Friday, October 16, 2009

It has finally happened......

.......I am having a complete and utter Blog-Brain-Blank. There is nothing there but a few disjointed thoughts pinging off the interior of my skull, moshing in my sinus cavities and generally trying to push my eyeballs out.
Are there interesting things in the studio to photograph?
Am I doing that?
The rain and cold has brought in a humdiginger of a sinus headache that has me almost seeing double. Now, considering on a good day when I go to use the camera, I don't see too well, I'm not pushing the envelope for this. Photos can wait for another day. And cropping, and reducing sizes...all the fun that goes with trying to make this blog look somewhat attractive.
Thus, the antique clip-art drivel instead. It was that or a skull in pieces, to show where all the cranial plates come together....okay, I find that interesting but I didn't think others would. Gentle readers, you ARE on my mind! (just look closely at the illustration and see which little compartment you fit into!)
I think---not sure but THINK---I have DH home this weekend, got an e-mail about firming up a commission, so that will be some online time for supply prices, and have the bank to do and a pile of bills calling my name.
Ah, the drudgery of life.........Calgon, take me away!!!! (or any good quality wine, with a nice fruit and cheese platter of course!)
So until I am a more fit blog authoress, I hope that creativity is pinging about in YOUR brains and not trying to push your eyeballs out. ;-) Or if it is, well, it's a creative push!!!
I bid you, most sincerely.....



Anonymous said...

So sorry you feel lousy..... A sinus headache like that is awful!! Sort of like a little man behind your eyeball keeping rythum to a latino band!! Oy......
It is still snowing here. Since I posted at about 4 a.m. we have gained a total of about 3". Trees are hanging heavy & as soon as I can I will go out to shake the snow off some of the smaller ones.
Take Care Anne....

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Marilyn!

You got that exactly right! Both eyes were bongos when I was posting! I finally ditched the contacts, drew a hot bath and relaxed (despite the work) and the steam helped everything feel better. I will work without contacts today....!
Wow--you sure ARE getting snow! I bet we end up with a winter with little. Always seems dry summers and wet falls equal little winter snow. What a strange year!
I'm off.....any way you look at it! LOL!!!


marianne said...

sometimes the body just shouts STOP! and what can you do but obey? glad you found some relief- have a good weekend. oh, and check out grace potter & the nocturnals if you haven't heard them.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hi Marianne---
Wil have to check them out; we are always looking for new music. Hubby just found some semi-recent, semi-obscure rockabilly chick, Kay....dang it! Her name escapes me. She sounds like a female Elvis! Really cool!
Well, off to sew. Have another commission brewing and this current one needs to GET OUT! LOL!!!


Ces Adorio said...

Aw Anne, I have been missing too much of your blog. I have not really visited anyone, so bummed out with my 'puter fiasco. I will try to come back and linger when I am in a happier mood. Just wanted to say Hi' to you!. Love, Ces

yoborobo said...

Hi Anne! Tell the Bongo Band to back off! I get those headaches, too, and they are miserable. I've been feeling VERY antisocial lately - hahaha! I'm not sure why, maybe it's like you said, the drudgery of life rears its little head now and then. This too shall pass, right, my friend? Sunny, sinus clear days are on the horizon! xoxox Pam

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Ces,

I totally understand.....I would be a raving maniac (worse than usual) if I had gone through what you did.
I'll be may be mind-numbing drivel, but the blog will be here!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Pam,

Boy, so have I. I mean, *bite the butt out of humanity* antisocial. I just think it's the lack of daylight and the body trying to adjust. I'm almost always this way at this time of year; of course, this is when we used to vacation in New Orleans, pre-Katrina, and I think the lack of ANY vacation for several years has wreaked havoc on me.
We ALL work too hard, or WORRY about the work that isn't getting done.
Maybe that's it.

From Miss Anti-Social 2009 LOL!!!

Deborah said...

Awe, come to the desert for a little vacay...high today of 97. It's a nippy 61 right now! Hope you get to feeling better soon.
**blows kisses** Deb

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Deborah......the word *nippy* and the temp *61* do NOT go together!!! LOL!!! that's warm and wonderful!
Things have calmed today; sewing, working on church banners and doing better. No contacts.
I hope things are straight.....
Would LOVE a vacation in the cool weather of course. The hot season and Hot Flashes, well, me running naked wouldn't be too NO,NO,NO. ;)


Georgina said...

Poor Baby...hate when those sinus' rear their ugly little...whatevers!!!
No studio time for me today. Getting ready for the Halloween online party sponsored by Fanciful Twist. Going to take pics tonight since my grandsons won't be available tomorrow. Have all kinds of goodies and there will be a pumpkin decorating thingy going on. By tomorrow, I can assure you I won't want to see any child under the age of 40!!! LOL Just stay in bed, drink plenty of hot tea (add some bourbon to that tea) and just keep drinking that tea...lots of it. I can assure you that you sinus' won't care after awhile and neither will you!!!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Georgina,

I saw the link to the Hallowen thingy---of course by the time I click I don't have the attention span to read.....but what little I saw looks like fun! Is it an on line Halloween party or????
Never mind...rambling. I'm a kid over 40----do I get candy??? :-D


OmaLindasOldeBaggsandStuftShirts said...

