Saturday, April 18, 2009

Circus Art

Today I will be heading in to Peru to the Circus Center to work on the banner project that has sort of been on hiatus due to someone feeling the need for a medical vacation..... (ahem!) Really, it has NOT been on vacation; we had the banner fabrics hemmed and then there was the work of trying to get proper images, etc. to paint. It is not, by any means a small job. And the real work is just beginning.
However, the artwork posted today is a piece I had donated a couple of years ago to the International Circus Hall of Fame fund raising gala.
In some odd, infinitesimal way, I have a connection to them. In the art above (which is another beeswax collage) you will see elephants and horses, and there is the image of a house in the background. That was the home of my great, great grandparents or great, great, great aunt, and when the Wallace Circus (later Hagenbeck-Wallace) would be in town for a show, or home to their winterquarters, they often would graze the animals or set up on my ancestors property. The postcards are the scanned backs of the images--this is a part of my lineage, at a very great distance.
I had a wonderful time putting the work together; the leaf skeletons refer to the Fall of the year, the last shows, discarded ticket stubs, the bright wrapping papers from prizes won upon a midway or some sugary sweet purchased at the performance.......
It is interesting seeing the faces of the men in their suits with the pachyderms---appropriately dressed while walking and tending the animals! I have no dates for the cards; I just know the writing is my grandmother's much later in her life.
In the signature line of e-mails, I sign off with "Life creates Art. Art creates Life."TM
Indeed, it is true. My distant family's life was the inspiration for this art.
The funds from the art helped a bit to keep the ICHOF alive.
It is a sweet synergy, even after all these long and distant years.
And now to work. Gessoing huge pieces of canvas.
Maybe, considering yesterday's post and accompanying photo I do have a little circus in my think? ;)

P.S. Please click the photo for a close up of the work, to enjoy the old photos. And the heading from todays post is clickable, going to the ICHOF website which is well worth a look-around for circus fans!


My Vagabond Heart said... 1

Love that piece. Glad to hear the banners are progressing. Look forward to seeing the finish pieces. ~8-)

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 2

Yeah, me too. I think they will be interesting. It's been such a long time since I worked on this size scale---I think the last time was when I did work for the Base, when I was still single! We won't discuss how long that's been! LOL!!!!

Leslie said... 3

Thank you so much for the paying it forward with the Renee Award. What a lovely idea.

I love the circus piece as well. Very kewl.

Good luck with the banners. We are still snowed in here. Not going anywhere today, we're thinking.

Jan said... 4

What a fascinating bit of history in your background. I went to the circus site too and read the opening page. All very interesting and also so sad the parts about losing the animals and burning the wagons. I hope you don't over do it, working on the banners today. How many gallons of gesso will that take? Lots, I'll bet.

Also, congratulations on the award, what a nice bit of sharing.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 5


Hoped you would appreciate it! You gracefully posted and stuck through, with faith, the situation with your church and if you did not earn the award for THAT ALONE, I can't imagine why not.
Plus, I love to check in---like a quick visit at a friend's house---to see what's going on.
You enjoy it!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said... 6

I'm not sure how much gesso we had--at least 5 gallons. But we had seven people there working and in 1 1/2 hours, they were primed. I actually could bend straight over at the waist and prime without and pain or fatigue. Of course, I'm worn out NOW, but I was so happy I did not have to dump work on someone else that I couldn't do. It was fun!
Glad you checked the link to the ICHOF; there was SOOOO much history here. And with the economy, it really is a struggle for all our remaining industries/tourist attractions.
I wish I could recreate the collage---but you know how that is. Once, that's it!

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