Saturday, January 16, 2010

GIVEAWAY ALERT!!!! Go Directly Toooooooo.......

 ...."Enchanted Revelry" for the absolutely most fantabulous give away, and a great celebration of numbers for Tristan! YAY!!! I am delighted to have known this multi-talented man for, well, a goodly while when we met back on the Yahoo "Fiber-Pirates" group years ago.
Stellar posts, great humor, sewing talent out the ya-ya......hmmmm.....I reeeeally should be jealous!
But he has a wonderful heart too, and is a generous soul. (just check the giveaway for proof!)So click on his blog name, leave a comment to enter and also, hearty CONGRATS for three big milestones he has met in the world of blogdom!!!


And yes, I am still extremely jealous of his gorgeous hair.......hmmmmpft!
Now, go.



Ces Adorio said...

Jackrabbit-speed is not advisable at the moment when you still had to heal 100%.

Thank you for stopping by my blog and those golden locks ought to be illegal. No man should ever have hair that looks more beautiful than a woman's!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Yes, I still feel the need to torment him a bit about the gorgeous tresses! It is NOT fair!!!!(I look like a skunk right now....I need to get *naturally blonde* again and have not been up to the HOUR of nuclear warfare on my scalp required to achieve it...)
Much enjoyed your have incredible stories to tell.
I am off to the couch or chair and ottoman.
All of me has had it for today! productive, but still healing and I can tell!
Take care dear!!!


Anonymous said...

I never thought when I sarted blogging that I would consider a man one of my best friends!!! I just Love Tristan & he is one of the kindest people in my life.....
I did know that he has this great giveaway going!! My daughter said if I won it I would have to fight her for it... Ha!! I'm not as old as she thinks!! ROFLMBO!!
Have a Great Evening Anne!!

Tristan Robin said...

*in my best drama school melodrama voice*

I am more than my hair you know. Behind all that hair is a real human being with real feelings and real emotions.


You all are so funny.

Anne, you must have found the only photo of me in a suit in existence. LOL If it weren't for the occasional gallery opening - or funeral - I live happily in my homeless and fashionless world.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Ah'll LOVE IT!!!
Have fun!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Marilyn,,
If you win, I'm coming to join in the fight!!! And if we tape it then we can sell the video for MORE art supply money!!! LOL!
Tristan is a gem (pssst! don't tell him I said so! heehee!)


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...


ROFLMAO!!!! You are TOOOOOOOO good!!!
Yes, honey, there is more to you than your hair; 'kay???? ;)
I had to scrounge secretly on your FB album---increase the image size, do a lot of tweaking after cropping....GOSH! What work!
I wanted that one pic of you that had the black jacket, white shirt and tie....but didn't want to give this away and could not remember where I saw it....probably your blog! <:)


P.S. When you were having the *hair hissy* on here, did you toss your head side to side for dramatic effect??? :D (I am so toast.....)

Robbie said...

Anne, and I thought you were taking some time off from blogging! Bad girl..but I can see where Tristin's blog is a must read. Take care lady and get off the computer!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I'found' Tristan through your blog and have enjoyed his posts thoroughly. He must spend hours preparing them! Haven't mustered too much in the way of courage to comment (yet), but I did on this one!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, what a true tribute to our friend Tristan, Anne! and all! it! I'm going to be jealous of the winner of his giveaway!...hmmm, maybe it will be ME! lol!

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

I did not realize you actually knew this wonderful artist! He is so incredibly is pure Joy rising...what a gift for all who read his witty banter! Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Robbie---giveaway posts don't count.
Plus I was dead on my feet by the time it went up, and was heading up to crash for the rest of the hopefully I am not in TOO much trouble!!! LOL!!!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Gypsy,

I'm going to be seriously jealous of the winner too....CAT FIGHT!!! LOL!!!
That is *some prize material*!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Oh MA,

Just comment! Tristan would love it and he always gets something pithy from me---well, sometimes I'm just raving that I want something he has posted in a photo that I will never get...LOL!
So see, this is a great way to introduce yourself!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Mary-Helen,

Yes....I think Tristan and I started our blogs around the same time but had been on a Yahoo fiber art group for years.....that was fun, and the people have drifted and I often miss the side-splitting, completely off-color jokes and comments we would post! (plus real fiber work too) Really good times!
But as you can see from his blog; he was cut out for this and provides enjoyment to sooooo many people!


Georgina said...

I love that pic of, what a mane....I too am jealous. I had long hair long ago, but I got tired of it killing my vacuum cleaner and clogging up the bathtub!!

He's still on me about the menudo...calls it something made by minions for the anti-Christ or something like that...funny him!!

Love ya,

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

OMG!!!! That sounds like him! Too funny!!!
When I was in high school I had my hair long but it was so fine it was always in knots. I finally gave up and got it cut.....hated to, but really, it looked like crap!
Now it's sorta long (for me!) and I am ready for the shears to get back to a nice Marilyn-Style!!!


Ces Adorio said...

Anne, yes, there was US Girl Scouting in the military bases in the Phils because I met the girls. They were very "American" unafraid of breaking rules! Hahaha! Oh my our scouting council was so active. We have encampments, parades, rallies, jamborees and weekend gatherings. It was a party all around but this was in the sixties and seventies and later in the early eighties when I was a young troop leader. All the cool and smart girls were Girl Scouts then. Now young girls are so different.

Silke Powers said...

Anne, I loved your comment on my blog! You described perfectly the push/pull of commissioned work. I have to be careful that the slow speed of doing a commission doesn't stop me painting all together. It's such a fascinating process and I am learning every day! I LOVE your art, especially the liturgical pieces!! Hugs, Silke

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

It is always just slog through and then at some point, it all comes together!!!
Trust me....wink! wink!


Silke Powers said...

Anne, thanks for your other comment. That's just what I did today - I have a couple of things that I'm doing for me and that helps to balance fun creative time with the commissioned piece...

Hugs, SIlke

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