm, cozy, and safe.
♥ audrey

Leslie said... 10

Watching the weather this am, I am glad to be where I am as it's all going around us. Take care of you!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 11

Lucky YOU Leslie! I'm telling you, this has sucked rocks!
And I still soooooo want to go out with camera, but I'm not.... >:(


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 12

Hey Audrey, you WERE lucky.
You know, they never did issue anything but an advisory---I think they really didn't know which way this thing was going nor who would get what.....
Ah well, I have electricity for the sewing machine!


Deborah said... 13

We actually have rain here in the desert now, and I am not enjoying it. Such a brat! Stay inside!!! I think the back up generator sounds like an excellent idea!
**kisskiss** Deb

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 14

I don't think I'll admit what I've been up was NOT going out to take pics because everything melted....but a little driving was involved.... <:\
I'll sit here and be good the rest of the day, okay????


Anonymous said... 15

HAHA...glad you're "being good" Anne!...
We seemed to have missed all that bad weather here around Toronto...
beautiful sunny day, but cold wind...i'm staying in...doing the "being in limbo" thingie till i get test results!
All of you...stay warm!

Marie S said... 16

I am so glad the weather abated and hope it stays that way.
Stay warm and dry.

Anne you just made my day, thank you, thank you, thank you.
I think that paper clay will stick to just about anything, if not or if you don't want to test it, use the glues I mentioned to attach the paper clay to the glass.
Oh and keep the paper clay down on the sides and not up around the top edges if you are using it for a votive. I would just cover the bottom part like I have done on this votive.

I would also love to see what you come up with.

Anonymous said... 17

Yesterday we had thunder and lightening. I can hardly believe it. Snow and sleet, rain and wind. Man it is wild out there right now. I have been self isolated this week. Watching a couple of good movies. Saw Miss Potter, about Beatrix, yesterday. Loved it.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 18

Oh Gypsy,

The limbo thingie sucks. I always do better when I have a clue what's going on.....well, like I ever really have a clue! HA! Do take care though.
Off to the kitchen....


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 19

Hey Marie.....I may have to root around here and see if I can find something to thry that on. I think it would be fun---use fluid acrylics......That votive was darling!
I got a set of tiny heart cookie cutters.....the brain is slowly perking!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 20


They are predicting the 50's for us this weekend....I'm muttering that the next thing will be a tornado watch.....
This is NOT winter. I don't know what it is, but it's not normal winter!!!


*Ulrike* said... 21

Ice is something we get down here instead of snow, and this year we have had snow already. I agree it has been a wierd winter. We have had 60's for the past couple of days, and then it dropped real fast to 30 something. Sunday who knows what that will bring as they are already warning us. Be careful if you do go out, cause I know if it was me I'd be doing the same thing!
Take Care!

Magpie's Mumblings said... 22

Talking about husbands being unaware...when Jack & I were first married and we had our first thunderstorm he sat in utter amazement as he watched me fill every container I could find with water. Apparently, when you live in the country (as I did) you know enough to do that just in case. When you live all your life in town (as he did) the power might go out, but the water still ran, Took me years to understand that yes, it was okay to flush the toilet when the power was out!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 23

Hi Ulrike,

Being *somewhat* smart, I subdued the urge to waddle through the yard with the camera. There was still a coating of ice on the grass.....I checked....always thinking!....and decided it was not worth the risk of having another hospital adventure for a few photos! LOL!
I think we in for another weather change; feel it in the joints.
This has been an odd winter which rather puts me in fear of what Spring will send our way........


Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 24

Hi MA,

LOL!!! Oh my, yep, same here! I've been thru some bad ice storms, and even then sometimes the town utilities were questionable so since Dad grew up on a farm, I learned then what to do. And I still do things "farm-style". DH grew up in Detroit, back in the day when they had excellent utilities, and, well.....that says it all!!!
It's kind of funny now but was not at the time!


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