Poor Anne. I am so sorry you're sicky. I hate feeling under the weather, whether I have ugly real world things to do but especially when the blissful arty crapee is calling my special name. It's a secret...hehehe. When I have a sicky headache, it's even a secret from me so I understand. Just blow off the real world crap and take care of you.
Linda in New Mexico

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hey Linda....
Much better since the front has moved through. I'm actually working in the studio and getting stuff done.
Sometimes I excel at whining....makes everything a bit easier to bear! HA!
A hot bath last evening and hot tea got all the headache pretty much gone, so today I am progressing.


Magpie's Mumblings said...

I'm sorry about your sinus headache Anne...I certainly know what they're all about. Take care of self!
And...the 'Kay' you were trying to remember wouldn't be K.D. Lang or KT Oslin? KT Oslin is an absolute favourite of mine, but she never seemed to really go anywhere. Shame really, because she had a great voice.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

I had to go look it is (not even close....) KIM Lenz & the Jaguars! DUH! They are really good; DH ordered the last CD, and I don't know where he found it. Limited distribution. He goes to a lot of sites that sell OOP and used CDs. Google Kim Lenz....
Feeling better and getting work done, which makes me feel EVEN better! LOL!
See if you can fin the band.
Oh, KD Lang---loved *Ingenue*.....beautiful.......


Anonymous said...

Oh the DOLDRUMS of the BRAIN... oy... I hate those little buggers that come in whilst we sleep and take all of our brilliant ideas from us. Sometimes it's a relief not to have to get up and do what my brains kicks around. I get exhausted just thinking of it all. But don't you know the stealing and thieving of my thoughts when I can least afford their company!!

I am on my feet every single day and that is a good thing. Just some days I have to pick up one leg at a time. *wink*

How is the hip situation coming along? I hope you are finding comfort with all this rain we are having, it's been tough. COLD too. Good lawd it got cold quick didn't it. Terre Haute dropped like 30 degrees in what seemed two days.

Hugs to you this day. Tammy

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hi Tammy,

It was the same up here; temp just plummetted, rain poured, and that of course made things HURT....grrrrrr......
The hip is okay; it will be replaced mid Dec. and I manage the pain by focusing on other things and then by kicking back on the couch with the knitting, or reading. Sometimes, snoozing happens!
I actually ended up with a productive day today; house stuff, studio stuff and then a walk outside with the camera. Walked too far and sore but it was so pretty! I was frozen when I got in, and that was with a winter coat on. Geez......
I, like you, just take the good days when they come! I think if the weather would settle it would be easier on us all.
Take care and hope you're feeling better soon.


P.S. And I scattered milkweed seed before I waddled back to the house. All over the south acre of the property---I hope some find their way to the ground and produce more plants! And I picked up pinecones and had myself covered in jokes necessary! LOL!

Mary Helen-Art Saves Lives said...

Stop for a moment and give yourself a break...breathe gently... breathe in the deep moment of serenity. I happen o love the antique Brain image and would love to find one in a second hand shop for my own amusements. Your photos yesterday were enough to live on for the time so relax and go to your comfort spot of peace and a cup of hot tea with honey. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Oh Mary Helen, I ended up getting more done today than I thought I could. Tomorrow should be my 300th post, but I think I will wait and find something to do as a give-away.
Maybe supplies, maybe a little piece of art....something special to commemorate the number.
It was beautiful here today and I shot more pics---very tired, good dinner and WINE!
So I'm off to the couch to read, knit or snooze. (probably the last!) And I've lost a frame somehow....need to locate that. I need beepers on everything I touch so I can push a button to locate them..... ;)


Deborah said...

Thank you for stopping by my party, Anne. Alice and I alway go for the laugh! **kisskiss** Deb

teri said...

hope you wake up on Sunday and feel Fabulous!!!!!
Hang in there!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hi Deborah, Teri and Sophia!
I've been giving myself a few days off to tinker with layout, etc....
Deborah---that party was a hoot!
Teri---been kicking back a, what REST does! LOL!!!!
Sophia, WELCOME!!!! Glad you found me and stopped by! I like to share what I know, and occasionally there is substance here! Otherwise, there are laughs.... ;) I try and have a LOT of those as it helps us all to push forward!
Come back again; more art to come as soon as I can get a few fiber commissions out of the way.

XXOO to all!!!

Ces Adorio said...

Good morning tall and beautiful! Are you still suffering from sinus headaches? I have medicine for you!, by the way will you please send me an email and tell me what to inlcude in your oak portrait. I have several ideas but if there is anything you want me to include, please let me know. Thanks.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Oh Ces....good want me to THINK!!!!!
Okay, I collect bones (yeah, I'm nuts), love New Orleans, collect Sacred Hearts and other old Catholic images, have read considerable about Voodoo (the real deal and not the TV junk), read med texts and comparitive religion, love birds especially my two parakeets--one blue, one green, both feisty!, leaves, flowers, trees, fact, I always feel like I should be transplanted from here to New Orleans! We considered it before the crash of Katrina and everything I don't know...maybe I am the nymph that looks from afar to the great Crescent City and loves her and tries to rescue tidbits of her culture thru art........
Oh, the weather changed (AGAIN!) which means the sinuses cleared out.....WHOOOO-HOOOOO!!!!
My e-mail is
Have I forgotten anything? Probably..... ;)
Just tell me if I did!!!


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Ces...see? I forgot.....I collect little things with skulls. Don't know how that got started. Friends just started giving me them.
This should get interesting...... :)


Betsy said...

I hope you feel better. Your prize is lovely.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Hi Fiesta!

Much better thanks! Just living in Indiana and the constantly fluctuating weather.... ;)
Glad you stopped by!


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