Or getting my hair back to *naturally blonde*.....ahem!
Hope you all are having a productive holiday weekend but not one to break your back or put you in traction. Have some fun and enjoy the days!
And no, I have no shame......yes, I am a HAM.
You knew that! ;)
tell people you're taking a Martha Graham class!!!!!!
I about killed myself when this was taken. The girl shooting the pic kept saying, "Get your feet up! Now put you head up further!"
I'm too old for cheesecake. It's more like squishy, over ripe Brie..... LOL!!!
Before or after PT? And when's the next PT? LOL....I carry so much extra baggage there's NO way I could even lift myself!!
Gads, I love your blog! Thanks for the inspiration and laughs. You're a force of nature, how do you do it?
Geez..you look so graceful on your knees. Could never look graceful like that ff I were in that position.
Tried this, could not get it to work..what's the secret?
Hey girls,
This is sooooooo funny! We were cutting canvas in a very cold room, and I had my shoes off so as not to mar the surface but my feet were freezing. I kept putting them up in the air, to get them off the floor. One of the girls said, "Give me a cheesecake pose!". Well, all 5'10" of me got propped, then she said move your feet, move your head, smile......
I'm thinking I can't even BREATHE!!!!
It's from years of modeling and yes, this was before PT but I am close to being able to do it again.
Have been digging and planting trees....if I'm a force of nature (as opposed to a FARCE!) then I must be Mother Nature because I'm one stubborn mutha!!! LOL!!!!
Glad I can make all ya'all laugh!
Oh--that was the WORST sweater I own too........what a sex goddess.....NOT.
I want a copy of that picture, it is perfect in every way and so are you!
Thanks for the morning chuckle.
Farce of Nature, OMG, I about peed myself...
It's true......you know it....
Just right click the photo and you can save it.
Should scare away any varmits or pests in the house......
Cheaper than an exterminator!
jeez! your humiliating pix are cuter than my best pix!!! you crack me up! but dam you make me nervous! your hip your hip! AND you're hip!!!
Shake it Baby!!!! Hey, I gotta get this thing mobile so when I'm a little old lady (okay---*little* and *lady* will never fit the bill!) I can chase all the young male attendants at the nursing home/mental facility!!!!!
I'm getting prepared! WHOOOO-HOOOO!
And Gary did most of the tree digging today; I however was armed with the hatchet! HA!
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Talk to me Dahling!
I'm waiting, breathless...... ;-D